Cleaning a stainless steel extractor hood with home remedies: you have to try these 6 effective methods at home

An extractor hood installed above the hob cleans the air in your house or apartment from fumes, odors and other undesirable phenomena that arise when cooking in the kitchen. However, over time, various deposits, especially grease deposits, accumulate on the device. These deposits not only spoil the appearance of the device, but also reduce the efficiency of its work. Are you dealing with a dirty extractor hood? Let's find out how to clean a stainless steel extractor hood and what you need.

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Causes of a dirty extractor hood

The cause of pollution is the deposition of all particles sucked in by the working technology on the filters and the internal and external surfaces of this technology. Even if you don't use the hob, extractor hood or oven at all, dust will accumulate on the appliances that are not in use.

Photo: Andriy Blokhin / shutterstock

There are a number of simple home remedies that you probably have in the kitchen that can be used to clean a dirty extractor hoodcan clean. Check out and try our suggestions that you like and find effective.

1. Use soap bath for cleaning

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A common folk remedy for cleaning a hood from grease is a soap bath made from laundry soap. Do this:

  • A standard bar of laundry soap is used. The piece is rubbed on a grater, poured with hot water and stirred until the shavings are completely dissolved.
  • The hood is placed in this solution for about half an hour, then it is removed and the remaining layers of grease are scrubbed off with a brush or sponge. Then all that remains is to rinse the extractor hood.

2. Clean the extractor hood in the dishwasher

When deciding how to use the extractor hood in the kitchencan clean, it's obvious to use a dishwasher. The advantage of a dishwasher is that it quickly and automatically removes traces of dirt in the filter. If you use a dishwasher, you should set the maximum washing time and temperature to 60˚C.

3. Clean the stainless steel extractor hood with vinegar

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Cleaning the extractor hood using a vinegar solution is very easy. A ready-made 9% solution is used for the procedure. The grille of the extractor hood is poured with this solution and left in it for about half an hour. Then it is brushed off with a brush, removing the remainsContamination must be removed, and rinsed with clean water.

4. Lemon juice is an effective cleanser

Photo: SebastianaRaw / envato elements

You can clean the extractor hood of grease by using lemon juice. To do this, simply rub them thoroughly with half a cut lemon. One half is usually not enough for the entire area, so you have to use the other half. Leave the treated area on for about 40 minutes, then scrub with a brush and rinse with water.

5. Use mustard powder for cleaning

Photo: Olga_Kochina / envato elements

Cleaning with mustard powder gives good results. This product is not used in its pure form.

  • For cleaning, prepare a mixture of three tablespoons of powder, two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid, 50 ml of vinegar solution (9%) and 50 ml of water.
  • The prepared mixture is applied to the contaminated surface, after which the filter is placed in a bag or wrapped with food film.
  • In this form, the element to be cleaned is kept for at least an hour, after which it is cleaned with a brush and washed with water.

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6. Try with carbonated drinks

Strange as it may sound, carbonated drinks help get rid of fatty deposits. They contain orthophosphoric acid. The content of orthophosphoric acid in the drinks is low, and this substance does not have any negative effects on human health. Nevertheless, this acid is enough to clean the filter grid of deposits that are not too old.

To use the drink as a cleaning agent, it is enough to pour it over the hood and let it stand for about forty minutes. Then it should be processed with a brush and rinsed with water.

How often should you clean a range hood?

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The frequency of cleaning depends on the respective circumstances. Monthly cleaning is usually recommended, but some users find the strength to clean the hood of grease and other debris after each cooking session.

If cleaning is neglected, the devices will soon be covered with a layer of grease, soot and other dirt. In this case, the filters become clogged and the device can no longer perform its functions.

It should be noted that old deposits are not as easy to clean as relatively fresh ones. Therefore, ensure that your extractor hood is cleaned regularly!

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