Urine stains in the toilet bowl are an annoying problem that many homeowners struggle with. Urine stains under the toilet rim are ugly and difficult to remove. But there is hope! How to remove strong urine stone?
Urine stains are unsightly and can promote the growth of germs and unpleasant odors. To keep the toilet clean and hygienic, these stains must be removed immediately. With the right tools and the necessary know-how, removing urine scale from the toilet bowl is child's play.
Removing strong urine stone – useful tips
Why is urine stone so difficult to remove? Urine contains chemicals and substances that can cause discoloration and long-lasting stains when they react with surfaces. The stains may have hardened and become much more difficult to remove if ignored for a long period of time. Urine stone comes in a wide range of colors, from yellow to brown to reddish. The intensity and longevity of urine stains can be influenced by a number of factors, not just the chemical composition of the urine. Some of these factors are:
- The urine has more time to react with the surface of the toilet bowl, increasing the likelihood of staining.
- Urine stains are harder to remove from some toilet bowl materials than others because they are more porous.
- If you live in an area with hard water, it may be difficult to remove urine stains due to the mineral deposits in the water.
Regular cleaning can reduce the accumulation of urine stains and make them easier to remove. With the right method, you can keep the toilet bowl clean and odor-free.
Baking soda is the best natural cleaning agent
Baking soda, available at any grocery store, can be used as a substitute for store-bought toilet cleaners. Depending on the degree of brown or yellow deposits in the pipe, 200 - 300 g can be added to the toilet bowl. Baking soda can also be used instead of baking soda as a home remedy for stubborn stains in the toilet. Let the baking soda work for 30 minutes and then scrub the toilet bowl with the toilet brush.
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Then make a paste of baking soda and water for the toilet rim. First, use a rag or sponge to clean the edge of any solid debris.
Baking soda and vinegar for the toughest stains
So that you can remove the strong urine scale easily and quickly, you can make a cleaning solution from baking soda and vinegar. First add about 250 ml of white vinegarin die Toiletteand scrub the bowl with the toilet brush. After waiting a minute, add 200 g of baking soda and 250 - 500 ml of vinegar. Wait about 10 minutes while enjoying the pleasant fizz and then get to work scrubbing away any stains. Then rinse with warm water to remove any residue. If the urine stone is very strong, leave the home remedies to work overnight.
For the area under the edge you can use a spray bottle and a sponge. Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 200 ml of white vinegar and 300 ml of water in the spray bottle and spray the area under the rim. Wait a few minutes and then scrub the surface.
Remove strong urine stone with baking soda and cola
You can mix baking soda with cola to remove dirt and stains. Add 200g of baking soda and 500ml of cola to the toilet bowl. After 30 minutes, only minimal scrubbing is required as the bubbling liquid removes all stains and stubborn urine scale. Flush the toilet bowl with water several times to remove any remaining baking soda or cola.
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