A radiant smile and beautiful, white teeth simply look great and are an important prerequisite for a self-confident appearance for both women and men. Not all of us have the enviably white teeth of Hollywood stars. The natural color of everyone's teeth is different and develops differently over time. In this article we will introduce you to various methods for teeth whitening and also give you useful tips on how you can compete with perfectly white teeth using natural means and easy tricks.
Tooth color is genetically determined and continues to change over the course of life. To onediscoloration of teethVarious external factors also lead to this, such as eating habits and the consumption of foods rich in pigments. These include coffee, black tea, red wine or even beetroot. As we age, the tooth surface becomes rougher, making it easier for pigment to be stored. Tobacco or taking medication can also be a reason for yellow teeth. Whatever the reason, white teeth make a good first impression and make you look more likeable. If you feel inhibited by tooth discoloration or even hide your teeth with your hand when laughing, it is definitely worth getting advice from your trusted dentist and whitening your teeth.
How do you get sparkling white teeth? – Current bleaching methods
Before you have your teeth whitened professionally at the dentist or with over-the-counter products, both your teeth and gums must be healthy. This has proven to be the most proven and safest method of whitening teeth without any side effects for the patientHome Bleachingproven. This treatment costs between €350 – €600 and promises the desired teeth whitening after around two weeks. To do this, the dentist takes an impression of your teeth and makes thin plastic splints for the lower and upper jaw. Depending on the doctor's instructions, these splints are filled with carbamide peroxide gel before use and put on in the evening. Due to the low concentration of the active ingredient, this method is very gentle on the teeth.
If you're short on time and want to see results faster, perhaps this would beIn-Office-Bleaching-Methode, also known as soft bleaching or power bleaching, is right for you. The treatment is carried out in the dentist's office and usually lasts two to three sessions. In contrast to home bleaching, a higher dosage of the active ingredient is used here. In addition, the gel is heated with special lamps, which leads to much faster results. After this application there is a risk that your teeth will become sensitive to heat and cold for a few days. For power bleaching you can expect costs between €450 – €700.
Dead teeth also change color over time and become darker. TheWalking-Bleach-Methodeoffers the possibility of whitening pith and root-dead teeth. The dentist opens the upper part of the root canal and then applies the bleaching agent. After a certain exposure time, the opening is closed again. After a week, the bleaching agent is replaced with a fresh active ingredient. The process is then repeated two to three times. In general, your teeth will stay white for up to three years after bleaching. Sometimes a thorough,professional teeth cleaningperfect that your teeth immediately look whiter again. Teeth cleaning not only removes stains and bacteria, but also protects your teeth from various dental diseases. Bleaching cannot be performed on patients who suffer from periodontitis or have crowns or plastic fillings in the visible tooth area. In such cases the so-calledVeenersused. These are thin ceramic facets that are bonded to the tooth. Although the veeners contribute to a visual improvement, they have the disadvantage that the tooth has to be ground down a little beforehand.
Bleaching at home as a cheaper alternative for light whitening
If you want to achieve white teeth inexpensively at home, you can use other alternatives that also contribute to teeth whitening, but cannot be equated with professional bleaching. In drugstores, for example, you can get the so-calledBleaching Strips. You must apply these strips to your teeth in the morning and evening before brushing your teeth and leave them on for at least half an hour. When used correctly, the strips actually produce the desired lightening. However, you need to plan more time every day for morning and evening rituals.
The new trend from the USA for teeth whitening, namely theWhitening-Pens, promises quick effects and easy application. The pen with brush applicator allows you to easily apply a whitening gel to the tooth surface. You have to apply the active ingredient hydrogen perioxide practically after brushing your teeth and let it take effect for half an hour. This means that eating, drinking or smoking is prohibited during this time. After the exposure time, the mouth is rinsed out. When buying whitening sticks, make sure that they are quality tested.
