Which tea is good for the immune system? Top 7 best teas for strong immune system

The cold weather takes a toll on the immune system. Colds, flu and other viruses spread quickly in the fall and winter. In principle, it is particularly important for the bodysufficient amount of liquid- that's why tea is an excellent idea. But which tea is good for the immune system? Which tea strengthens the immune system best, helps against colds and can be drunk all year round?

Which tea for a good immune system – how and when should we drink it?

Tea was often used in medicine as early as the Middle Ages. The miracle drink is healthy and good for the immune system. There are traditional varieties that each of us has tried before. But which tea will strengthen our immune system? Here they are7 best types of tea, which we recommend you during the cold days.

The classic – black tea

Black tea is a classic when it comes to tea types. It prevents cardiovascular diseases, lowers blood pressure and calms the digestive system. In order for the tea to have a positive effect, you should not let it steep for more than 7 minutes. This optimal time is sufficient for the necessary active ingredients to be extracted. Black tea strengthens the immune system and also has an antibacterial and pain-relieving effect. However, it can lead to sleep disorders because the drink is stimulatingEffect like coffee has.

The miracle cure – green tea

Green tea is one of the most famous types of tea. It is called a miracle cure because it not only strengthens the immune system but also helps prevent cancer. This plant stimulates metabolism, helps lose weight and lowers cholesterol levels. Green tea prevents tooth decay, has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Important tips: Do not prepare the drink with boiling water and do not let it steep for more than 5 minutes!

Greek mountain tea (Sideritis scardica)

This tea plant comes from the Balkan Peninsula, where it is very famous. They can be found in the Rhodope Mountains and Pirin Mountains at an altitude of 1000 to 2000 meters in Bulgaria. The southern European medicinal plant helps with lung diseases, colds, inflammation and high blood pressure. She will be atgastrointestinal complaintsused. Greek mountain tea is an antioxidant and diuretic, strengthens the immune system and transports toxins out of the cells. You can buy these herbs at any drugstore or pharmacy and drink this drink all year round. Let the tea steep in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Important tips: If you have a cold, combine the medicinal herb with ginger root. Simply add a teaspoon of freshly grated root to the tea and let it steep for another 8 minutes. This drink tastes best with honey.

Ginger root tea for strong immune systems

Ginger tea is rich in vitamin C and promotes the immune system. If you have a cold, you can combine it with turmeric. Simply add a few pieces of turmeric bulb to the cup. If the drink is made with fresh ginger, it tastes better. It also has a stronger effect on the immune system. Important Tips: Do not peel the root when preparing the tea. Wash them well before use. When the drink has cooled down a little, you can add a little lemon and honey.

Also interesting:Make your own ginger shot: 4 healthy recipes that you have never tried before!

Thyme tea as a strengthener for the immune system

Which tea is a comprehensive immune booster? The answer is very simple. It's the thyme tea. It accelerates the healing process for colds with coughs. The medicinal plant relaxes the bronchi and has an expectorant and pain-relieving effect on coughs. In addition, the drink has a pleasant aroma, has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Thyme tea soothes the stomach, improves digestion and relieves abdominal pain. He is also suffering from chronic gastritishelpful. Important tips: Add the herbs to hot water. Let the tea steep for 15 minutes. It is recommended to consume it warm. It is best to drink thyme tea as soon as you experience the first cold symptoms. Please note that it is not suitable for children under 4 years!

Elderflower tea or tea made from elderberries

Elderberry strengthens the immune system, helps with colds, reduces fever and protects against cell damage. It doesn't matter which of the two types of tea you choose. You will love this remedy. Important tips: Pour boiling water over the flowers and let them steep for 10 minutes. If you have the flu, it is recommended to drink the drink several times a day. If you want to use it as a sweat tea for fever, drink it hot and unsweetened all at once!

Elderberries are very rich in vitamins A, B and C. This remedy has a blood-purifying and diuretic effect. The elderberry drink can be prepared with fresh or dried berries. Important tips: If the fruit is dried, first let it steep for 10 minutes and then slowly bring it to the boil. Then let the drink steep for another 10 minutes. If you like, you can sweeten it with honey. If you use fresh berries for the tea, only let it steep for 5 minutes.

Echinacea plant (coneflower tea)

The hedgehog head stimulates immune cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect and fightsViruses, fungi and bacteria. Echinacea tea is rich in essential oils, polysaccharides, flavonoids and vitamin C. If you take echinacea tea at the first sign of a cold, the disease will be prevented in good time. This way the infection disappears more quickly. But if you are allergic to daisy plants, you should not drink the tea. It is best to get advice from your pharmacy about use and side effects. Simply pour hot water over the echinacea and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.