In today's article we would like to introduce you to a new trendy drink - the yerba mate tea. It has long been part of the culture and way of life in countries such as Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. The drink made from the mate plant is said to have many health benefits. Read on and find out how the tea is prepared and what benefits it has for the organism.
What is behind the name Yerba Mate?
The mate bush, native to South America, can reach a height of 12 to 16 meters and is harvested by hand between April and September. Thanks to the chlorophyll and tannins it contains, the freshly brewed tea has a delicate green color. The tea is considered onereal vitamin bomb. Yerba Mate is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C and also provides calcium, iron, potassium and zinc. It also contains vanillin, theophylline and theobromine in significant amounts. Mate tea also provides a lot of caffeine and has an invigorating and vitalizing effect. The diverse taste of mate tea combines sweet and bitter, refreshing and earthy notes.
Make the tea preparation
In order for Yerba Mate to have its maximum positive effect, it is important to prepare it correctly. Yerba Mate is often drunk in groups and symbolizes hospitality and friendship. Traditionally, the tea infusion is served from a hollowed out calabaza gourd with a metal drinking straw called a “bombilla”. After the herb is dried and ground, it is placed in a container and poured with hot, but not boiling, water. The container is often called mate.
As soon as you drink the tea through the thin straw, fill the mate again with water. You can also brew the Yerba Mate in a coffee press or prepare it in a teapot and pour it filtered into the tea cup. When you need to cool down or in generalcold soft drinksIf you prefer, you can also sip the mate tea chilled.
As a thirst-quenching cold drink for the summer, mate yerba can be combined with mint, limes, oranges and ice cubes. However, mate tea contains lower amounts of caffeine than coffee. The encouraging drink can basically be enjoyed all day long. Due to the amounts of caffeine, it is recommended to consume no more than 2 or 3 cups throughout the day.
To prepare mate, 2 teaspoons of the dried mate leaves are poured with 150 milliliters of hot water. The water should be at a temperature of around 80 degrees and under no circumstances should it be boiling. Then cover the infusion and let the leaves steep for 3 to 10 minutes until the desired flavor intensity is reached. Then strain the leaves.
Yerba mate tea effect
In addition to its invigorating and activating effect, the tea infusion has a positive effect on digestion. Regular consumption of yerba mate can help keep the digestive system in high gear and working more efficiently. By stimulating bowel movement, chronic constipation can be cured. The healthy tea also has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect.
The balanced combination of stimulants such as xanthine, theobromine and theophylline and caffeine helps combat physical and mental fatigue. The ingredients of Yerba Mate tea have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate and help to maintain focus during a longer period of wakefulness. The healthy herb also helps to eliminate stress and guarantees a restful sleep without the annoying and sometimes hours-long tossing and turning in bed.
If the super drink is consumed regularly, the aging process is also slowed down. Mate tea also has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect when used externally on the skin. In the case of skin inflammation and ulcers, compresses made from the medicinal plant are applied to the affected areas.
Use for weight loss
When it comes to weight loss, drinking mate tea has a reputation as a healthy slimming agent. Since the tea can satisfy hunger, it is recommended to drink the tea about an hour before a meal so that you can benefit from its effect as an appetite suppressant. Thanks to the various ingredients in tea, the entire metabolism is stimulated.
In folk medicine, other healing properties are also attributed to mate, although these have not been scientifically proven. The medicinal plant is used for rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, depression and stomach problems. Fever and infections can also be prevented by consuming mate.
Side effects
As is well known, the dose makes the poison. Despite the beneficial effects of yerba mate tea, you should not overdo it. Possible side effects after overindulgence include nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate, stomach pain, and even nausea and vomiting. In some cases consumption should be avoided. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children and adolescents under 18 should avoid the drink due to its caffeine content. People with high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias and hyperthyroidism should be careful and should definitely avoid mate tea.
Therefore, only enjoy yerba mate in moderation and not over a longer period of time. No side effects are expected after taking the recommended amount.