The seasonal changes in temperature and day length cause stink bugs to seek winter shelter. These insects naturally spend the winter outdoors, but they also seek shelter inside buildings like your home. Stink bugs don't bite, raid pantries, or eat clothes, but they do have one problem: they stink. These bugs emit a foul smell when they are disturbed or feel threatened. In the wild, this smell deters predators. The smell lingers in the apartment long after the stink bug is dead because it clings to everything the insect touches. Find out below how you can fight stink bugs!
What do stink bugs look like?
Stink bugs are shield-shaped insects. Adult bugs can reach a length of almost 2 cm. They are almost as wide as they are long. Their legs stick out to the sides, making the adults appear even larger. The stink bugs usually belong to the following species: common or green stink bug (in spring the bug is green and in autumn it turns brownish), marbled stink bug, etc. Adult bugs are good fliers and fold their wings over their bodies when landing. Nymphs do not yet have fully developed wings. The wings appear when the nymph becomes an adult. Adult stink beetles can be identified by their fully developed wings.
Outdoors, stink bugs feed on plant material. They cause millions of dollars in economic damage by feeding on commercially produced fruits. Stink bug damage reduces the value of the fruits by around 90%, making them unsuitable for fresh consumption and intended for processing.
Homeowners often find stink bugs in the late summer months and fall when outside temperatures begin to drop. A large number of live or dead stink bugs is a telltale sign of an infestation. These insects appear on sunny sides of houses where they warm up. farmersdetect an infestationoften because of the damage they cause to their crops.
Fight stink bugs: this is what attracts them
Stink bugs don't just invade an apartment because there are a lot of people bothering them. They are trying to survive and need the warmth, humidity and food that can be found in an apartment.
- Homes with attractive yards attract stink bugs: Homes with outdoor spaces that are delicious to bugs in the warmer months are more vulnerable to a potential invasion because the stink bugs already live nearby. Large gardens with ornamental shrubs and trees with fruits are the perfect buffet for them.
- Light and reflective surfaces attract stink bugs when it's dark outside.
- Moisture attracts stink bugs.
- Food, especially fruitfor these bugsattractive.
- The smell of another stink bug attracts more bugs.
Seal openings
The best way to combat stink bugs is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Therefore, look for the small gaps through which they could enter and seal them. Pay particular attention to windows and doors. Add caulk or weatherstripping here to close any gaps.
Also repair any minor damage that you discover on the facade or foundation. Also inspect the area around utility lines, behind chimneys, and under the roof overhang. In short, wherever outside air or moisture can enter the home, stink bugs can also enter. Act accordingly.
Get rid of stink bugs in the apartment: Turn off the lights
These insects are attracted to light, so you should keep outdoor lighting to a minimum. In the evening, turn off the balcony or terrace lights and pull down the blinds so that no light comes outside.
What helps against stink bugs?
Another way to get rid of stink bugs is to deny them access to food. Store food in airtight containers and dispose of trash regularly in sealed containers. Additionally, wipe down counters and sweep floors to remove crumbs and residue from spills.
Fighting stink bugs: Use your vacuum cleaner
How to get rid of stink bugs if they are already in the apartment?Use a vacuum cleanerto remove them. Dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag immediately to prevent the smell from entering the room, as dead bugs leave a residue in the bag that can contaminate your home.
Get rid of stink bugs with home remedies
Prepare a soap solution against stink bugs. Fill a 2-liter container 25% full of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of liquid soap or detergent. When disturbed, stink bugs tend to descend. Tap them from walls, curtains, screens, etc. into the container. Since they cannot escape, they will eventually drown. The stink bug smell is diluted by the cleaning product.
Fight stink bugs with nicotine solution
For once, you can be lucky to have a smoker in your house. Crush cigarettes or cigarette butts in a quantity of warm water (use about 20 cigarettes per 4 liters). Let the mixture soak overnight and strain out the residue in the morning. Then add about 2 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent to the remaining liquid and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Now you have a spray that kills stink bugs instantly. To be safe, wear rubber gloves when using the solution.