Doing sit ups correctly: What are the most common mistakes and why we confuse them with crunches

Wondering how to do sit ups correctly? If you answered “yes” to this question, read on. It's fair to say that sit-ups have achieved superstar status and are one of the best workouts to incorporate into any fitness program.

Whether you've taken a short fitness break or are just starting to workout, we've put together an expert list of everything you need to know about ab training. You'll learn how to engage your core muscles, how to perfect your form, and the most commonAbs training mistakescan avoid. We'll start by explaining the difference between sit ups and crunches, which are often confused.

Sit Ups vs. Crunches – What’s the Difference

Everyone longs for a slim and toned body. But what is the most effective method to achieve this goal: sit-ups or crunches?

Sit Ups (Rumpfbeugen)

Benefits: Trains multiple muscles
Core squats are a multi-muscle exercise. While they don't specifically target belly fat (note: neither do crunches!), core curls work the abdominal muscles as well as other muscle groups, including:

  • Breast
  • Hip flexors
  • lower back
  • The neck

Muscle cells are metabolically more active than fat cells. This means that they burn calories even when resting. By building muscle, core curls help you burn more calories in the long run. Additionally, strong core muscles can contribute to better posture. Good posture can improve your appearance without having to lose weight.

Cons: Injuries
The biggest downside to trunk squats is the possibility of lower back and neck injuries. To prevent overuse, you should consult a doctor if you have ever had a similar injury.

Workout for abdominal muscles in bed –you can find it herethe best exercises!

Crunches (Bauchpressen)

Benefits: Intense muscle isolation
Like sit ups, crunches also help build muscle. However, unlike core squats, they only work the abdominal muscles. This intense muscle isolation makes it a popular exercise for people aiming for six-pack abs.

They are also ideal for strengthening the core of the body, i.e. the lower back muscles and the oblique abdominal muscles. This will help you improve your balance and posture.

Disadvantages: Only for the middle of the body
Although strong core muscles are a plus for general fitness, they are not necessarily suitable for everyday movements. Like core bends, crunches are good for building muscle, but they don't burn fat.

Another consideration is your current fitness level. Ab crunches build abdominal muscles over time, but can cause significant back pain for beginners. When adding abdominal crunches to your exercise program, it's best to start with 10 to 25 sets and add more sets as you get stronger.

Do sit ups correctly

  • Lie on your back.
  • Bend your legs and place your feet firmly on the floor to stabilize your lower body.
  • Cross your hands on opposite shoulders or place them behind your ears without straining your neck.
  • Bend your upper body to your knees. Exhale as you lift.
  • Slowly lower yourself and return to your starting point. Inhale as you lower yourself.

Beginners should aim for 10 repetitions of each. You can also work your lower legs by bringing your feet together while doing a sit-up!

Perform crunches correctly

  • Lie on your back.
  • Bend your legs and stabilize your lower body.
  • Cross your hands on opposite shoulders or place them behind your ears without straining your neck.
  • Lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor. Exhale as you lift.
  • Lower yourself and return to your starting point. Inhale as you lower yourself.

It's best to start with a set of 10 to 25 and add another set as you get stronger.

Conclusion:Both core squats and abdominal crunches are helpful for strengthening and developing core muscles. Over time, stronger core muscles can also improve your posture and reduce the risk of back injuries later in life. However, neither exercise burns fat. The only way to get a flat and toned stomach is to combine these exercises with a healthy, low-calorie diet and regular, fat-burning cardio exercise.

Sit up exercises – what is the most common mistake?

Sit-ups can be a tricky thing. The traditional sit-up can put a lot of strain on the lower back if you perform the exercise on a hard surface because the floor puts pressure on the spine as it curves.

If you suffer from lower back pain, you should still not continue doing sit-ups as this increases the risk of injury. Instead, make sure your exercise program includes movements that strengthen your core without putting pressure on the spine, such as: B. Planks.

If you suffer from lower back pain and want to try sit-ups, consider doing crunches on a stability ball. Research shows that a stability ball supports the curvature of the spine, allowing you to use a full range of motion without putting undue strain on your lower back.

Whether you're doing sit-ups on a stability ball or on the floor, always pay attention to form, not speed. Slowly lowering the body adds an additional dimension of core strength to the workout.

Other abdominal muscle workouts arecan be found here!