Get rid of yellow teeth: With these clever tips and home remedies you can get your teeth white again!

As we age, teeth inevitably turn yellow, but there are a number of strategies that can slow and even reverse this process. Teeth whitening kits are available at most pharmacies, but many natural remedies can also help remove stains and protect tooth enamel. Experts agree that good oral hygiene is crucial for healthy, clean teeth. Find out more about how to brush yellow teeth white again here.

What helps against yellow teeth?

People in Germany spend a lot of money on teeth whitening products every year. Although these products can whiten your teeth, they can also damage them because they are made from chemicals. The result is that your precious smile becomes spoiled and discolored. What could be the solution? Using natural teeth whitening products and methods is the way to go. The best natural methods to keep your teeth white are everyday oneshealthy habits, including:

  1. Limiting foods that stain your tooth enamel, such as coffee, tea, and red wine
  2. Quit smoking
  3. Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day
  4. Clean the spaces between your teeth once a day
  5. Regular visits to your dentist for checkups and cleanings
  6. Oil pulling to whiten teeth again
  7. Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
  8. Other home remedies that help – banana, orange or lemon peels

What to do about yellow teeth? Pay attention to food

Avoiding foods that stain teeth can prevent further discoloration. Acidic foods can make teeth appear yellow because they attack tooth enamel. People who are concerned about their tooth color should avoid excessive consumption of citrus fruits, coffee, wine, tea and soda. Alternatively, you should always brush your teeth after eating citrus fruits. Dentists generally recommend waiting 30 minutes to brush your teeth after eating. Acids can weaken tooth enamel, so brushing too soon can cause damage.

Get rid of yellow teeth – stop smoking

Quitting smoking or using tobacco products can reduce your risk of nicotine stains. It can also prevent tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can attack tooth enamel and cause oral health problems.


Get your teeth white again: brush regularly

Good oral hygiene is a proven way to keep your smile beautiful. Toothpastes gently remove stains from the surface of teeth.Whitening toothpasteswork in the same way, just with more ingredients and whiten teeth.

Flossing removes food and bacteria that can harden into plaque, making your teeth look dull and darker.

Can you brush yellow teeth white again? Oil pulling helps

Oil pulling is the practice of rinsing the mouth with oil to remove dirt, bacteria and debris. It is not a replacement forbrushing your teeth regularlyor flossing, but some research suggests that rinsing your mouth with certain oils may help whiten teeth. To try this method, after brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with oil for a minute and then spit it out.

Oils suitable for oil pulling include: coconut oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil.

Home remedy for discolored teeth – baking soda

Baking soda can gently polish away stains on the surface of your teeth. Some people worry that baking soda is too harsh and could wear away tooth enamel, but it is a safe method for removing stains.Baking soda can also help, to fight bacteria, suggesting it may be able to reduce plaque and prevent tooth decay.

You can try a homemade oneUse baking powder paste, but you'll probably get better results if you switch to a toothpaste with sodium bicarbonate.

Use hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleaching agent that can help lighten discolored tooth enamel. For optimal whitening, you can try brushing your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1-2 minutes twice a day for a week. You should only do this occasionally.

Hydrogen peroxide can increase tooth sensitivity and is therefore not suitable for long-term use or for people with already sensitive teeth.

Natural remedies for a beautiful smile: fruit peels

There is no scientific research to support this remedy. But people who have tried it are happy with the results. Plus, it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals, so why not?

To use this trick, take a banana, orange, or lemon peel and gently rub it on your teeth. Rub them for about 2 minutes, then rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth. The peels of these fruits contain citric acid, which theoretically helps whiten teeth. If you have tooth sensitivity issues, your tooth enamel is likely weak or worn down. In this case it is not recommendedto use this remedy. If you have already tried it and are still having problems with your teeth, you should see your dentist immediately.