Do you have moths at home that like to gnaw on clothes? The vermin can also often be found in the kitchen. You should do something immediately to combat the moths!
When it comes to pests, moths are among the worst. The insects need complete darkness to reproduce and feed their young. That's why you should look for them in dark places such as basements, attics and storage rooms. They are unpleasant housemates - while adult moths are not a major problem, their larvae can cause significant damage to clothing, particularly natural fibers such as cotton and wool, and to dry items such as bread and pasta. You can find out how to get rid of moths in the following article!
What are moths?
Moths belong to the insect order Lepidoptera, which also includes butterflies. There are at least 160,000 different species of moths, but only a tiny fraction of them will ever enter your home. There are two types of moths that often cause problems for homeowners:food mothsandClothes moths. As their name suggests, these pests look for specific foods in specific rooms of the house.
Pantry moths primarily attract grains and dry foods such as muesli, rice and other stored foods. The pupae and larvae of these pests can leave unpleasant webs or small caterpillars in your snacks when they invade your environment.
Clothes moths are attracted to dark, warm places such as closets and wardrobes, and their larvae feed on wool, silk, fur and other natural fabrics. It is not difficult for these pests to get into your home or apartment, either by flying in through an open door or window or by perching on new (or old) clothing.
Symptoms of a moth infestation
Moth larvae cause holes in clothing because adult moths do not have jaws. You can find the nest by looking for signs of damage on your clothing. Check the backs of your closets and pantries for webs and cocoons.
The most common symptoms are:
- Clothes with holes
- Webs in the cracks of cupboards
- Nests hidden under dark cupboards
- Clothing with a musty smell
If you suspect you have moths in your closet, here's what you should do to get rid of themClothing from the infestationto free:
- Get rid of clothing items that have been infected by the pests. If the damage is too extensive, it may be impossible to repair the garment. It doesn't matter how much you like it - getting rid of pests will be much more pleasant.
- Wash and dry any clothing items you want to keep. If you have expensive wool sweaters or jackets that you don't want to let go to waste, dry washing is the best way to get rid of larvae. You can also wash the clothes in hot water. However, before washing your wool at such high temperatures, you should check the label to see if it will shrink.
- Clean your clothes rack: Vacuum your closet thoroughly. The larvae and moths of many species thrive in dark, damp places. Take out the vacuum bag right away and throw it away outside as it is probably full of insect eggs and larvae.
Ventilate, heat or freeze textiles
You can air, heat or freeze non-washable textiles to get rid of the pests. You can either expose the goods to direct sunlight or brush them thoroughly. You should take precautions to avoid bringing moth eggs or larvae back into the house. Woolen items can also be treated with heat by baking them on a tray in the oven at a low temperature (at least 50 degrees). If the garment has plastic or beads that can melt, you should not do this. Another option is freezing - the clothes should remain frozen for at least 72 hours. The freezer may not be able to stop an infestation.
Fight moths in carpets
If you have natural fiber carpets, consider having them professionally cleaned or using a steam cleaner to thoroughly clean them.
Fight moths in the house naturally with home remedies – tips
These natural remedies helpagainst the vermin!
Cedar wood and cedar oil in the kitchen
Scatter cedar wood throughout your home. Cedar oil mixed with water and diffused can also be used to diffuse a woody aroma. The pheromones in cedarwood act asnatural insect repellent. A fragrant wood that is unattractive to moths but safe and non-toxic to humans, cedar can be placed in food cupboards, drawers and cupboards.
Clean all cabinets with vinegar
Scrub any areas where you find larvae or eggs with a solution of vinegar and water. Remember that vinegar can damage wood and stone if used improperly.
Cloves, rosemary & Co. against moths
Mixed herbs can be dried, crushed or pulverized. Put bay leaves, cloves, rosemary and thyme in a bag and hang it where you store your clothes or food. Moths also avoid areas where these plants have been used. You can also use a diffuser with one or more combinations of these oils, or dilute the essential oils of these plants and spray them on your clothing and items.
What to do if you have a moth infestation? Use lavender
Another traditional, natural method is to use lavender to keep clothes moths at bay. Hung up in the closet or in a drawer, bags filled with lavender (and/or mixed with lavender oil) are intended to prevent pests from gnawing on sweaters. They also leave a refreshing scent. However, lavender does not kill moth eggs or larvae, so it is important to clean the area beforehand.
How to get rid of mosquitoesfind out here.