Many jobs these days require you to spend the entire day sitting in an office or standing behind a desk. And if your legs hurt after a day at work, the veins are often to blame. This creates what is known as venous insufficiency or venous weakness, in which the venous valves no longer close properly and the blood sinks towards the foot instead of flowing to the heart. If you discover the problem early and deal with it, more serious symptoms such as varicose veins and thrombosis in the legs can be prevented.
The symptoms of venous insufficiency
Weak veins are a common problem in adults. The most common causes are age, family history and obesity. Many of us are familiar with the symptoms: tired legs in the evenings and on hot days, leg swelling, cramps in the legs, and the development of spider veins are clear signs of venous weakness. If the venous insufficiency has already progressed, the doctor may prescribe special medications or even recommend varicose vein surgery.
How can venous insufficiency be treated?
If the symptoms are still mild, you can remedy the situation yourself. There are some methods for treating weak veins that will relieve your symptoms and prevent major vein problems.
Compression therapy using compression stockings
To improve the symptoms of venous insufficiency and varicose veins, you can try so-called compression stockings. These are a type of support stockings that put pressure on the venous valves and thus make their work easier. They also prevent swelling and reduce the feeling of tiredness in the legs. In order for the compression stockings to develop their full effect, movement plays a crucial role.
Pine bark extract as a natural remedy for venous insufficiency
Plant extracts have been used in natural medicine for centuries. These are not medicines, but rather dietary supplements of natural origin. An example of this is thePine bark extract Pycnogenol, which has been proven by numerous studies to be a good remedy for complaints such as osteoarthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, as well as skin aging and wrinkle formation. In the case of venous insufficiency and leg swelling, the plant extract from the fresh bark of the French maritime pine can also provide relief and show an improvement in symptoms. Its active ingredients protect and strengthen the blood vessels and are therefore well suited for the treatment of weak veins.
Sport and exercise help
To ensure that the venous valves close better and prevent varicose veins from developing, you should exercise regularly and ensure more exercise in your everyday life. Whether jogging, cycling or simply walking briskly – every type of exercise helps against venous insufficiency. This way you can also lose weight and thus further relieve the strain on your veins.
Prevent venous insufficiency early
Venous weakness cannot always be prevented because many people inherit it. However, there are some preventive measures you can take as prevention when you first experience symptoms of venous insufficiency. They are particularly suitable for those who sit or stand all day and are therefore prone to vein problems.
Possible measures include a healthy diet low in sugar and fats, regular exercise, and some simple foot exercises that you can also do in the office. Alternating showers with cold and hot water have an equally beneficial effect on swollen legs after a long day at the office and promote blood circulation. Since overweight people are more likely to suffer from vein problems, you should also watch your weight if you want healthy legs.