Did you know that yoga exercises can relieve pain and prevent stress? World renowned scientists in this field also say that these are also very helpful in fighting arthritis.
Specialists from the Medical School of the University of Cincinnati (in Ohio, United States) have conducted various tests and proven that yoga has a very positive impact on people suffering from osteo-rheumatoid arthritis.
The study has shown the positive effect on hundreds of patients. This all happened in the period between 2010 - 2013. All patients had noticed significant relief of pain in the joints, as well as improvement in general physical mobility in the morning hours, feeling more comfortable, with less depression.
The participants in the study took yoga courses that always lasted differently - from twice a day to once a week, all for four months.
Reduce the stress
By warming up and stretching the muscles, pain relief is achieved around the affected joints, the experts have said. In addition, yoga exercises provide a reduction in stress, which is known to improve the effect of arthritic diseases.
The study included yoga courses at universities, hospitals and public offices and showed theEffect of yogaon factors such as sleep, pain and the tendency to depression. The majority of these were seen to have a positive impact.