Household tricks with Cola: The drink is the perfect all-rounder in the household!

In addition, numerous consumers have discovered unexpected uses for the drink. Coca-Cola, the popular drink with the caramel hue, can be very refreshing but can also serve as a household miracle cure. Keep scrolling and discover helpful household tricks with Cola!

Household tricks with cola – removing rust

Photo:@bespoke/ Instagram

Coca-Cola is a cheaper alternative to commercial rust removers - but it doesn't work as quickly, so you'll need to be patient. Another thing to keep in mind is that while it is effective at removing surface rust, it will not be able to repair the damage if the problem becomes structural. To remove rust from smaller items such as tools, nuts, and bolts, place them in a container and pour just enough Coca-Cola into the container to completely cover them.

Photo:@bespoke/ Instagram

Let them soak for 24 hours and then use a cleaning pad on each individual piece. Additionally, you may have to repeat this process and it may take a few days to completely remove the rust.

Remove blood stains from clothing

Remove any blood stains that are on your clothing or other items. To do this, it is enough to pour the drink directly onto the stain. After letting the drink soak in for a few minutes, you can wash the garment as usual.

Get the joints clean again with the drink

Taking Coca-Cola into the bathroom is now the right thing to do because it is also able to remove stains from grout lines. You can apply it directly to the surface with a sponge, use a spray bottle, or work it in with a clean toothbrush. However, you shouldn't apply too much drink, otherwise it can become sticky. In this case, cleaning will take more time. After about 15 minutes, you should clean the tile joints with a detergent and water solution.

Clean glasses with cola

To remove sticky residue from your lenses, simply pour some Coca-Cola over them, wipe dry, and then repeat the process with water.

Clean burnt cookware

Photo: SrideeStudio/Shutterstock

SeaT-online.deBurnt cookware can be cleaned with cola. Fill your crusty cookware with cola (enough to completely cover the stains), bring the drink to a boil, then simmer for at least 15 to 30 minutes. This should be enough to remove the stains. To get the charred pan clean and in good condition again, you have to use a scouring pad.

Pro Tip: If you have dirty teacups and coffee mugs, you can also easily remove the stains from your home with a good Coca-Cola soak.

Also read:Cleaning the bottom of the pan with home remedies: 5 tricks and simple recipes to make your burnt cookware shine again

Remove urine scale, limescale and brown deposits in the toilet bowl

Photo:@ibichka/ Instagram

Pour 500 ml of Coca-Colainto the toilet bowland let it fizz and work for some time while you sleep. The next day all you need to do is rinse. The bowl should be scrubbed with a toilet brush if it is not completely clean.

Fertilize plants

Coca-Cola, the soft drink with a caramel-colored appearance, has a fantastic taste that some plants love. It turns out that certain plants like azaleas and bergenias like the drink's mild acidity in the soil.

Successfully combat pests indoors and outdoors

Foto: M G White/ Shutterstock

Fruit flies and other tiny insects can be efficiently captured and removed from your home with this clever trick. Using a knife, cut about a quarter of the top of an empty Coca-Cola bottle in a straight line. Then turn the bottle upside down and insert it into the bottom of the bottle. Fill this trap with about 250 ml of Coca-Cola and place it in close proximity to the area where the insects are entering. They are attracted by the sweetness of the lemonade and either drown or are unable to escape through the narrow entrance.

It is possible to control outdoor pests such as mealybugs and aphids using the cola. Put the fresh cola in a spray bottle and spray it directly onto your plants. If you have snails in your garden, all you need to do is leave a bowl of fresh Coca-Cola overnight. It is inevitable that the slimy animals will be attracted to it and will drown as a result - this

Easily remove gum in your hair

The phosphoric acid contained in Coca-Cola is responsible for preventing the chewing gum from sticking to surfaces as easily. The gum should come off the hair after soaking it in Coca-Cola for a few minutes.

Remove paint with cola

Due to its chemical composition, Coca-Cola can also be used to remove paint from metal objects. This makes it a competitive alternative.

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Cover photo:@b.eazyxo/ Instagram