Pollen is plant seeds in the form of powder and is released into the air by various plants - trees, grasses, etc. This powder is one of the most common causes of allergies in Germany and Europe. Many people have a negative immune reaction when they inhale pollen. Normally, the immune system fights off disease by defending the body against harmful invaders such as viruses and bacteria. In people with pollen allergies, the immune system mistakes the harmless pollen as a dangerous intruder. The immune system begins to produce chemicals such as histamine to fight the pollen. This is called an allergic reaction. Here you can find out more about which home remedies help against hay fever or pollen allergy.
Pollen allergy: symptoms
The most common symptoms of a pollen allergy include:
- Stuffy nose
- Pressure in the sinuses, which can cause facial pain
- Runny nose
- Itching, watery, burning eyes
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Swollen, bluish skin under the eyes
- Decreased sense of taste or smell
- Increased asthmatic reactions
Some people suffer from allergy symptoms all year round, while others only experience them at certain times of the year. People who are sensitive to birch pollen, for example, in spring when the birch trees are blooming,increased symptoms. Once a person develops a pollen allergy, it is unlikely to go away. However, hay fever can be treated with medication and allergy shots. There are also natural remedies that can help you.
There is oneSet of home remediesand preventive measures you can take to reduce your allergy symptoms. Examples can be found below.
This is what you should do: Use HEPA filters
Using special HEPA filters in air conditioning vents can help filter pollen from the air. Regular vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter can also relieve allergy symptoms.
Air conditioning helps
Use the air conditioning in the car and in the apartment.
Change clothes
Change clothes every time you come indoors from outside to reduce pollen exposure. Also, take a bath or shower every night before bed to remove pollen buildup from your skin and hair.
Wash bedding regularly
Wash your bedding in hot water at least once a week. Then dry your clothes and linens in the dryer, not on the clothesline.
Home remedies for hay fever: honey
Consuming local or raw honey might relieve your hay fever symptoms (for example, stuffy nose or burning eyes). Some health food experts claim that consuming local honey can relieve pollen allergies in the same way as allergy shots.
Home remedies for hay fever: herbal tea
Other home remedies that can help combat a pollen allergy include: herbal teas made from ginkgo, milk thistle, red clover, nettle or yarrow. These herbal preparations can have an anti-inflammatory effect and thus relieve allergy symptoms.
Nasal rinse as a home remedy for hay fever
Use a nasal irrigator to properly rinse your nose with warm water and salt and rinse your nasal passages. Alternatively, you can also use a saline nasal spray.
Herbal capsules and eye drops
Taking herbal capsules, for example Allium cepa, Spirulina, among others, can help you. Euphrasia eye drops are a good, natural remedy for pollen allergies.
Butterbur extract is obtained from the leaves, roots, or bulb of the plant. It contains two chemicals called petasin and isopetasin that help relieve spasms and inflammation. It is the action of these chemicals that gives butterbur its health benefits.
The use of butterbur to treat disease can be traced back to the Middle Ages when it was used to combat the plague. Over the centuries, butterbur has been used to treat a number of ailments including: wounds, coughs and asthma. Today it is most commonly used to treat: headaches, allergies such as hay fever and upset stomach.
Quercetin and green leafy vegetables
Quercetin is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks and scallions. It is a bioflavonoid that dampens the production and release of histamine. Quercetin has been tested in clinical trials. It has been shown to reduce respiratory irritation while improving overall health. It takes a certain amount of time before sufficient amounts of quercetin can be absorbed, so people who are too seasonalProne to allergies, you should start taking quercetin weeks or even months before allergy season and eat lots of vegetables.
How to prevent pollen allergy or hay fever
As with other allergies, the best way to prevent pollen allergy symptoms is to avoid the allergen. However, it is difficult to avoid pollen. Still, you can minimize your exposure to pollen by:
- stay indoors on dry, windy days
- Have others do gardening and yard work during peak season
- Wear a dust mask when pollen counts are high
- If pollen counts are high, close doors and windows
Important tip: Don't forget to pay attention to the 2022 pollen calendar to stay informed. For more important information about pollen levels in your area, read the local newspaper or try a mobile app.