Do you often find that your clothes become statically charged? Here, discover some easy methods & remedies that you can use to solve the problem!
It can be quite unpleasant and frustrating in everyday life to have to deal with live clothing that “sticks” to your body. This is an already well-known and widespread phenomenon in nature, which is influenced by various factors. Nevertheless, not everyone knows how to easily avoid static electricity when wearing or putting on various clothing materials. If you are one of them, the following useful information and practical tips can help you take the appropriate antidotes.
Why does clothing become statically charged and what can you do about it?
A magic trick loved by children is rubbing a balloon on clothing and using itto electrify hair. Static electricity can also be generated when touched, which is interesting for little ones but can cause an unpleasant feeling. Women in particular are familiar with the problem when tights or dresses are statically charged and stick to their legs. The main reason for this is the charging of the body or various objects and substances with electrons. According to the laws of nature, these try to balance the charged quantity by transferring it to other objects.
When it comes to clothing, static electricity occurs primarily between synthetic fibers and skin. The usual suspects are viscose, acrylic and polyester, with thesein the dryeror become statically charged as clothing in dry weather. This is a phenomenon that is more annoying than harmful. However, it can also rarely happen that if there is a high oxygen content or flammable gases, the sparks can lead to a fire hazard. Skin that is too dry also increases the likelihood of electrostatic charging. To respond properly and take preventative measures in such situations, you can take some simple and smart steps.
Prevent static electricity with fabric softener or vinegar
One of the easiest ways to prevent garments from becoming electrified after washing is to use fabric softener. You can also use it to make a homemade spray by mixing about a tablespoon of the product with water in a spray bottle. This means you can avoid embarrassing situations when you spray the affected fabric. However, if you want to avoid chemical agents, acetic acid also counteracts static electricity when washing. Simply add a cup of distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to the final wash cycle. Another simple hack when drying is to get the clothes out a little earlier when they are still slightly damp. This also prevents electrostatic charge.
Does cosmetics or water help if clothes are statically charged?
You can also use cosmetic products as an aid before going out to prevent your outfit from sticking to your skin. For example, apply body lotion or skin cream, as these have a moisturizing and antistatic effect. If you are already out and about and suddenly feel static electricity, simply spraying it with water is just as effective. For this purpose, it is advisable to keep a simple water spray in your bag to treat the problem areas. Talcum or baby powder also prove to be an effective antidote in such cases. By touching the affected area, even with wet hands, you counteract static electricity. Incidentally, contact with metal objects has the same effect.
What other tricks and measures can you use against electrically charged clothing?
To prevent this from becoming an annoying issue, there are other clever tactics and affordable home remedies you can use to combat it. In this way, you can take preventive action and ensure that such a problem rarely occurs without much effort. Here are some tried and tested methods you can consider:
- Use hairspray: Just like with cosmetic products, hairspray contains certain substances and alcohol that you can use to neutralize static electricity.
- Wire hanger or safety pin: Since these are made of metal, they have an antistatic effect and can help if clothing is statically charged.
- Balls of wool or aluminum and tennis balls: If you haven't tried them yet, you can use simple antidotes like these during the washing or drying cycle.
- Wash and sort clothes made of cotton and synthetic fibers separately: Simply avoid mixing synthetic clothing fabrics with natural cotton clothes.
- This also applies to wearing different items of clothing made of synthetics and cotton at the same time, which can create static charges on each other as clothing.
- Use soapnut instead of detergent: This is how you can get your laundry clean naturally and significantly reduce static electricity.
- Maintain the humidity in the room: While working in the office or in your home, make sure that the air is not too dry. Pay special attention when using air conditioners or dehumidifiers.
- Freeze items of clothing easily: This hack is of course suitable for the warm season. Simply place problematic clothing in the freezer for about 15 minutes, whereby it will not freeze, but will only become slightly damp.
- Wear rubber-soled shoes: Some shoe soles also reduce the risk of static electricity when skin comes into contact with synthetic clothing. When worn, they ensure that the charged electrons do not stick to the skin.
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