Anyone who enjoys spending a lot of time in the kitchen will certainly not mind a few cooking tips. Because everyone knows that cooking can sometimes be a tricky business and with the right tricks you will learn how to save time and effort in the future. Make your everyday life easier with the following tips and tricks and you will now be able to enjoy more free time. You'll be amazed at how much time you've wasted so far!
Keep vegetables fresh
Lover offresh vegetablesYou will know it: you overstuff the fridge with vegetables out of sheer greed and later ask how you should prepare them before they go bad. And that’s the beginning of our cooking tips. You can keep vegetables fresh longer if you ensure that the moisture they secrete is absorbed. To do this, simply line the vegetable compartment with kitchen paper.
Keep lettuce leaves fresh
It is best to take lettuce and other salad leaves out of the packaging straight away. Instead, store it in a plastic bowl in which you first put kitchen paper. If you want to store these vegetables for a longer period of time, put them in plastic bags and freeze them. Something we would like to add is that you should not pre-wash lettuces. Only when you prepare it. Then it will last longer in the fridge.
3. Freeze sauce
We now have two practical cooking tips for you that involve using a simple ice cube tray: You no longer have to throw away any leftover sauce. Instead, store them in the freezer in portions and reheat them at any time. You can also freeze coffee in the same way. In the form of frozen cubes you can make a delicious oneiced coffeeprepare with milk.
4. Trick for softer ice cream
Since the freezers we use in the house are set much colder than those in the store or ice cream shop, we usually have the problem that the ice cream is rock hard when we take it out of the freezer. Despite the cravings, you now have to wait until the ice cream has thawed a little. A simple solution to this problem is the plastic freezer bags, which are applicable for many cooking tips. Put ice in a bag and squeeze the air out of the bag to then freeze.
5. DIY Eis
Are you looking for a quick and easy way to make your own ice cream? Then our cooking tips will come to your aid again. But no, you don't have to cook! Just get some popsicle sticks (teaspoons will work if necessary) and stick them in your favorite yogurt. You then put it in the freezer for a few hours and your ice cream is ready.
6. Peel ginger
When it comes to peeling vegetables, you automatically reach for a knife or a potato peeler. However, with ginger, things can get pretty nerve-wracking. Have you ever tried it with a spoon? You will be amazed at how easy the work suddenly becomes, because with the spoon you can easily get into all the cracks and take the curves better.
7. Open mason jars
Do you really need to open a jar, but your husband isn't home right now? Then you probably need to take initiative and our cooking tips will help you with that. It's not so much about strength. It is important that your hand does not slip and you can easily avoid this by simply putting on rubber gloves.
8. The wooden spoon trick
Are you one of those housewives who regularly let the water boil over because of all the work they do in the kitchen? A simple wooden spoon now prevents this problem. With milk, it can also help if you grease the inner edge of the pot with margarine.
9. Save over-salted dishes
If you find a dish that's too salty, don't despair because there are a few cooking tips you can use to save it. You need a piece of raw potato or apple that you let cook in the food for ten minutes. They absorb the excess salt. You can also make a soup with a spoonful of sugar or vinegar to eliminate the salt.
10. Liquify honey
Over time, the honey becomes more and more solid, which encourages some people to buy new ones and even throw away the crystallized ones. Don't do this because you can easily liquefy the honey again by putting it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
11. Sparkling sparkling wine
Without a doubt, the carbon dioxide gives the sparkling wine the finishing touch. That's why it's quickly thrown away as soon as it has dissolved. You can get it back quickly if you use the right tips. Just one or more raisins that you add to the jar will work a real miracle. Try it!
12. Keep bananas fresh
If you don't like bananas that are too brown and don't happen to be planning on eating oneBake banana bread, can keep bananas yellow longer with a simple tip. The trick is not to separate the bananas from each other. Only divide your hand of bananas when you want to eat them and then only as many as you need.
13. Store cheese
If you served cheese at a party and there was a lot left over, you can put it back in the freezer after wrapping it tightly with foil or paper. If you want to serve it again, defrost it a day beforehand.
14. Tips for cooking with tough meat
There's nothing more unpleasant than tough meat that's hard to chew. However, meat can become much more tender if it is first marinated in vinegar, lemon juice or beer. Another effect is that the taste of the meat is improved considerably.
15. Tip for pasta
Like sauce, pasta can sometimes be left over. If you leave them there, they will become hard and inedible. Instead, the plastic bags come back to hand as tips for cooking. Freeze the pasta easily. If you want to serve them, simply put them in boiling water for a minute so that they can defrost quickly.