Pretzels are delicious, there's no question about it! And it doesn't matter whether you enjoy them plain, with any topping like Obatzda or just with butter. But although pretzels are perfect even without toppings, today we would like to offer you some delicious ideas with which you can serve and enjoy the pretzels in a different way. For example, combine your beloved pizza with your equally beloved pretzel or how about making the latter sweet? Are you curious? Then read on because we will show you these and a few other ideas with which you can bake pretzels and prepare them in a different way. Surprise your children or your guests at the Oktoberfest party with these treats.
Bake pretzels
If you want to imitate the following ideas, you will of course need pretzels. You have three variants to choose from. The quickest and easiest way is to use bakeable pretzels that you can get frozen. But the snacks become even better if you use themBake your own pretzels. You can choose the “real” recipe with lye or the alternative version with household baking soda. You decide for yourself!
Bake pretzels and turn them into pizza
- Pretzels
- Mini-Pepperoni
- grated mozzarella
- optional: parmesan and parsley
- any marinara
You should bake the pretzels in advance, regardless of whether they are frozen or homemade, because they have to be processed while they are still warm. So take the baked pretzels out of the oven and sprinkle them with the cheese. Wait a few minutes to allow the cheese to melt a little. Then add the pepperoni. To ensure that they stick, it is important to start with the cheese, as it acts as an adhesive.
Now put the pretzel pizzas in the oven for another 2 minutes. Finally you can sprinkle them with parmesan and parsley. Serve the marinara separately in a small bowl for dipping. Of course, you can also use any other products for toppings. Olives, ham, peppers, pickles and corn are just a few options.
Sweet pumpkin and cinnamon cookies in white chocolate
- 6 pretzels
- 115 g unsweetened pumpkin puree (you can also make it yourself)
- ground cinnamon
- 175g white chocolate chips
- colorful sprinkles (preferably without dyes)
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and spread the pumpkin puree on the frozen pastries. If you use homemade dough pieces, you can also pre-bake them and then spread them. Then sprinkle cinnamon on top. Next, you need to bake the pretzels, after which you let them cool enough to hold with your hands. In the meantime, you can melt the chocolate in a water bath.
Then take a pretzel and dip it into the chocolate. Place them on baking paper and sprinkle with colorful sprinkles. Repeat with all the other pretzels and then put them in the fridge for a while to allow the chocolate to harden. It's not just kids who will love this easy pretzel recipe.
Bake pretzels and prepare peanut butter sandwiches
- Pretzels
- Peanut butter
- Marmalade
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the pretzels on it, with half of them facing up and the other half facing down. Moisten and salt the lye pretzels, the top of which is now facing upwards. Next you need to bake the pretzels. To do this, first put them in the oven for 4 minutes. Then set the grill function and bake for another 2 minutes (alternatively, simply increase the heat).
Take the tray out of the oven and flatten the pretzels with a spatula. If you have prepared the pretzels yourself, i.e. using dough pieces, you can flatten them before baking. Instead, frozen foods first have to be softened in the oven. Now let the pretzels cool down a little so that the peanut butter and jam don't melt and runny straight away.
Now spread over the unsalted pretzelsthe peanut butterand carefully pour the jam on top. Now place the salted pretzels on top of those with butter and jam and you have delicious sandwiches. If you bake such pretzels, you can serve them to your children for breakfast. Milk also tastes very good.
Serve with peanut butter dip
- 150g Greek yogurt
- 1 tbsp peanut butter
- 1 teaspoon honey or agave syrup
First you need to bake the pretzels. What type of pretzels you use doesn't matter, it's a matter of taste. In the meantime you canPrepare dipby simply mixing all three ingredients together well. You can now use the dip either for dipping or as a spread after carefully cutting the pretzels open like rolls. This snack is perfect for children and for when they are hungry in between meals.
Hearty dip with goat cheese and leek
- 170 g goat cheese
- 3 tablespoons whipped cream cheese
- chopped parsley
- chopped leek
- 5 basil leaves
- 1 small clove of garlic
Do not turn off the oven after baking the pretzels. Mix all ingredients in a blender. Place the mixture in an ovenproof bowl or a deep baking tray and bake on the grill function for about 5 minutes. You can also use this dip as a snack between meals and serve it to the children as an afternoon snack after school. It's guaranteed to be well received!