What not to clean with a microfiber cloth: Which surfaces you should never clean with it and why

What you can't clean with a microfiber cloth is a question you don't usually ask yourself. However, this is because they are unaware of the permanent damage this all-purpose cleaning cloth can do to their expensive items.

The truth is that microfiber cloths, although extremely soft to the touch, are actually quite abrasive andscratches on some surfacesleave behind. It should also be noted that a damp microfiber cloth causes even more damage than a dry cloth. Find out what microfiber cloths are and when you shouldn't use them in this article.

What are microfiber cloths and why are they so good for cleaning in general?

The microfiber cloth made from polyester and polyamide can absorb microscopic dirt much more easily than any other fabric and has a high level of cleaning power. The microfiber material has an excellent ability to absorb moisture - much faster than cotton products. This is due to the fine pores of the microfiber, which quickly absorb water like a sponge.

Microfiber products are also positively charged, so they attract negatively charged dirt and grease. These properties of microfiber allow it to clean surfaces and remove dirt and pollutants without chemical cleaning agents, protecting the environment and human skin.

Interesting facts: When and where was this extraordinary material invented?

Some say the Japanese invented it in the mid-1970s, others say it was introduced in England around 1986. What is certain, however, is that Sweden began marketing the first microfiber in 1990.

It appears that the actual development of the microfiber concept was done by the Japanese about thirty years ago. Looking for a new fabric for women's sportswear, especially swimwear, they developed a light, pleasant and comfortable fabric. Despite the good intentions at the time, this impressive invention ended up being a huge failure!

Microfiber swimsuits absorb water and moisture, making them very heavy and uncomfortable when wet. Although the fabric was extremely adaptable, the contraindications caused by wetness made the microfiber swimsuit completely unusable.

About ten years later, European scientists resumed work on the product and realized that, with appropriate modifications, it could be extremely useful for cleaning. The fabric was then perfected and around 2001 the trade in microfibers began in the professional cleaning sector.

Which surfaces are not suitable for cleaning with a microfiber cloth?

When you think of microfiber cloths, this is the one that automatically comes to mindCleaning of carsand windows? Or maybe wiping a screen? Think again. If you do thisSurfaces with a microfiber clothIf you clean them, you risk permanently damaging them.

Do not clean your glasses with a microfiber cloth

If you want your glasses to last a long time, you should avoid cleaning them with microfiber cloths. Although their fibers are soft, they act like sandpaper on your glasses. Over time, your glasses will become covered with countless scratches that will eventually cloud your vision.

As an alternative to cleaning, you can use lukewarm water and a little detergent and wipe with special glasses cleaning cloths.

Do not use microfiber cloths on shiny surfaces

As with the glasses, the following applies here: If you want to enjoy the shiny surfaces for a long time, you should avoid harsh cleaning agents and microfiber cloths! If you do this, you will scratch the surface and it will quickly look dull and unkempt.

Microfiber cloths remove the protective layer from wooden surfaces

Although it may seem that a microfiber cloth cannot damage a sturdy wooden surface, this is not the case. Microfiber cloths remove the wood's protective layer, leaching its oils and making it brittle. Instead, use a cotton cloth to clean your wooden table.

Do not clean precious metal surfaces with a microfiber cloth

If you have objects, jewelry or surfacesClean precious metals, a microfiber cloth will permanently scratch them over time. If you choose to do this, make sure it is absolutely clean. Otherwise, dirt particles, dust and grit will only increase the abrasive effect of the microfiber cloth.

Do not clean mirrors with a microfiber cloth

The mirror should not be cleaned with a microfiber cloth as its fibers have an abrasive effect on it. Especially if the cloth is not completely clean.

Do not polish your car with a microfiber cloth

Car owners often use microfiber cloths to polish their cars. However, if you want it to look good, forget about them. A microfiber cloth leaves fine scratches on the paintwork that only get bigger and deeper over time.

Is microfiber really environmentally friendly? Here are the facts about the sustainability of microfibers

Not quite. Howin most sustainability scenariosThe answer is complicated, but the short answer is that microfiber is not manufactured in an environmentally friendly way and does not degrade.

When washed, fabrics made from microfibers release microplastics into the washing machine water, which inevitably ends up in local waterways, carrying these dangerous microplastics with them. In the environment, these microplastics can harm animals, cause pollution and release dangerous chemicals.

However, reusing microfibers, especially microfiber towels, is quite sustainable in some cases as it reduces the use of disposable paper towels.