Every housewife is happy about thiseffective home remedies, which make her everyday life easier and make all the tasks that need to be done around the house a little more pleasant. The market is overflowing with promising cleaning products. But either they don't keep what they promise or, if they do, it's hard on your wallet. What's more, they're full of chemicals that are anything but good for our health - researchers warn that using cleaning products every day for 20 years damages the lungs in the same way as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. And even if you don't work as a cleaner and are therefore not exposed to toxic fumes on a daily basis, it can't hurt to use less aggressive means. The effectiveness of apple cider vinegar, baking powder, baking soda, etc. is now well known to most people, but today we are introducing you to another wonderful household helper: the denture cleaner! Yes, it is actually not only suitable for cleaning the third teeth. What can you clean with denture cleaner?
Isn't it wonderful when a seemingly simple remedy suddenly turns out to be a miracle cure for the household? The next time you go to the drugstore, equip yourself with a few of the inconspicuous denture cleaner tabs and start cleaning the house! Your coffee pot hasannoying limescale stains? Or can you no longer wear your beloved blouse because of the yellow tinge? Washing up would also be much more pleasant if there weren't those stubborn burnt food residues... No longer a problem! With denture cleaner tablets you can not only clean braces and teeth, but much more! The denture cleaner as a home remedy: what can you clean with denture cleaner?
Denture cleaner as a home remedy in the bathroom & laundry room
Let's start our little tour in the bathroom, a place that should be cleaned and disinfected regularly to guarantee the best hygiene. What can you clean in the bathroom with denture cleaner?
Clean the toilet with denture cleaner
No more with the usual toilet tablets, because you also get the denture cleanerWC picobello sauber. You can use the denture cleaner to clean everything that is in the water:
- Descale the cistern
Add 2 to 4 tablets into the full cistern. They dissolve there, after which you leave them to act for some time. But before you rinse to rinse out the box, you might as wellthe toilet itselfClean with the tabs (why waste water):
- The toilet drain
Throw 1 to 2 tabs into the water and leave to work for about 30 minutes. Then brush the bowl well with the brush. Then simply flush the toilet.
- The toilet brush
Fill a suitable container (this can also be the container of the brush) with water, dissolve a tablet in it, place the brush in it and let the solution work overnight.
Clean the drain with denture cleaner
Would you have thought that simple denture cleaner is even able to break down hair quite well? This makes it perfect for taking prophylactic action against blockages, but also if you have already noticed a blockage in the sink, shower or bathtub. Put a tab in the tube, rinse briefly with hot water and then let the whole thing work overnight so that the denture cleaner can clean everything. In the morning, rinse thoroughly again. The water should now flow well again. If not, it is a more stubborn blockage that you may want to consult a professional for.
All about laundry
- The washing machine
You can also use denture cleaner to clean everything in the washing machine. And by “everything” we mean both the often moldy compartment for the detergent, as well as the drum and the rest. But how exactly? Dissolve a tablet in hot water in a container and fill the compartment with this water. After a few minutes, use a brush to help brush off the dirt and rinse the compartment. You will need a larger number of tabs for oneBasic cleaning of the machine: Put a total of 12 pieces into the drum and let the machine rinse once while idling.
- Denture cleaner hacks for laundry
Resin,green patches of grass, smells... you can get rid of all of this quickly by cleaning everything with denture cleaner. This is particularly advantageous when it comes to finer laundry that cannot be washed at high temperatures. And what can you clean with denture cleaner and, above all, how? 2 to 4 are sufficient for light to moderate dirt. Instead of using curtain white, you can get rid of the gray haze on your white curtains and drapes with 5-6 tabs and this can even remove nicotine discoloration. Put the tabs in the drum. If the stains are heavier, dissolve a tablet in a little water and pre-treat the stains by soaking them in the solution (only for bleachable textiles). Then wash as usual. This technique is even suitable for seat cushions in cars.
What can you clean in the kitchen with denture cleaner?
And what can you do with denture cleaner?cleaning in the kitchen? There is a lot to do here too, as all housewives and men know. But in which areas do the tabs prove useful? Try this:
Bißcleaner like Kalkentferner
- Clean the kettle
As practical as the kettle is, it accumulates limescale deposits over time, which are not only unsightly but can also damage the device in the long term. This can be quite nerve-wracking, especially in regions where the tap water has a high lime content. How good that you can clean everything here with denture cleaner too! In principle, proceed in exactly the same way as if you were using vinegar: dissolve one tablet in 1 liter of water directly in the jug. Then turn on the stove and let the water boil. Then throw this water away and rinse the kettle thoroughly with clean water.
