Whether streaks or drops: each of us has noticed condensation on the window. The condensation itself is not dangerous or harmful, but it can lead to the formation of mold. If a lot of condensation forms in your house or apartment overnight, you should act immediately. In the article we will tell you what really helps and what you can do if shock ventilation doesn't help.
Avoid condensation on the inside of the window: What are the possible causes
Condensation is actually caused by high humidity in the room. When the warm air hits the cold glass panes, water is released. This usually happens in the winter months when it is cold outside and the rooms inside are heated. Often it happens overnight. The possible reasons for the condensation are:
1. Humidity too high. If the humidity is above 60%, condensation is encouraged.
2. High temperatures inside and low temperatures outside.
3. Incorrect ventilation.
The possible measures that can help against condensation on the window are: lower the humidity and ventilate properly.
The first steps you should take when dealing with condensation relate to humidity. Certain habits can increase them. Then even regular burst ventilation cannot help. So if it often happens to you that you see condensation streaks or moisture on the window frame in the morning, then you should ask yourself:
1. Where does the condensation form?
- Possible causes of condensation on the window frame: The windows are probably leaking. This allows the heat to escape and water collects on the window frame.
- If theWindows between the panes fog up,then that is another sign ofleaky windows. The glass panes cannot insulate the heat effectively enough. The window surface cools and water collects between the panes, mostly on the outer pane. In most cases the glass panes are replaced. In some cases it also helps if you attach a self-adhesive profile seal. Glass renovation is also an option.
- If thatCondensation on the inside of the windowaccumulates: then you can try to reduce the humidity with cross ventilation. As the name itself suggests, cross-ventilation involves opening two opposite windows and keeping them open for a shorter period of time. This is best done in the morning, after getting up.
2. How can I avoid condensation on the inside of the window?
- Lower the humidity.
- Regulate the room temperature.
Why does condensation build up on the window overnight and what can I do about it?
Misty windows in the morning are not a pleasant sight. There are two possible reasons why so much condensation accumulates on the window overnight. The humidity in the room increased in the evening. If you cook or take a shower and then open the windows wide, the moisture can spread throughout the apartment. The result – you find condensation on the windows in the coldest rooms in the house. To prevent this, you can:
- Keep the room temperature in the apartment or house as constant as possible. It is recommended that this varies between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius, ideally 20 degrees Celsius. This especially applies to the living area: If you turn off the heating there in the evening, you will find condensation streaks on the windows in the morning.
- Keep the humidity low – it should not exceed 60%.
What to do about condensation in the bedroom?
- Improve air circulation. Leave at least 50mm of space between the bed, wardrobe and wall. However, this rule of thumb is rarely adhered to, especially in the bedroom. A mistake, actually, because you can go through thatgood air circulation mold formationAvoid in the cupboard or behind the cupboard.
- The evaporating water from the aquarium in the bedroom or living area can also work wonders and solve the problem.
- Clothes in the closet should also be organized so that air can circulate freely. It is better that you hang the majority of the clothes and not put them in the fridge.
- If you have a dryer near the bedroom, you should have its seals checked regularly.
- If you don't have a dryer, you can dry your clothes outside as long as the weather permits.
- Shock ventilation before you go to bed and after you get up in the morning.
Prevent windows from fogging up in the kitchen
Rooms where the humidity increases significantly are primarily all wet rooms (laundry rooms and bathrooms) and the kitchen. There are a few things you should keep in mind when cooking, especially in the kitchen:
- Only cook under a closed lid.
- Leave the hood running for about 15 minutes after cooking has finished. This means it can better remove the humidity in the room. By the way, the latest models are equipped with special sensors and can automatically correct the levels if necessary. For example: When the water starts to boil, the extractor hood operates at the highest level. If the food is already ready, the extractor hood works at a medium level. This way you save electricity and resources.
- Close the kitchen and bathroom doors. This way you can prevent the humidity from the kitchen from reaching cold and unheated rooms.
Avoid condensation on the windows in the bathroom and laundry room
- Install bathroom fan. He can help thatTo reduce the amount of condensation.
- Open the windows in the bathroom to allow the moist air to escape. Even if it is raining outside, you should ventilate the bathroom regularly - at least three times a day.
- Ventilate regularly, i.e. at least three times a day.
English version:How to get rid of condensation on the inside of the window: Why does the glass get wet despite airing and what really helps against this?.