The kitchen looks messy and the storage space is never enough? This is how many think, but in fact, every kitchen can be put in order quickly with a few tips and tricks. If you want to organize your own kitchen and use the available room optimally, then you are the right place here. In the article you will find many helpful tips on how to give the kitchen and keep all objects and food properly.
Organize the kitchen with a suitable storage system
For a clean and decent kitchen, you first need a suitable storage system that has a lot of storage space. Beadrest with drawers, wall shelves, pharmacist cabinets and upper cabinetsAll of your kitchen objectsAnd keep small devices if they are properly granted. Tips and ideas on how to put the kitchen cabinets in order can be found below.
First steps
If you really want to reorganize the room, we recommend that you take at least one morning or even a whole day. Before you start, provide garbage bags and a basket by stowing things to give away or selling. A labeling device and several storage tanks will certainly also come to your aid. In order to do the work really effectively, you should clean up everything from the kitchen cabinets as the first step.
To keep hygiene in the kitchen, you should regularly clean the kitchen. However, this applies not only to the worktops and the hob, but also to the kitchen cabinets and drawers. If you have cleared everything from the kitchen cabinets, then be thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom.
Objectsmuck out
After you have cleaned up everything from the kitchen cabinets, you can distribute the objects in different categories. Decide what is thrown away, sold, giving away, keeping or does not belong in the kitchen at all. Expensive food and things that you did not need last year should muck out.
Clean the drawer
Small kitchen utensils such as cutlery are usually kept in drawers. If you organize the kitchen, you have to use a good drawer order system. With a suitable drawer insert, the content of the drawers is not constantly mixed up, but clearly arranged.
Store the daily cutlery in a drawer that is as close as possible to the dish and dishwasher. So it is always at hand and can be quickly cleared away. The drawers on the left and right of the stove are quite suitable for themSpices and saucesthat you often use when cooking.
When storing knives, one should mainly pay attention to safety. Classic knife blocks on the worktop are a good idea for the sharp knives, but bacteria can arise. Alternatively, you can store the knives in a drawer or use a space -saving magnetic bar for the wall.
The deep kitchen drawers are very functional in the kitchen. In it you can both casserole and baking tins as well asStore pots and pans. You can also stow dishes and containers in such drawers and therefore always keep an overview.
Create order in kitchen cabinets
In addition to the drawers, you should also organize the kitchen cabinets in the kitchen. Each closet can be used for various purposes. Corner cabinets in the kitchen are difficult to reach, but have a lot of available storage space. To this storage optionTo be optimally used, you can consider suitable corner solutions, such as a rondell or extract for the corner cabinet. Practical kitchen cabinet inserts can also be helpful for the base cabinets.
Wall cabinet in theKitchengrant
The wall cabinets are a popular storage space solution, which is often used incorrectly. In the upper cabinet, for example, you can stow glasses and cups, as well as cookbooks and a small minibar. Heavy dishes, such as plates and storage cans, do not belong in the wall cabinet. Sliding doors and roller blinds offer a practical and space -saving solution for this, which do not swing in the room.
Kitchen cupboardsink
In the area under the sink, the pipes are usually located and it is considered a cool and moist area. Therefore, no food should be stored in it or dishes should be stowed away. This kitchen cabinet is best suited for storing cleaning agents, garbage bags, extra sponges and everything you need to clean the kitchen.
Dash can under sink - practicalornot
In many kitchens, the trash can for the base cabinet under the sink. However, this area is not so suitable for this, because the moisture in connection with food remains can lead to the development of mold. It would be better to set up a lockable bucket somewhere in the kitchen or alternatively use a separate cabinet as a trash can.
Organize the pharmacy cabinet and pantry in the kitchen
For food, one or, possibly, several storage cabinets should be used. To create order in the pantry, you should first group food according to food. Food such as rice, pasta, flour and sugar are best stored in glass containers. Glass is preferable to the plastic, because plastic harms the environment and can also transmit toxins to the food. With the labeling device you can label the containers and thus find everything in the pantry quickly.
Tips for more order inPant
If you organize the storage or pharmacy cabinet, you should first arrange the food into categories and give each category a permanent place in the closet. Place the most frequently used products in the best possible space. Use baskets and cans for the difficult to reach corners. Do not clear the pantry too full and do not buy more than fits in it. Having stock is good, butYou don't need too much.
If you organize the kitchen, don't forget the refrigerator either. With a real order system, your food stays fresh and tasteful longer. In this article you will find many helpful tips onClear the fridge.
De to grant the worktops
So that your kitchen always looks neat, you should not keep unnecessary objects and devices on the work surface. Only these electrical kitchen appliances that they use are used. Especially when the available space is scarce, the less used devices should be kept in a kitchen cabinet.
hangingAs a trick for small kitchens
There are different ones for small kitchens and kitchenette in the one -room apartmentTips and trickshow you can maximize the available storage space. The inside of the closet doors can be used to hang up smaller objects. On sticks with S-hooks on the kitchen wall, pots, pans and other kitchen utensils can also be hanged to save space on the work surface and in the closet.
To document your success in organizing the kitchen, you can take pictures of the kitchen cupboards before and after. So you will certainly notice the differences and can be satisfied with the work done.