Dryer smells musty: Why it stinks and how you can successfully remove the smell!

When you use the dryer it usually smells lovely. However, lately you've been noticing a strange smell that's making your clothes and dryer smell bad after every use. Does your dryer smell musty? What could be the reason and how can you get rid of the smell?

Large purchases like your washer, dryer, and dishwasher should serve you well for many years. However, a dryer with a musty smell will not dry your clothes well. Find out how to eliminate dryer odors using just a few household items and utensils.

The most important reasons for the unpleasant smell of the tumble dryer

There can be a number of reasons why your dryer is not producing a clean, fresh laundry scent. Let's take a look at some of the most common causes of unpleasant dryer odors.

Accumulated lint is a problem

Your dryer may indicate that the lint trap needs to be cleaned after each wash, but this is easily overlooked. It is possible that the bad smell comes from a clogged lint filter. Lint is not clean because it is made of dirty fibers. If the lint filter becomes clogged after each drying cycle, mold can form.

Leave wet laundry in the dryer

It's okay to leave laundry in the dryer occasionally, as long as it's not wet. However, if you forget your laundry in the dryer for a few days and then realize that it hasn't dried completely, it can leave an unpleasant smell in both your clothes and your dryer.

To prevent mold from forming on your clothes, make sure they dry completely after each wash. The same applies to wet laundry: do not leave it in the washing machine for more than 12 hours before drying it, otherwise mold may form on it.

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Potentially unclean washing machine

Smells from dirty items you've cleaned in the past, soap scum, and other debris can get stuck in your washing machine. If you have yourClean the washing machine regularly, you can prevent unpleasant odors from entering your dryer.

Dryer smells musty: what to do?

Use these home remedies and tips to clean your dryer so that it and your laundry can smell fresh again.

Bleach and vinegar for the smell

Bleach can be used to eliminate mold and odors. Put on rubber gloves so you don't irritate your skin with the bleach solution you'll use to remove the mold smell from the dryer. In a bucket, mix 120 ml of bleach with 4 liters of warm water. Then wipe the inside of the dryer with a clean towel dampened with the bleach solution. Also wipe the inside of the dryer door and then leave the door open to allow the appliance to dry naturally.

Vinegar can be used to deodorize the inside of the dryer. Therefore, fill a spray bottle with white vinegar. Take a few towels - they should be spread out on a flat surface. Spray the vinegar on the towels until they are damp but not dripping. Then, dry the sprayed towels in the dryer to eliminate the mold smell.

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Get the lint filter clean again

If you like the smellin your dryerIf you want to get rid of it, check the lint filter. First, remove any lint you can find: To clean the lint trap, you can either use your vacuum cleaner or a special lint trap brush. Then fill the sink with water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap. Soak the screen in the soapy water and then scrub it with a soft-bristled brush to remove any lint.

Before you can use the strainer again, rinse it thoroughly under the tap and allow it to air dry well. A wet or damp screen may cause more mold to form when you put it back in the dryer.

Deodorize with baking soda

Due to its alkaline nature, baking soda is able to neutralize any remaining odors in the dryer, including those left by other cleaning products. Dampen a cloth and generously sprinkle baking soda over the surface of the fabric. Umremaining smellsand remove any residue, throw the cloth in the dryer and tumble dry on the lowest setting.

Use essential oils to freshen up your dryer

To maintain a pleasant aroma in your dryer between cleanings, consider using essential oils. The oils not only clean the tumble dryer, but also give your laundry a pleasant scent. Put a few drops of your preferred essential oil on a fresh cotton cloth and place it with the clean oneLaundry in the dryer. Try a citrus scent if you want something light and airy, or lavender if you want to relax.

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