Can a mosquito bracelet effectively protect children and adults from bites?

It's that time of year when we want to be outside for all thefun activitiesto enjoy what summer has to offer. Unfortunately, having fun outdoors is usually accompanied by unpleasant mosquito bites, especially in the evening or during walks in nature. Children's soft skin in particular is often very sensitive to this, which is why you should definitely not neglect mosquito repellent. To protect yourself and your children from bites, you can use various mosquito repellents such as sprays and lotions. Another option that sounds really great is the mosquito bracelet for children and adults. This should save you the hassle of spraying and applying cream every time you go out! You can find out in the article whether anti-mosquito bracelets really work and how you can make one yourself!

This is how anti-mosquito bracelets work

A colorful bracelet thatdrives away all mosquitoes– it just sounds too good to be true. And maybe it is. But before we give an answer as to whether this mosquito repellent is really effective, we first have to clarify how these bands actually work.

An anti-mosquito bracelet is a simple bracelet made of fabric, plastic or rubber that is treated or impregnated with essential oils or oil mixturesFragrance drives away mosquitoesshould. Examples include citronella (lemongrass), lemon eucalyptus, lavender, rose geranium and palmarosa. The stronger the bracelet smells, the more effective it is said to be. The scent is pleasant for most people, but there are also those who don't tolerate it well.

How effective is the mosquito repellent bracelet?

A single bracelet has a limited area of ​​​​effect. Unfortunately, this cannot be determined precisely because it depends on the strength of the scent, which decreases after each use. That's why some mosquito bands are offered with impregnated pads that can be replaced when the scent disappears.

So can you expect efficient full-body protection with an anti-mosquito bracelet? The answer is: rather no. Both the range and duration of action are limited, which cannot guarantee adequate mosquito protection.

For smaller children, the mosquito bracelets prove to be more effective because they have to cover a smaller area. Nevertheless, manufacturers also recommend that you wear several bands at the same time, for example one on the foot and one on the arm. This doubles the mosquito protection.

Are mosquito bracelets safe for children?

It cannot be said with certainty whether the mosquito repellent bracelet will work for you and your child. But since it offers a clean and simple solution, it's worth giving it a try. However, are there any restrictions when it comes to children?

In principle, bracelets with essential oils are considered harmless to health. Unless you have an allergy to the oils it contains. However, smaller children (under 3) are at risk of putting the bracelet in their mouth. To avoid this, use on children under 3 is not recommended.

Make your own anti-mosquito bracelet: This is how it works!

The idea behind bracelets impregnated with fragrance oils is so simple that you can try making one yourself. All you need is a thick string or fabric, some water, rubbing alcohol and essential oils. We will now explain how to do it.


  • Thick cord/macrame cord/fabric scrap strips etc.
  • mixing bowl
  • Scissors
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tbsp rubbing alcohol
  • 15 drops of lemongrass
  • 15 drops of peppermint
  • 15 drops of lemon
  • 15 drops of lavender
  • 15 drops of eucalyptus

First, cut 4-5 pieces of string that are slightly longer than your arm span (the child's arm span). Fold the string in half and loop it into a knot, leaving a loop at the fold. How to tie the bracelet together.

Divide the cords into three groups (the middle one can be a single cord, in the example it is 3-2-3). Make square macrame knots until the ribbon becomes long enough to wrap around the wrist. Then create a wrap knot at the bottom of the bracelet. Leave a few centimeters of extra cord to attach the bracelet to your wrist and cut off the rest.

Tip: You can use yoursown designdesign for the mosquito bracelet.

In a small bowl, mix water, rubbing alcohol, and essential oils. Then soak the bracelet in the insect repellent solution for about 10-15 minutes. Then take off the anti-mosquito bracelet and let it dry completely on a paper towel.

Tip: You can replace the mixture of rubbing alcohol and water with a cup of witch hazel distillate. If you don't want to use alcohol at all, you can try the following oil mixture:

  • 9 drops of Purification (cleansing essential oil blend)
  • 4 drops of peppermint
  • 4 drops of lemongrass
  • 3-4 tablespoons carrier oil (e.g. almond or olive oil)


No mosquito repellent can ensure that you or your child will never be bitten again. In addition, the active ingredients it contains do not work the same for everyone. Therefore, it's worth just trying out for yourself what works best for you.

The anti-mosquito bracelets sound like a good alternative to conventional means of protection, but they only work to a limited extent. But they usually can't do any harm. If you want to try a mosquito bracelet for your child, you should also take a classic mosquito repellent such as spray or lotion with you when you go out, just in case.