After a particularly extensive meal with spicy or fatty dishes, your stomach suddenly feels tight: Each of us has felt painful heartburn at least once in our lives. This is a reflux in which the sphincter of the stomach does not fulfill its function and stomach acid penetrates into the esophagus. The painful burning sensation increases when you lie down or when clothing presses against your stomach. Although there are a number ofMedicines and home remedies, which help with acute heartburn. However, if you often have such symptoms, you should change your diet. If you're wondering what you should eat for heartburn, then read on!
A high-fiber diet for heartburn: That's why it's effective
Onehigh fiber dietcan help against heartburn. At least that's what Russian researchers who conducted a study claim. The results were published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. The scientists found that digestion is significantly slowed down in people who eat a diet high in sugar and fat and rarely eat vegetables, fruits and nuts or oatmeal. How quickly the stomach empties depends primarily on the amount of food. With a light diet it doesn't take more than two hours; with a heavy meal it can take up to 5 hours. The slower the stomach empties, the more protons are released from the stomach lining. As a result, stomach acid production accelerates, the acid penetrates the sphincter more often and reflux occurs. That's why doctors and nutritionists advise against eating too much and instead recommend eating small portions several times a day.
This is precisely why great importance is placed on a healthy diet.Foods rich in fiberare usually low in fat and can therefore reduce the production of stomach acid. They also contain prebiotics that facilitate the absorption of probiotics and improve digestion.
The high-fiber diet improves the function of the lower esophageal sphincter
A diet rich in fiber also fulfills another important function. The fiber binds the nitrate oxides contained in fatty and spicy foods and thus reduces their negative effect on the esophageal sphincter. Unhealthy eating can cause the sphincter to relax over time. The muscles at the entrance to the stomach can no longer close properly and stomach acid can enter the esophagus. However, if you choose a diet rich in fiber, your muscles will function better.
Tip: To suppress reflux, you should consume around 35 g of fiber from your diet every day.
A diet high in fiber can also neutralize stomach acid
But a diet rich in fiber can do much more. Researchers claim that certain fiber can neutralize stomach acid. So if you include oatmeal, whole grain bread and whole grain rice in your diet, you are doing something good for your stomach.
Other foods that are effective against heartburn
The finding that foods high in fiber are effective against heartburn is not surprising. There are a number of foods that can effectively relieve the symptoms. These include, among others:
1. Drink still water. But please no coffee, no alcohol and no juices. Yogurt is also taboo because it can make the situation worse. Milk, which until recently was considered the number one remedy for heartburn, is also said to be less or not at all effective. There are already several studies that show that milk has little or no effect.
2. Baking soda dissolved in still water can also help. However, you should only use this home remedy after consulting your family doctor and only rarely. The herbal bitters, which should normally stimulate digestion, are not effective for heartburn.
3. If you want to prevent heartburn, go for a walk for half an hour after a large meal. Taking a nap, on the other hand, can make things worse because when we lie down, stomach acid flows into the esophagus.
4. Starchy foods such as rusks, baked potatoes or baby biscuits without sugar prove to be very effective against heartburn because they can bind stomach acid.
5. Certain types of nuts can also bind stomach acid. Almonds, for example, are very suitable and can effectively relieve the symptoms if you chew them very slowly. Do not eat more than 2-3 tablespoons of almonds at a time.
6. And if you're out and about and don't have any of the foods mentioned above, chewing gum offers an emergency solution. Always carry a pack with you. The chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva and we swallow more often. Saliva can also neutralize stomach acid.
What to do about heartburn? Tips for prevention
If you often suffer from heartburn, you should not only change your diet. You also have to break a few things. Here are some tips on how to prevent heartburn in your everyday life.
- Don't overeat. Small portions six times a day are better than large portions three times a day.
- Eat slowly. Small bites lead to satiety more quickly and you eat significantly less.
- Avoid the following: drinks containing caffeine, fried foods, fast food, creamy sauces, whole milk, chocolate, peppermint.
- Pay attention to what you eat, even if you're eating out with friends.
- Do not lie down immediately after eating.
- Do not sleep on your back, as this sleeping position puts pressure on your stomach.
- Do not smoke.
- Don't drink too much alcohol. It is better to dilute alcoholic drinks with water.
- Wear comfortable clothing that does not strain your stomach.
- Live as stress-free as possible.