The weather has turned cold. Winter is soon knocking on the door. This time of year increasesthe humidity in many living rooms, which is not good for our health. Each of us thinks: What can we do about it? Is there a natural remedy for eliminating high humidity? The answer is: yes. There are plants that can absorb moisture in the air. But which plant should you choose for which room?
During the cold seasons we rarely open the window. The living spaces are therefore poorly ventilated. If you live in a region where the air is too humid, mold can easily develop there. That's why it's recommended that each of us get a few plants for our apartment, office or house that absorb humidity.
The scabbard leaf (Spathiphyllum) – The most famous plant that can absorb air moisture
The spathiphyllum is a tropical plant that comes from Africa and is one of the plants that can extract moisture from the air. The exotic is a good gift for every occasion. It is considered a lucky charm and is said to bring joy and love into the house. The plant eliminates mold, absorbs pollutants such as acetone and alcohol from the air and is effective against air pollution. You can easily grow the scabbard leaf. It needs little sunlight and that's why the plant is also suitable for the bathroom. The exotic animal doesn't like drafts and can easily freeze to death. 18 °C is the ideal temperature for the plant. It regulates the humidity in the bedroom and thereby ensures us a good and healthy sleep.
Plants that can absorb air humidity: The spider plant (Chlorophytum)
The spider plant has long, narrow, evergreen leaves and can be grown as a hanging plant. Sheprevents mold,cleans 90% of the airand eliminates themMicroorganisms that are found in the interior.The plant bendsAllergiesn and asthmabefore andis listed as non-toxic to pets.However, it is advisable to keep pets away from her. The spider plant is easy to grow and does not need to be watered often. Twice a week is sufficient. You can only use them more often on hot summer dayswater. This houseplant does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it should not be placed near the window!
Palm plants to reduce humidity
Palm trees are among the plants that can also absorb humidity. They practically feed on moisture in the air. The palm trees survive in the desert and are known for their ability to withstand bad weather conditions. The exotic plants grow in moist, tropical regions. They absorb moisture through their leaves and provide clean and fresh air. Doesn't matter,which type of palm tree you choose, whether golden fruit palm, mountain palm, honey palm, Kentia (Howea), spindle palm or dwarf sugar palm, all absorb pollutants from the air. The palm trees filter the air naturally and you don't need to set up dehumidifiers in the house.
The sword fern (Nephrolepis) against high humidity in the bathroom
The sword fern is the right plant for the high humidity in the bathroom. The beautiful Nephrolepis has lacy fronds and no flowers. It easily removes the humidity from damp rooms and cleans the air. The popular sword fern tolerates indirect sunlight best. It can burn easily in the afternoon sun, so don't put it in the sun.Water the plant once a month when the soil in the pot is dry. March is the best time to transplant the sword fern.
Orchids: Plants that can also absorb humidity
The orchids don't like wet roots,but they love the humidity very much. Too much moisture and too little air movement can make the flower delicate, causing it to die. The orchids are one of the plant species that reduce humidity in closed indoor spaces because they absorb nutrients and moisture from the air around them. The right amount of water when watering is very important for these flowers. Watering changes with the seasons; it should not be too much, but not too little either. That's why the orchids are not suitable for garden beginners.
Other plants that can absorb humidity
There are also other houseplants that naturally reduce the humidity in living spaces, such as tillandsias, cacti, dragon trees, lucky feathers, common ivy, etc. They ensure a good indoor climate, have a calming effect and bring us joy. If you live in a region where the climate is dry, these plants are not suitable. In this case, you need plants that provide high humidity.