Power walking: Tips for losing weight by walking & strengthening health through quick walking

Power walking is often underestimated, but it can be a great training session to become fit in spring, regardless of whether they areAt the beginning of your fitness tripstand or are an experienced runner.

It is a light cardio training that you can go for miles! Many people who have not yet tried power walking think that it is the same as normal, only faster. In reality, however, the differences are far greater. In this article you will find out everything you need to know about Power Walking. Let's go!

What is power walking

Power walking is an exercise technology in which speed and arm movement are in the foreground to promote health. Correctly executed, regular quick walkingGood for the cardiovascular system, the joints and emotional health. It requires certain techniques to ensure that your shape is correct and that you have reached an appropriate aerobic level.

Power Walking can be a good start to the race, but also oneGood exercise for yourself. Just because the name is “walking” does not mean that it is less effective than jogging. With this type of exercise there is a lot of movement in the hips, and that means that you work directly on your waist. The arm movement is also important and brings you an additional training bonus.

Losing weight by walking

Good power walking technology is essential if you want to draw the greatest possible benefit and avoid injuries. Here are some good guidelines that you should consider:

  • Pay attention to your posture: keep your eyes ahead, your shoulders back and head up. Pull your belly button to the spine to activate your fuselage muscles. If you find that you sink forward, take a moment to correct your posture.
  • When you notice that your shoulders and your neck are tense, relax. A good posture helps you keep your speed and protects you from injuries.
  • Vibrate your arms slightly: bend your arms at an angle of about 90 degrees and move them up and back, while the other arm and the other leg go forward at the same time. If the right leg goes forward, the left arm should also be stretched forward.
  • The additional arm movement can run faster. You don't need to fluctuate wild to use this advantage. Exaggerated movements can even slow down and increase the likelihood that they are injured.
  • Concentrate on the control of your range of motion. Your arm should not be higher than her collarbone and do not protrude beyond the middle of the body.
  • Take yourself on the heel with every step and roll your foot forward to your toes. Concentrate on the forward movement of the hip, not on the sideways movement.
  • Go in short steps and strive for a quick pace. Studies show that more steps per minute can have a positive impact on insulin levels, the body mass index and the waist size.

If you are just starting with a training program, ask your doctor for a healthy pace for you. Gradually go to longer distances and higher speed.

Tips for healthy power walking

Note these tips to get the best out of the power walking:

  • As with any other exercise, it is important to warm up and stretch before you start and finally when you're done.
  • Get the right equipment: your shoes should support the foot vault and have a flat sole (in contrast to running shoes that can be a bit thick on the heel).
  • Make sure thatthat they are visible: Go on a path or sidewalk where you are safe from traffic. If you are traveling at dusk or in the dark, use reflective ribbon or clothing or take a flashlight with you.
  • It's supposed to be fun: go for a walk with a friend or colleague. Go for a walk in a place that you find beautiful and relaxing. Run to music that you like (make sure that you can also hear the noises of the movement).
  • Explore the terrain: To avoid falls, you should pay attention to the uneven sidewalks, tree roots and other obstacles.

Why is power walking so useful?

There are many reasons why Power Walking could be the right training for you. One of them is that it is one of the few sports where the whole body is trained. The more often you do it, the more it will be yoursMuscle tone improvedAnd strengthened.

  • Going on foot gives you a boost: It has been scientifically proven that physical activity and in particular walk reduce the risk of breast cancer. Walking is easy to integrate into the daily routine and can strengthen the immune system.
  • Improvement of general health: Power walking can help increase the good cholesterol level, reduce poor cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure, which reduces the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer and strokes.
  • Stress reduction: Regular power walking helps to focus on the focus and concentration of stressful environments and situations and to reduce tensions. The endorphins, which are released in the brain in physical activity, lead to a quieter mood and a more relaxed state of mind. These can contribute to thisSymptoms related to depressionTo reduce fears and self -esteem.

Tipp:Try to run for 15 minutes every day during your lunch break. Switch off your phone and just feel life around you. You will feel an enormous feeling of freedom, if only for a short time, and we guarantee that you want to extend this time. Be right now and enjoy it!

  • Scientists believe that after giving up smoking a healthy weight is the second most important measure to prevent cancer. A combination of healthy nutrition and running is a guaranteed way to lose weight, reach a good muscle tone and keep it! Tests have shown that you can take up to 8 kilos without changing your diet if you run at a speed four times a week for 45 minutes that increases your heart rate.
  • Elimination of PMS: Regular running reduces flatulence and fluid accumulation.
  • Get the menopause under control: Women who do sports 3 to 4 times a week report that they have less hot flashes and that their quality of life improves because they help both their body and their mind.
  • Power walking is inexpensive: You don't need expensive equipment, it is affordable for everyone and you don't have to register in a gym. Just go to the fresh air!