Find out here whether earwigs are dangerous for people and are pests!

There are all sorts of scary pests, but earwigs are perhaps the scariest of all. The frightening appearance, ominous name, and general mysteriousness of these insects only add to their fearsome reputation. You've probably heard all sorts of scary things about catchy tunes, even if you don't know much about them. We will explain to you whether earwigs are dangerous for people and pets and whether they are pests or rather beneficial insects in the garden!

What are earworms?

Earwigs are small insects that can sometimes invade homes. They are long and thin, about 1 cm long, with a segmented body. These insects have two long antennae that protrude from the head, and they have pincers at the rear end. Earwigs are reddish-brown and have yellowish legs. Males' pincers are curved, while females' pincers are more straight and have less space between them.

Are earwigs dangerous and can they bite you?

Earwigs don't bite people, but they can pinch. The pincers on their stomachs are a weapon they use to defend themselves. While they're unlikely to pinch you, and the pincers can't break the skin, an earwig bite can hurt. By and large, you have nothing to fear from these insects.

Earwigs are not poisonous, do not transmit disease, and cannot cause major structural damage. They are annoying, but not dangerous.

Ear pincers don't crawl into your ears

This is a common myth about earworms. Despite their name, earwigs do not crawl into people's ears or infest them. They don't actually crawl through the ear or lay eggs in the brain, as some of the particularly ridiculous stories claim. These insects like dark, warm, and damp places, so it's technically possible that they could be attracted to a sleeping person's ear. However, this is extremely unlikely and the bug would not stay there for long, lay eggs or burrow. You shouldn't worry about earwigs burrowing into your ears.

Where do earwigs live?

Be aware that earwigs live in soil and can come into contact with harmful bacteria. If you have an open wound infested with these insects, be sure to apply an antibacterial lotion to the wound.

Are the earwigs dangerous and hitchhikers?

Earwigs are attracted to darkness, dampness, wetness and shelter. Once they find an ideal spot, they like to dig. These factors make them highly mobile, accidental hitchhikers. Like bed bugs, they often migrate to different bags or boxes. When you bring these bags or boxes into the house, you unintentionally bring in earwigs. Earwigs particularly often attack bags of soil, fertilizer or seeds.

Earwigs are not dangerous to pets. They do not bite or infest pets like fleas do. The insects are primarily active at night and stay away from threats such as cats and dogs. If your dog or cat eats an earwig, it probably won't cause any harm.Pests likeCockroaches can be harmful to pets if they eat them. Although cockroaches are not poisonous, they can transmit diseases. Earwigs are not disease-carrying, so your pet is unlikely to get sick from eating an earwig.

Are earwigs good or bad for your garden?

The most common place to find earwigs is under thin layers of soil in the garden. They love to hide in the ground to stay moist and cool. They dig out small nests for their eggs. You may often come across earwigs while digging in your garden.

Earwigs are both pests and beneficial insects in your garden! They can be good because they eat some problem bugs like aphids, grubs and flies. But these insects can also be harmful because they eat vegetables and flowers in your garden. Sometimes they make holes in the hosta leaves and in the flower buds of dahlias, marigolds and butterfly flowers.Larger plantsare not harmed by a few holes, but when large groups of earwigs invade a garden, they can cause plants to die.

Home remedies for earwigs

Certain household products such as soap, soda and alcohol can help with mild infestations. You canfollowing methodstry it at home.

  • Dishwashing detergent and water:Mix a little dish soap and water and spray the areas where you found earwigs.
  • Rubbing alcohol and water:Mix rubbing alcohol and water and spray flowers and plants. This method dries out the earwigs and kills them instantly.
  • Boric acid powder:Boric acid can be applied as a dust or mixed in water to inaccessible areas to kill earwigs if they venture into that area. Keep this mixture away from pets and children.
  • Vacuuming:The safest and easiest way to remove earwigs is to vacuum them up. Be careful when disposing of the vacuum cleaner bag. You can empty it into a bucket of water and soap solution, which will drown and kill any insects.
  • Licht:Finally, consider leaving some outdoor lights on at night. Earwigs hate light.