As temperatures rise, arbitrary conditions arise for the reproduction of insects. The constant buzzing and itchy bites of the mosquitoes are really annoying and ruin your pleasant time outside. When you're out and about, you can defend yourself against the plague with suitable sprays, but you shouldn't constantly smear them into your skin and in closed rooms, a natural, herbal defense agent is always preferable. Plants against mosquitoes can, for example, be placed in front of the window and directly in the room.
Plants against mosquitoes rich in essential oils
The plants that can help against mosquitoes contain essential oils that the insects don't like at all. In contrast, these are quite pleasant for the human nose. ParticularScentscould be applied directly to the skin and mixed with body lotion.
Another option is to dissolve essential oil in the water according to your preference and place it nearby. Clove or bay leaf oil, lemon and tea tree oil and others that do not smell sweet can be used in aroma lampsdistribute around the apartmentand lasts up to 6 hours. Alternatively, you can also use candles with natural oils, which exude a pleasant smell and are effective against annoying insects.
ForGarden, terrace and interior
Various types of fresh plants can be grown outdoors or grown as potted plants near patio doors and window openings.
Small tomato varieties can also be successfully grown in flower pots. Their fruits provide a delicious taste in various salads and it is always nice when you have produced the products for your meal yourself.
Catnip(Nepeta cataria)
Catnip produces the essential oil nepetalcton, which is about ten times more effective than commercial mosquito repellents and keeps unpleasant insects away. If you have a cat in your household, it is worth remembering that the plant is popular with them. Cats roll in catnip and happily eat it.
Who doesn't like the smell of lavender... except mosquitoes. The plant's essential oils have a calming effect on people and are recommended as a houseplant in bedrooms. It should be borne in mind that these other insects produce different effects. Lavender attracts bees and butterflies.
Squeeze a few dried cloves into a sliced lemon and place several of them near the windows. The smell is pleasant for people, but it deters insects.
velvet flower,Marigold (Tagetes)
Mosquitoes don't like the intense, distinctive smell of marigolds, but snails do like it. You might want to plant the flowers in planters and put them up high.
Frankincense plants(Boswellia)
Frankincense is known as a natural remedy against insects, but its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. It's still worth a try and the scent creates an extraordinary atmosphere, but you have to like it.
However, you cannot grow a walnut tree everywhere and especially if burrs are not available. But freshly chopped branches laid out on the balcony and in front of the windows will keep mosquito attacks away.
The cedar wood contains essential oils that avoid insects. It can also be used as a flavoring or incense stick.
Eucalyptus blooms in beautiful purple and smells wonderfully of fresh lemon, which has a strong effect against mosquitoes and wasps. The plant is perennial and overwinters well.
An herb garden cannot be right without basil, rosemary and garlic.
Rosemary is a Mediterranean spice rich in essential oils and can be found in every household. Use it against insects and especially against mosquitoes. Place a few leaves, preferably fresh ones, on a grid over a lantern. This creates fumes that drive away the annoying insects.
Garlicand chives
No scientific study has come to a unanimous conclusion as to whether the insects actually repel the smell or not. But perhaps eaten or applied externally, it doesn't just repel insects.
Duftgeranieand scented pelargonium (Pelargonium)
The potted plant is best placed at the window, directly on site, to effectively drive away the mosquito plague. You place shrubs in the garden near the gazebo and they don't even have to be in bloom to have an effect against insects.
Natural home remedies–etherealApply oils to the skin
Essential oils can also be applied to the bare areas of the skin. It is recommended to mix this with cooking oil - add about four drops of essential oil to 50 ml of carrier oil. The concentrated essential oil can cause allergic reactions, so test on an area on the forearm before applying to large areas. The following are wonderful carrier oils: coconut, olive, almond, sesame, marigold, etc. Treatments with essential oils should be avoided for small children as they are usually highly sensitive.
Smokingagainstannoying insects
Alternatively, you can light incense sticks or smoke the old-fashioned way. Sage leaves can be found in every tea box and when lit they give off an unpleasant smell for mosquitoes. It is desirable to use this method outside the home.
mosquito net–especially recommended for small children and babies
To be on the safe side, attach a net to the window frame and get suitable mosquito nets for children and babies.
Not all home remedies and plants combatMosquitoesare effective, but worth a try
In summary, strong-smelling plants that also contain essential oils act as a mosquito repellent. However, whether they really help is controversial and not scientifically proven. Artificial fragrances, on the other hand, attract blood-sucking insects, which is why perfumes and scented fabric softeners should be avoided. In general, some home remedies and plants are not equally effective against insects and there is also a risk of side effects. However, these are relatively inexpensive and contribute to the harmonious atmosphere.
Don't forget what attracts the annoying insects:
- standing water
- Sweat
- dark colors
- Mosquitoes are mosquito-oriented