- The coffee machine
You can even clean the coffee machine and coffee pot (in principle it is almost the same as the kettle)! As usual, add water to the compartment provided and then a tablet of denture cleaner. Now let the water run through once and pour it back into the water compartment so that it runs through again and the denture cleaner can clean everything.
- Descale pots
Dissolve one tab in water directly in the pot. It's best to let the whole thing work overnight. Then rinse the pot with clean water. You can also use a sponge to scrub stubborn spots before rinsing the pot. You can also clean the vase. For example, if you have a pretty piece of glass, over time unsightly limescale will appear. With denture cleaner tabs you canClean glass vase.
- Descale the cistern with tabs for braces and third teeth
The usual cleaning tablets for the dishwasher actually ensure that it is also cleaned during the washing process. Nevertheless, grease and limescale can accumulate. Whether for precaution or for a good reason – you can clean everything with denture cleaner. If you put two tablets in the dish rack, you can clean up such messes. Then run a cleaning program when empty.
Clean drinking bottles
You almost get the feeling that you can actually clean everything with denture cleaner! So if you ask yourself “what can you clean in the kitchen with denture cleaner”, the thermos bottles should also be mentioned. They are difficult to access and, if at all, only easy to clean with a dish brush. No wonder that mold tends to accumulate there.Is there a trick?? Naturally! You simply fill these aluminum bottles with hot water and then add one tab per bottle. Allow the solution to work for 15 minutes and rinse the drinking bottles well. This is a quick and easy way to remove mold from a drinking bottle.
Danger!It is better not to clean plastic bottles and thermos bottles with a plastic coating in this way as the solution can attack the material.
What can you clean with denture cleaner – Heavily soiled cookware
Something that's about as fun to clean aslike the oven, is cooking and baking utensils with burnt food. From now on, you can rely on the denture cleaner tabs for this too! Whether it's the grill rack, the baking tray or pots and pans - they're all clean again in no time:
- Grill accessories
You need a tray that can hold the grate or other grill accessories. Fill it with water, dissolve two tabs and immerse the accessories. After leaving it to work overnight, the remaining dirt should be removed without any problems.
- Baking tray, pots and pans
Dissolve a tab in hot water directly on the tray. An exposure time of one hour should be sufficient. The tray can then be rinsed as normal. For more stubborn deposits, you can also leave the solution to work overnight. Do the same thing with pots and pans.
- Tea and coffee discoloration
Would you like to remove coffee or tea stains from your cup or pot? Get the denture cleaners out of the cupboard! You need half a tab per cup (for pot 1 to 2). Fill the containers with hot water and dissolve the cleaner in it. It only takes a few minutes for this to remove the discoloration and most likely without you having to use a sponge.
What can you clean with denture cleaner - Other
The areas mentioned are by no means all of the areas that you can clean with a Kukident cleaner (or another brand of denture cleaner). We have listed a few more options: What can you clean with denture cleaner?
- Clean gold
Dissolve the denture cleaner in water andthe gold jewelrylet it rest for a few hours. Then polish with a glasses cloth if necessary.
- Clean aluminum coins with home remedies denture cleaner tabs
You can also clean coins in the same way. It doesn't matter whether you're cleaning aluminum coins or any other type of metal. Here too, bathe the tarnished metal in a bath of water and tab for several hours.
- Remove nicotine stains from fingers
Smokers know the problem: theFingers turn yellow from the smoke. You can get rid of this discoloration if you clean your fingers in a bath with denture cleaner tab. One or two tablets dissolved in a bowl of warm water should be enough. Soak your fingers in it for about 15 minutes. We say yes, in principle everything can be cleaned with denture cleaner.
- Solution as a window cleaning agent
Add a tablet to the window cleaning water and use it to clean both the panes and the window frames. Or how about theseGlass walls of the shower?
- As a solution to scare away fruit flies
The trickwith vinegar– or dishwashing detergent solution against biting midges is something everyone probably knows. But a solution with denture cleaner also has the same effect (and doesn't smell like vinegar). This isn't a cleaning tip, but it's still pretty practical for everyday use.