Get the delicious figs, whether fresh or dried, and prepare delicious recipes with figs. We have already given you a few ideas for fig jam, today we have a selection of recipes with which you can make fig mustard yourself. Both freshly harvested fruits and dried fruits are suitable for this, so you can basically make your own mustard with a wonderfully sweet note in any season.
Our first recipe is made with the fresh and ripe fruits and is perfect if youseasonal recipe ideasseek. Brown sugar sweetens the mustard even further. If you want to make the fig mustard yourself, you need the following ingredients:
Ingredients for approx. 2 glasses of 220 ml each:
- 350 g ripe figs
- 6 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 ½ EL Balsamic-Dry
- 1 ½ EL Senfpulver
- ½ EL Senfkörner
- 3 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- Salt and fresh pepper
Remove the stems from your washed figs, quarter them and puree them to your desired consistency. Heat the water, sugar and vinegar in a saucepan over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the pureed figs and let everything simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.
In the meantime, mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl, then add this mixture to the pot and let the mustard simmer for another 10 minutes. Fill the clean jars with the mustard, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator for up to a month after everything has cooled. You can use the fig mustard to make a dressing for salads or use it on its ownto steaksand other dishes. Or how about as a dip on a charcuterie board.
Recipe idea with red wine, thyme and fennel
Create a special flavor by adding red wine and fennel to your fruit to create an extra flavorful mustard. You can make your own special fig mustard with the following ingredients:
- 400g figs
- 100 ml red wine
- 1 EL Balsamic-Dry
- 3 EL Rohzucker
- ½ EL Butter
- 40 g Senfkörner
- ½ tsp salt
- 2 TL Thymian
- ½ tsp fennel seeds
- ¼ TL Pfeffer
Remove the stems from the washed figs and dice them. Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat, add the figs and cook in their own juice for about 5 minutes. Now stir in the red wine, vinegar and sugar and let everything simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Finally, add the spices and puree everything to the desired consistency. If necessary, you can season with salt and pepper.
Before you fill the fig mustard into the jars provided, boil it again so that it is hot enough. We also recommend letting the mustard steep for three days. This gives it enough time to develop all its flavors.
Make your own fig mustard with dried figs
If fresh fruit is not available, fortunately there are still dried fruits. And dried figs are ideal for a fig mustard recipe. So if you have an appetite even in winter, that's no problem at all. Here's how you can make your own fig mustard using dried fruits (the ingredient amounts given are approximate and can vary according to taste):
- 350 – 400 g dried figs
- ½ – 1 tbsp mustard seeds (or Dijon mustard)
- 3-4 tbsp hot water
- 5 – 7 tbsp sugar
- Salt and lemon juice to taste
Optional if youUse mustard seeds: Heat a pan and toast the mustard seeds in it for 30 seconds. Place them in a bowl or deep plate to cool and grind them into powder.
In a saucepan, heat the figs and water, covered, over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until the fruit is soft. Then add the mustard powder or Dijon mustard and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Puree the mixture in a blender, return it to the pot and mix it with the lemon juice and sugar. Bring everything to a boil while stirring and cook until the sugar has dissolved. Season to taste with salt and possibly more lemon juice. Pour the finished fig mustard into sterilized jars and store them in the refrigerator.
Delicious fig recipes - mustard with raspberry vinegar and a touch of wasabi
Instead of balsamic vinegar you can also use it for fig mustard recipesUse raspberry vinegar, which gives the whole thing a slightly different taste. With the following recipe, the mustard also gets a touch of spiciness, including from wasabi. Here's how it's done:
- 9 fresh figs (e.g. blue ones), washed, peeled and quartered
- 150 g preserving sugar (2:1)
- 1 ½ tbsp mustard seeds, ground in a mortar
- 2 tsp mustard powder (hot or mild as desired)
- 2 THE Dijon-Senf
- 2 tbsp raspberry vinegar
- Salt and pepper to taste
- optional: 1 pinch of wasabi paste
Mix the figs, preserving sugar, mustard ingredients and vinegar in a pot and let the mixture rest for 3 hours. Then cook them over high heat for about 3 minutes and season with salt and pepper and, if desired, with wasabi. Divide the finished fig mustard into sterilized jars and close them immediately.
Want more fig recipes? Preparedelicious fig jamto!