Cats are naturally very clean animals. Unfortunately, this does not apply to your cat toilets. The litter box smell can be overwhelming and ruin living together with a cat. This is also the most common reason why you don't want to buy a cat if you live in a small apartment. But you can get rid of the bad litter box smell and below you will find the best tips and home remedies for it.
How can you get rid of the litter box smell?
The smelly cat litter is one of the most unpleasant things connected to the care of a cat. However, this does not mean that this smell should spread throughout the house. In this article, we inform you of reliable methods with which you can remove the litter box smell and prevent them in the future.
Clean the litter box properly
The best way to keep the litter box smell is thatconstant cleaning. Take out the litter box at least twice a day or every time the animals go. This may seem more intensive, but it is definitely worth spending a few seconds with the shovel to avoid the annoying smells.
Wash the litter box every week with water and dishwasher or soap. The smell of bleach and other chemicals can lead to your cat avoiding the litter box, even if it is clean. Then rinse it thoroughly and let it dry completely before refill it with fresh cat litter. Also clean your creator.
Replace the cat litter regularly
Many cat owners simply shuffle out the dirty litter and replenish the cat toilet when it is empty. The problem with this is that this does not prevent bacteria and other microbes from accumulating, which can be the cause of most smells.
Pour out the entire litter about once a month and fill the litter boxWith very fresh cat litteron after they have washed it thoroughly.
Get rid of the litter box smell with baking powder
If you still have odor problems, try to sprinkle a little baking powder on the bottom of the plastic tub before refilling the new inlet. Baking powder is a simple home remedy that can neutralize many smells in a natural way. One of the strongest smells in the cat toilet is that of ammonia, and baking powder can reduce this smell.
Whatever you do, do not use perfumes or sprays because they can irritate the sensitive nose of your cat and you even stop using the box at all.
Neutralize the smells with activated carbon filters
The environmentally friendly activated carbon filters can help remove the annoying litter box smells. They are ideal for absorbing the odor -causing bacteria and unpleasant smells.
Place the filter in the cat toilet or in the ventilation openings to soak up and absorb the smells from the litter box so that the room air becomes fresh.
Mix in dried green tap leaves
The green tea has antibacterial properties and absorbs perfectly uncomfortable smells. Get green tea leaves and simply dry a few of them. Shoot the dried leaves and mix them into the bedding. If you are worried that your cat eats the leaves, you can brew them first before drying and mixing them up. If you cannot find green tea leaves, you could also use tea bags for this purpose by sprinkling a few tablespoons of the tea mixture over the cat litter and then mix in them.
Replace the plastic tub
Cats are made of simple plastic and can be scratched and worn out over time because the cats bury their excretions with their claws. These scratches are ideal hiding places for bacteria that accumulate over time and cause smells. The incredibly porous surface of the plastic can also save smells very well and therefore the litter box stinks. It is advisable to throw away the old litter box about once a year and to replace it with a new one.
Choose the right cat toilet
There are cats of cat in all sizes and shapes, with doors and hoods. As a rule, these are better suited for odor control because they hold the smell in the litter box instead of letting it into the apartment.
No matter what kind of litter box you use, make sure that it is big enough for your cat. It should have enough space to turn around and sit down.
Place the litter box correctly
Choosing the right location for the litter box does not help against the smell, but it can prevent this smell from spreading throughout the house. Place the cat toilet in a larger, well -ventilated room so that the smells can be better distributed before you let the litter box smell too much. It is said to be in a light and quiet area, far away from the food of the cat, from other animals and everything that their cat could disturb when using the cat toilet.