What can you do with baby shampoo? You should try these cool tricks and tips!

Although the baby shampoo was specially developed for the sensitive needs of small children, it can be used on all hair. However, this mild remedy has a wide range of additional uses for adults. What can you do with baby shampoo?

Foto: mawa_ts/ Envato Elements

It turns out that baby shampoo has a number of uses around the home, even for non-parents. Here are non-obvious ways you can use baby shampoo around the house, from removing makeup to cleaning stains.

Clean facial skin

Foto: magone/ Envato Elements

If baby shampoo is mild enough for a newborn's scalp, it should also be suitable for adult skin. Dermatologists typically advise people with eczema to wash their face daily with baby shampoo. You can also use baby shampoo to remove makeup. Getting shampoo in your eyes can be painful because most shampoos contain surfactants, molecules that dissolve oil and dirt. However, a tiny amount of baby shampoo can be used to remove thick eye makeup because it contains numbing ingredients (called tear-free formulations) that counteract eye discomfort.

Get dirty makeup brushes clean again

Baby shampoo is great for washing your makeup brushes. To clean the brush, simply wash the bristles under warm water and then dip them in a small amountBabyshampooin the palm of your hand or a bowl. To ensure oil and dirt are completely removed, gently swirl the bristles of the brush in lukewarm water before rinsing again.

What can you do with baby shampoo? Caring for leather

Foto: pro_creator/ Envato Elements

You can use different leather cleaners for your household furniture, accessoriesand shoesbuy. However, they may not always need specific help. Use a damp but not soaked cloth to apply a mixture of a drop of baby shampoo and warm water. Then, once dry, polish it to a high shine.

Shaping shrunken sweaters

For sweaters that have shrunk, baby shampoo could be the solution. You can restore a shrunken sweater to its original shape by soaking it in a bucket of lukewarm water and two teaspoons of baby shampoo for 20 minutes, then draining it, flattening it, and laying it out to dry.

Homemade window cleaner

Photo: zannabaulina/ Envato Elements

Add a tablespoon of baby shampoo to a bottle filled with water. That's all you need to doa glass cleanerto produce that leaves no streaks!

Get your jewelry shiny again

Cleaning jewelry like rings, necklaces and earrings can be done with baby shampoo as it is very light. Dilute a tiny amount in water, scrub your jewelry with a gentle brush, then rinse. No harmful chemicals are required to restore the shine to your jewelry.

Baby shampoo as a replacement for animal shampoo

Foto: jura_felix_jrs/ Envato Elements

Baby shampoo can be used as a substitute for pet shampoo when washing dogs and cats. When bathing pets, especially small ones, dilute baby shampoo with water to make it gentler. It is great for keeping pets' coat clean and silky between baths.

Note the following:Ask your vet first!

Baby shampoo as a natural all-purpose cleaner

Baby shampoo can be used as a replacement for more toxic cleaning products around the house. It is also a common recommendation for cleaning laminate floors. As a starting point, use 1 – 2 teaspoons per liter of water. It is mild, but effectively dissolves the oil and can be removed without leaving any residue.

Free a stuck zipper

Is your zipper stuck? Dab the zipper with some baby shampoo applied to a cotton swab. As long as the zipper is not damaged, the shampoo will help keep the zipper moving smoothly and the shampoo can be rinsed out in the wash.

Eliminate sweat stains

Foto: wing-wing/ Envato Elements

Who would have thought that using baby shampoofor sweat stainscan actually work? To permanently remove unsightly sweat stains from your clothing, treat the collars and armpits with baby shampoo for half an hour before washing them as usual.

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Remove plasters painlessly

Use baby shampoo to remove bandages – ripping off a bandage with dry skin can really hurt. The patch can also be removed by applying a tiny amount to a cotton ball and rubbing it on the skin while removing it. This significantly reduces the adhesive strength of the plaster, making it easier to remove the plaster.

Shaving with baby shampoo

This soft, mild and hypoallergenic liquid is perfect as a shaving cream for those with delicate or sensitive skin. Baby shampoo produces more foam than other face washes, making it ideal as a shaving cream.

Baby shampoo as a detergent

Photo: freepik

Have you run out of detergent? Then you can successfully use baby shampoo. Baby shampoo is gentle on textiles and cleans effectively, making it ideal for washing delicates. Baby shampoo can relieve the itching that some people with sensitive skin feel when washing their clothes with regular detergent.

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