Moist wall - what are it best to do about it? Possible causes and tips for drying against mold

It is bad that the weather is cold and wet outside. But just when you accepted the winter and the heating season, you can still find moisture on the wall. Everyone knows that this is not a good sign, because mold can quickly develop from it, which is extremely harmful to health. Therefore, you have to act quickly and solve the problem. But if you have a wet wall, what are you doing best?

How moist can a wall be?

It is normal for a wall to be damp every now and then. Damps that are now settled on the wall are created, especially in damp rooms such as the bathroom or cooking. Therefore, moist walls are not always a reason for concern. When is a wall too damp?

How wet a wall can be depends on many factors, such as the conductivity of the building material. Therefore, one cannot give or measure an exact “correct” value, which is why one should consult an expert here. The good news, however, is that you can definitely determine the value with a moisturizer in order to receive at least an approximate idea.

For example, with values ​​between 80 and 100 percent you can certainly assume that the wall is too wet. With lower values, this is not so safe. Then it depends on the material so that the professional advice is necessary.

Moisture on the walls can cause mold

The wall is damp, but no mold can be seen? Then you should act as quickly as possible so that it stays with it, because the moisture in combination with the warm room temperature offers the perfect breeding ground for mold spores. What are the best way to do? You have to:

  • Find the cause
  • Fix the cause
  • Get rid of the existing moisture

Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary that you have to consult a specialist. However, it should only beact about condensation(In this case usually also visible on windows), you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Why are the walls damp? These are possible causes

Depending on the room, various problems can lead to damp walls.

  • condensationCan arise in any room where there is a large temperature difference between the outer wall and the room temperature, i.e. if the wall is significantly colder on the inside than the air.
  • In the basementa moist wall is common through condensation if the seals on the ground are poor. As a result, the space can even be flooded in heavy rain.
  • Are in the wallWater pipes, it may well be that a pipe is damaged and water leaves. For the most part, this can be recognized if the whole wall is not wet, but only moist areas on the wall are visible or tangible.
  • In the bathrooma permanently moist wall can also be a sign that the sealing of the shower or tub damages (Tiles and tile joints) and the water gets into the masonry.

Moist wall - what are you doing best to avoid mold

As you should now, as already mentioned, the cause depends on the cause, but also how much the moisture has already sucked into the masonry. In any case, you shouldn't wait long if you want to avoid mold.

  • With condensation

Apart from good external insulation, the right heating and ventilation are essential toHealthy humidityto obtain. Make sure to bring as little moisture as possible into the interiors (through wet laundry). When cooking, showering and bathing, they ventilate extensively so that moist air can be worn outwards. Otherwise, they carry out 5 to 10-minute breath ventilation daily.
You can then remove moisture as a result of this cause and avoid it yourself.

  • Cellar roomsWith poor components that touch the earth are repaired by adequate renovation.
  • With a breakthe lines must be repaired/replaced.
    In these two causes, renovations by experts necessary so that they can avoid mold.

Dry wall dry - this is how you proceed depending on the cause

If you have found out where the moisture came from and the problem solved, you must now get rid of it. If the water has already penetrated deep into the walls, they won't be able to do much itself. In this case, professional help is necessary or special drying devices (condensation dryer or construction dryer). These initially dry the room air, which is then able to absorb the wall moisture. The devices will pull the moisture out of the wall, so to speak. Of course, this does not happen overnight, but gradually over a long time.

However, if the moisture only occurred superficially, you can also try it yourself:

  • View regularly to guarantee good air exchange that carries the existing moisture from the room.
  • Accelerate the process if necessaryWith the help of a dehumidifier. Infrared drying is also an option because the rays can penetrate deep into the walls and heat it.
  • Not to forget: Avoid bringing new moisture to the room, which would make the walls dry.