18 modern ideas for a Spanish-style courtyard house

Setting up at home requires a lot of money as well as a lot of energy and time. However, courtyard design is also an important issue, especially if you want to add convenience to this outdoor space. Check out our ideas for a modern Spanish style courtyard house.

Choosing the right outdoor flooring

First you have to decide on the floor covering – be it inside or outside. Whether you clad the courtyard with wood or stone depends on your taste and needs. Thefloor coveringmust be coordinated with the selected furniture. Depending on your preference, you can make your “Spanish” courtyard look more minimalist. Gravel paths and citrus trees support this look. Floor tiles are also suitable for outdoor areas in the Spanish style and are beautifully complemented by river stones as a border. The appropriate color scheme includes light and dark colors. Gray river stones combined with creamy white tiles contribute to the modern look of the yard. The house inMediterranean styleonly works more effectively with the right equipment.

Open watercourse – idea for a relaxed “Spanish” atmosphere

Don't be afraid to use a few “salvaje” elements. A bed with plants and grass characterizes the beautiful style. In combination with open water areas you get a relaxed natural ambience. These ideas fit very well with any courtyard, regardless of the size of the space. Rough concrete walls can be decorated with wooden elements.

Outdoor furnishings – modern ideas for more elegance

Modern and traditionalequipmentYou can coordinate with each other outside. Be sure to place comfortable sofas and seating areas, because the courtyard is primarily a space for social contacts with friends and family. Choose shades that match the furniture in the interior. The exotic style furniture pieces are well suited for outdoor areas. Light wall colors and furniture made of dark wood are recommended.

Good combination of concrete and nature

For a courtyard inspired by Spanish tradition, you can just use some Mediterranean decorative accents. To create the desired atmosphere, do not do without an open fire pit. This way you can also create a trendy look in the house and garden.

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