If your children have transformed the living rooms into sketchbooks, there are clever cleaning methods according to which you can remove your wax pens. Since the painting ceremic is a wax, drawing can leave an ugly spot anywhere. However, there is good news for parents because there are some options for almost everyone, with suchColored pencils paintedSurface, clean.
How you can remove the wax pens after indiscriminately drawing
It is about maybe one of the biggest problems for parents. You cannot prevent every disorder, but scribbles from walls can be removed with the appropriate means. In addition, there are several variants to effectively remove any traces of chalk from any wall. However, it is also important to thisHousehold work to be done, as soon as the "artwork" is created.
In the first place isBaking powder a home remedyAnd does an excellent work when removing spots from colored pencils. To do this, you have to moisten a rag with warm water and then dip it in a little baking powder. Scrub the dirty area for about 10 minutes or until you see that you can remove the wax pencils by dissolving the traces. You may have to wring the rag and use fresh water once or twice to achieve the full effect.
Use of toothpaste to scrub
Toothpaste is another effective home remedyCleaning wallsthat are stained by wax painting chalk. However, you have to use toothpaste without gel because it could pollute the wall even worse. In addition, you still need a traditional scouring brush, which you may find as a cheap cleaning tool in the shop. Scrub the stains with warm water and toothpaste or until you can see a difference for ten minutes.
How to remove the traces of the wax pencils on upholstered furniture
For example, if you have apadded sofaOr have bought an armchair, there is nothing worse than finding targetless drawings everywhere on the pillow of your new piece of furniture. You may think that you have to pay a specialist to remove these spots, but that's not the case at all. There are various ways to remove colored pencils from the couch, some of which may be surprised. WD-40 is probably not the first thing you want to put on your couch pillows, but the stuff is ideal when you have to remove wax pencils.
Try WD-40 and various cleaning agents
First use a butter knife to scrape off excess chalk until only the stain remains on the fabric. Then apply a small amount of WD-40 on the spot and leave it on for 10 minutes. You probably think that the stuff will also stain your couch, but that's not exactly the case. Use a small amount of detergent to remove the remaining WD-40 from the pillow. However, if the stain is rooted deep in the pillow, you may need to have a rubber brush or brushUse for carpet cleaning.
If you don't want to risk using WD-40 on your couch, don't worry. You can also use a solvent as dry cleaning. This solution is often sold in the department for the laundry room of the grocery store and can also remove wax pencils. The trick is that you do not scrub the wax pen, but instead have to dab it slowly for about five minutes.
Use lemon or wine stone to clean leather padding
Removing doodles from colored pencils from your leather cushions does not have to be that difficult either. Just remember that certain types of cleaning solutions may damage leather. The use of a mixture of lemon juice and wine stone is an effective method according to which you can remove wax pencils. Simply mix an equal amount of lemon juice and wine stone in the same container and then treat the stain with the paste. Although the smell will be quite strong, the stain should dissolve after about 10 minutes. This method also requires a kind of scouring brush, and it can require some gentle scrubbing to completely eliminate the stain.
Remove wax painting chalk from other fabrics and clothes
Removing chalk stains from fabric is a nerve -wracking process. Fortunately, it is not too difficult, wax painting chalk can be removed from the fabric if you move quickly. If the stain is stubborn, you should first use a blunt knife to scrape off the upper part of the residues. A liquid dishwashing detergent is also ideal for removing stubborn stains and works quite well with colored pencils. Work the detergent with slow, circular movements into the affected area. Let the detergent penetrate into the spot for at least 10 minutes. When the detergent has done its work, then wash the garment with warm or hot water on the "heavily soiled clothing" setting in the washing machine.
Remove wooden furniture such as tables and chairs from wax painting chalk
If your child has decided to transform the kitchen table into an easel, this can be problematic. The most traditional type of kitchen table is made of wood and this material can be difficult to clean. This is because you do not want to accidentally withdraw the surface. This means that a natural solution is always a better choice, whereby wine vinegar can work perfectly. Pour a decent amount of wine vinegar onto the spot and let it work for about 10 minutes. Then dab the stain with a rag. The wax should begin to resolve, and at this point you can use a scrubbing brush to end the work.
If you have a table with a rough or worn surface, you should plan additional scrubbing. Toothpaste also works on wooden surfaces. Scrub the traces of colored pencils with warm water and toothpaste to remove them from tables or chairs.