What else can you use aluminum foil for? Clever tips and tricks that everyone should know

Everyone knows that aluminum foil is essential in the kitchen for wrapping up leftover food or covering a dish in the oven. But the flexible, metallic structure of the film also makes it very useful anywhere in the house and even in the garden. Here we have collected a few reasons why you should always have a few rolls of aluminum foil at home. These clever onesTricks can save you time, save money and effort.

Useful household applications

Line cupboards and drawers

Aluminum foil makes an excellent base for kitchen cabinets and drawers. Not only is it easy to wipe clean with a damp sponge, but it also helps reflect light in the dark corners of a closet.

Polish silver cutlery

This clever trick uses a chemical reaction to transfer the tarnish from your silver cutlery to the aluminum foil. Place the foil (shiny side up) in a plastic container and place the silver pieces inside. Pour in 1/4 cup of washing soda and 3-4 liters of boiling water. Stir and let soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow the water to cool slightly or use tongs to remove the items. Dry the items and lightly polish them with a clean, soft cloth and they will shine again.

Clean the grill

A ball of aluminum foil can be used to quickly remove burnt residue from a grill. After grilling, and while the coals are still hot, place a piece of aluminum foil over the grill to burn off any leftover food. The next time you use your grill, scrunch up the foil and use it to scrub off the burnt food before you start grilling.

Also interesting:What does a ball of aluminum foil do in the dishwasher?

Sharpen scissors

Have your household scissors become a bit dull? You just need to take about 30cm of aluminum foil and fold it several times so that it is at least six layers thick. Then use scissors to cut the foil into 10 or 12 strips. After that, test the sharpness of the blade by cutting some paper and repeat the process if necessary. If the scissors are cutting better, simply rinse and dry them to remove all paper and aluminum residue. However, this method only works with slightly blunt scissors.

Scrub burned-in or dried-out dishes

Like steel wool, a ball of aluminum foil can also help clean cookware that can be easily scrubbed, such as: E.g. glass casserole dishes or cast iron pans.

Iron clothes faster

When you iron clothes, much of the iron's heat is absorbed by the board itself, so you'll need to make several passes with the iron to remove wrinkles. To speed things up, place a piece of aluminum foil under the cover of your ironing board. This film reflects heat back through the clothing and smoothes wrinkles more quickly.

Bonus-Tipp:Does your iron have a build-up of starch that is causing the iron to stick? To get rid of them, run your hot iron over a piece of aluminum foil.

Keep the oven clean

Are you baking a bubbling lasagne or casserole? Place a sheet or two of aluminum foil over the oven rack below to keep greasy drips off the bottom of the oven.Danger:Do not line the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil as this could cause a fire.

Improve the efficiency of radiators

There's an easy way to get more heat out of your old cast iron radiators without spending more money on your gas bill: make a heat reflector using thePlace aluminum foil behind the radiators. Glue aluminum foil to cardboard with the shiny side facing out. The radiant heat is reflected back into the room by the film instead of being absorbed by the wall behind the radiator. If your radiators have covers, it also helps to place a piece of foil under the top of the cover.

You can also read here how to get yoursClean radiatorsand operate more efficiently in winter.

Clean the fireplace

Are you looking for an easy way to remove ashes from your fireplace? Place a double layer of aluminum foil at the bottom of the fireplace or under the wooden grate. The next day – or when you are sure the ashes have cooled – simply fold them up and throw them away.

How to use aluminum foil in the garden?

Aluminum foil can also be used outdoors! Here are a few uses around the garden, as well as a useful tip for houseplants.

Add aluminum foil to the mulch

To keep hungry insects away from your cucumbers and other vegetables, mix strips of aluminum foil into your garden mulch. An additional advantage is that the film reflects light back onto the plants.

Protect tree trunks

Mice, rabbits and other animals often feed on the bark of young trees in winter. An inexpensive and effective deterrent is to wrap tree trunks with a double layer of aluminum foil in late fall. Be sure to remove the film again in spring.

Make a sun box for plants

You can also use aluminum foil to care for houseplants.

A sunny window is an ideal place for plants that need lots of light. However, because the light always comes from the same direction, the plants tend to turn toward the light. To provide your plants with light from all sides, build a sun box: Remove the lid and one side of a cardboard box and line the other three sides and the bottom with aluminum foil, shiny side facing out, and secure with tape or glue. Place the plants in the box and place it near a window.

Aluminum foil and well-being: What else is the household helper useful for?

Although aluminum foil belongs in the kitchen drawer, it can also be good for your body. Did you know that wrapping your feet with aluminum foil helps relieve cold symptoms faster? Or that the foil is a good tool for treating burn wounds? The household remedy can also help combat tiredness in everyday life by placing a few cooled strips of it on your eyelids and cheeks. This relaxes the muscles and makes you feel alert and comfortable.