The countless toothpaste companies are constantly advertising various thingsWhitening toothpastes. The special toothpastes promise whiter teeth with a shimmering shine. They completely remove discoloration caused by food and beverages, but cannot make naturally yellow teeth whiter. Basically, you can say that whitening toothpaste removes unwanted discoloration better than normal toothpastes. Teeth whitening paste often costs a little more.
White teeth withoutbleaching– Natural remedies, tips and tricks
Without having to invest a lot of money, you can use natural remedies to ensure whiter teeth. First and foremost is of course the good,thorough teeth cleaning. It is best to use dental floss or an oral irrigator in addition to brushing your teeth to remove food residue from the hard-to-reach spaces between your teeth. To ensure you get beautiful, white teeth, it is advisable to consume foods rich in:Vitamin Care. Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables such as apples, for example, support dental health and promote saliva production. Salivation is a natural care of the oral cavity and a natural teeth cleaning agent. Some types of fruit, like thisStrawberriesFor example, they act like a natural peeling and are also an extremely tasty way to get white teeth. For delicious teeth cleaning, the strawberry is crushed and simply applied to the teeth.
Aalter Ayurveda-Trick, the so-called“Oil pulling”, is also said to help whiter teeth. A sip of a normal vegetable oil is pulled through the teeth, left in the mouth for 10-15 minutes and then spit out. The oil leaves a protective film on the teeth that keeps germs and bacteria away and thus prevents tooth discoloration. WithCoconut oilyou can also get white teeth. Use the same technique as oil pulling and then brush your teeth. Coconut oil is a great alternative for those of you who find olive oil to have a strong taste. Another way to make your teeth shine again is thisActivated carbon. It binds dirt from the tooth surface. After just a few uses, your teeth actually become brighter because the grains of activated charcoal scrub the discoloration. If you choose this option, you should know that activated carbon is not suitable for long-term use. The powder abrades the tooth enamel, which can lead to painful symptoms. Over time, activated charcoal can even roughen the tooth surface, making it even easier for discoloration to set in.
Although it sounds quite strange, it canTurmericTake care of your teeth and noticeably whiten them. Thanks to the active ingredient curcumin it contains, turmeric has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and antibacterial effects. Although the yellow root gives food its typical bright yellow color, it can help you get white teeth. A hazelnut-sized piece of turmeric root is simply chewed. If you only have turmeric in powder form at home, you can mix it with an equal amount of coconut oil and apply the mixture with a toothbrush. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth. Finally, you can brush your teeth with regular toothpaste. For an even more intensive effect, you can also add some Himalayan salt.
They also have a natural, bleaching effectBanana peels. They contain manganese, magnesium and potassium, which gradually make yellowish teeth brighter. Simply rub the inside of the banana peel over your teeth. Another household remedy for white teeth issage. This miracle cure is also used for teeth whitening, among other things, because it can make discolored tooth enamel significantly lighter. To do this, chew some fresh sage leaves regularly. The ingredients not only bring back your radiant smile, but also strengthen the gums and ensure fresh breath. You can also get white teeth through thisUse ofBaking sodareceive. For example, every two weeks you can put some baking soda on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. It is important that you use a soft toothbrush and not scrub much. After this process, avoid acidic foods to allow tooth enamel to recover.
Another remedy from the kitchen helps to reduce discoloration on the teeth - thisSalt. Simply mix simple, iodized table salt with a little olive oil until a homogeneous paste is formed. The resulting toothpaste can replace traditional toothpaste in the evening. Immediately after the first few uses you will get your natural tooth color and your teeth will feel smoother and cleaner. Do not clean your teeth with salt more than twice a week, otherwise the tooth enamel can be damaged. It also has a natural bleaching effectlemon juice. The corrosive citric acid can strain tooth enamel, which is why lemon juice can only be used to whiten teeth twice a month. Bite into a slice of lemon or rub your teeth with a little lemon juice. After use, rinse your mouth and do not consume any food or drinks immediately afterwards.