The weather is warm, the days are long and the sun is shining: now is the right time to produce vitamin D. This also includes the right skin care - the right sunscreen can protect the skin, but can also leave stubborn stains. We explain how to remove new and old sunscreen stains.
Remove old sunscreen stains from white clothing
Old sunscreen stains turn yellow and stand out on white clothing. This is because most sunscreens contain oils that leave unsightly yellow stains. They often go unnoticed for a few days and then it becomes much more difficult to get rid of them.
Which sunscreens don't stain?
Basically, there are no sunscreens that don't leave stains. The UVA filter that the cosmetic products contain is oil-soluble and can discolor fabrics, leather and even plastic. The higher the sun protection factor, the more oil-soluble the sunscreen and the darker the yellow spots.
To prevent the spots from developing, you should apply sunscreen about half an hour before getting dressed. This means it can be absorbed properly and the likelihood of it leaving stains is significantly lower.
Wear natural fabrics like cotton that can be washed at high temperatures. Only dry your laundry in the fresh air, preferably in the shade. Strong sunlight and the high temperatures in the dryer can cause the stains to penetrate even deeper into the textile.
Do not use these home remedies for sunscreen stains!
Bleaching agents such as oxygen bleach should never be used to remove sunscreen stains. These chemical agents will do the opposite and make the spots even darker.
Because tap water contains minerals, soaking clothing can discolor the stains.
How to remove sunspots from a T-shirt: instructions
Sunscreen has left unsightly stains on your favorite T-shirt and you are wondering whether the item of clothing can still be saved? The stubborn yellow stains can be removed, but you have to be patient.
1. Rinse the T-shirt inside out under running cold water.
2. Pour warm water and detergent into a bucket and rub the stains from the outside in.
3. Rinse the stains with cold water.
4. Do not tumble dry clothing as the high temperature can cause permanent discoloration.
Yellow sunscreen remove stains from clothing
Yellow sunscreen stains can be removed with a combination of dish soap and vinegar. Proceed as follows:
1. First pour 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 1 teaspoon of white vinegar and a cup of warm water into a spray bottle.
2. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and quickly close the spray bottle. Don't shake.
3. Spray the stains with the household remedy and rub gently with a microfiber cloth. Then wipe and rinse. Air dry the clothes.
Getting rid of sunscreen from leather
1. Prepare a solution of one part water and one part white vinegar (or apple cider vinegar) in a bucket.
2. Soak a microfiber cloth in the solution - the cloth should only be moderately damp and not wet.
3. Wipe the leather, rinsing the microfiber cloth well.
4. Wipe the leather piece with a dry microfiber cloth.
Leather should be cleaned as soon as possible. The material is very delicate and porous. For this reasoncan the sunscreenpenetrate deep into the leather and can no longer be removed after just a few days.