Pack your suitcase wrinkle-free: 7 cool tricks from the professionals that everyone should know

Each of us has had the bad experience at least once: the carefully packed clothes are crumpled and there is a mess. To avoid this, we will explain to you how to pack your suitcase without creasing it.

Pack your suitcase without creasing: distribute the weight evenly

The even distribution of the weight in the suitcase is the be-all and end-all of wrinkle-free packaging. Pack the clothes in cloth bags. Place hard objects with sharp edges such as shoes, appliances, or jewelry boxes at the bottom of the suitcase. This ensures, on the one hand, that they stay there during transport and, on the other hand, that they do not damage the clothing. Place items of clothing such as sweaters or jeans on top. At the top there are T-shirts and underwear. The suitcase must never be completely full. Leave about three fingers of free space at the top.

The suitcase must neither be completely full nor half empty

Are you planning a vacation in paradise? Then leave free space in your suitcase for souvenirs and gifts. When packing, plan where these will be stored later. Take small bags and tissue paper with you so that they don't break during transport.

Packing your suitcase wrinkle-free: an overview of various techniques

Wrinkled clothes are not a pretty sight. Especially if you don't want to iron every day, various techniques can come in handy. It really depends on what you actually want to pack. If you only have summer clothes made of thin fabrics, you can roll them up. If you need suits for a business trip, then layering is the key. If you want to have a suitable item of clothing for every weather, then here are the onesFolding technique according to Marie Kondoor bundling to help.

Packing your suitcase according to Marie Kondo: The most important things in brief

The KonMari method involves folding clothes flat. The suits and bras are on top, the rest of the clothing is rolled up. Go for essentials. Pack fewer items of clothing, but items that you would be happy to wear at home. Avoid skirts and dresses that require too much care. Even expensive designer items have no place in your luggage - they usually need special care, which is not always possible on vacation. The KonMari method also says that you pack your suitcase the same way you tidy your closet.

Pack clothes wrinkle-free: layer instead of stacking

Pack clothes as you will wear them. For example: shirt in a denim jacket, blouse in a blazer, etc. You can put socks straight into your shoes. For very delicate fabrics, you can also use garment bags as hand luggage or thin Pack-It folders in your suitcase. You can also layer your clothes there. The Pack-it folders are equipped with integrated elastic bands that hold the clothing in place so that it does not move back and forth during transport and no wrinkles can form.

Rolling up clothes: How to do it right

For now: You can roll up all your clothes, but it's not necessary. It's much better to fold sweaters and jeans flat and roll up underwear, T-shirts and clothing made from fabrics like silk or linen. It is best to fold jackets and voluminous vests made of wool and pack them in vacuum bags. By combining two packing techniques, you can make better use of the available space.

Pack your suitcase wrinkle-free: what to do with delicate fabrics?

For garments made from delicate fabrics, you can fold them with tissue paper. You can also use garment covers to protect shirts, blouses and skirts.

Pack to save space: bundle clothes

If you want to pack both sweaters and airy summer dresses in your suitcase, you should bundle the clothes. Proceed as follows: Place a small, hard object in the middle of the suitcase. For example, you can use a cosmetic bag. Then first tie items of clothing made of wrinkle-resistant fabrics such as jeans or sweaters around the cosmetic bag. Move on to shirts, skirts and dresses. Wrap the very outside of silk or satin dresses that are very delicate.

Unpack clothing as quickly as possible upon arrival

You packed the suitcase without any wrinkles and upon arrival you found that everything was in its place. Then it’s time to unpack quickly. If, despite your best efforts, some clothes have wrinkles - then hang them in the bathroom while you take a shower. The steam will smooth out the wrinkles. All you have to do is let the clothes dry in the room.

Every trip brings joy and enriches life. But it is also a challenge that is best mastered in wrinkle-free clothing.


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