Remove smell from refrigerator: These home remedies for refrigerator odors really help!

We've all been there before - we open the fridge and are hit by an unpleasant smell that immediately makes us lose our appetite. Whether we forgot to throw out the salad before heading out of town or left the milk a few days past its expiration date, refrigerator odors are unfortunately a common problem we have to deal with. And if the fridge stinks, you need to act quickly! But what really helps and how can you remove the smell from the refrigerator? We have done some research for you and put together the best home remedies that help against unpleasant odors. As a bonus, we will also tell you how to clean the refrigerator.

After we give you the bestCleaning tips for allergy sufferershave revealed, today we will explain to you how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. We store various foods in the refrigerator that develop their aromas over time and a certain smell is usually completely normal and nothing to worry about. However, if dirt and several food residues have accumulated, then you need to take immediate action. Here is a list of the best home remedies to remove smell from the refrigerator.

Baking soda for fridge odors

It doesn't matter whether you're removing odors from the refrigerator or...clean the kettle- Baking powder is a real all-rounder in the household and is one of the most effective and at the same time cheapest home remedies. Baking soda and baking soda can neutralize unpleasant odors by binding the odors. To do this, put some baking powder in a small bowl and place it in the refrigerator. If the smell starts to increase again, replace the powder.

Remove smell from refrigerator with vinegar

Vinegar is probably a home remedy that we all have at home. So it's a good thing that we can use it to remove refrigerator odors. Vinegar also has an antibacterial effect and not only fights the smell, but also any germs and bacteria. However, you should thoroughly wipe the refrigerator with vinegar water. But don't worry - the smell of vinegar will disappear very quickly.


Lemon is probably the ultimate home remedy for removing odors from the refrigerator and also provides a wonderfully fresh scent. To do this, put a bowl of freshly squeezed lemon juice in the refrigerator and put the peel in it too. Be sure to remove or replace the juice and lemon peels after 4-5 days at the latest.

Coffee beans or coffee powder

Yes - even a small bowl of coffee beans or freshly ground coffee can help remove unpleasant smells from the refrigerator. Coffee powder eliminates the smell and gives off a super light, fresh scent. And who doesn't love the smell of freshly brewed coffee?

Potato or apple slices

And here's an inexpensive and effective way to get rid of refrigerator odors. A freshly cut potato or apple can work wonders and is ideal for a short-term solution to the smell. To do this, cut small slices and place them in a small bowl, which you then place in the refrigerator. Very important – don’t forget to replace the windows the next day.

Activated carbon against refrigerator odors

To completely eliminate odor molecules, use activated charcoal as a home remedy for refrigerator odors. To do this, place activated charcoal in a small bowl and place it on the top shelf in the refrigerator. Another alternative are activated carbon filters, which clean the air and kill any bacteria and germs.

Cleaning the refrigerator: how to do it right

Prevention is always better than cure and removing smells from the fridge is definitely not one of our favorite tasks. To prevent unpleasant smells, we will explain to you below how to clean the refrigerator.

  • Of course, first you need to take everything out of the refrigerator and throw away all spoiled and expired food.
  • Next, take all the removable parts and wipe them with warm water and dish soap. You can easily remove stubborn food residue and stains with an eraser. Always work from top to bottom. Very important – to avoid possible scratches, do not use any abrasive agents.
  • Next, use a damp washcloth to wash the gutter and any rubber seals.
  • To remove odors from the refrigerator, you can finally wipe it with a little vinegar water.
  • And here's a little tip - since all cardboard packaging quickly absorbs odors from other foods, it's better to pack your food in sealable plastic containers.