Delicious winter recipes from savory to sweet: warm delicacies for cold days

It gets hearty in winter: Anyone who previously believed that the cold season would be complete withoutcrisp fresh saladsIf it doesn't have much to offer in terms of cuisine, you're wrong. In fact, winter offers all sorts of delicious delicacies, ranging from hearty cabbage dishes to healthy salads with classic winter vegetables to sweet treats from the oven. Many favorite winter dishes are surprisingly quick and easy to prepare. We offer you some ideas for delicious winter recipes!

Delicious winter recipes: Hearty, warming soups remain the winter favorite

There's one thing you can't do without in your winter kitchen: a delicious stew. Winter soups are a classic in the cold season because they warm you pleasantly from the inside and also keep you full for a long time. There are many recipes, so everyone is sure to have their own favorite soup. By the way, a stew is always an excellent choice to let your creativity run wild. Of course, the winter soups depend on the vegetables you choose. In addition to root vegetables, potatoes, beets and carrots can also end up in the soup pot. A great addition to any soup are onions, which add the necessary spice, and sugar snap peas.
To make the stew taste pleasantly hearty, a little pork is finely diced.

Pay attention to vitamins in winter

WhileSpring recipes and summer dishes are bursting with fresh salad and fruitIn many kitchens, especially in winter, the vitamin-rich preparation is forgotten - for absolutely no reason. Especially in winter it is particularly important due to the wet and cold weatherEating a healthy, vitamin-rich diet. During the winter months, the human immune system has to run at full speed and needs all sorts of vitamins to combat germs, bacteria and the short daylight hours. A healthy diet rich in vitamins can successfully combat cold viruses in the winter months.

Of course, winter dishes should primarily use seasonal vegetables. These include beetroot and celery. Both can be stored very well and processed in a variety of ways. But lamb's lettuce, fennel and radicchio can also be used excellently for winter salads. An apple that is cut into small pieces provides the necessary sweetness. So that there is one or two crunchy effects, the salads can be rounded off with nuts and seeds as a topping.

The winter salad should always be combined with filling side dishes. Lentils, beans and chickpeas are ideal. These are rich in nutrients, but also fill you up quickly and for a long time. Meat, cheese and fish are also often served in winter dishes. Seafood of all kinds is also a good source of protein.

Delicious winter recipes: It doesn't have to be stew every day

Of course, no one wants to eat stew every day, even in winter, although there are hardly any limits to the variety. A great alternative that is just as hearty and rich in vitamins are casseroles. A tasty and healthy choice is a hearty vegetable casserole. As with the soup, a wide variety of winter vegetables can end up in bite-sized pieces in the casserole dish. The whole thing is rounded off with a topping of cream and eggs, which is best seasoned with salt and pepper to give the casserole a hearty note. A final layer of cheese ensures a great crust. It's best to choose a really spicy cheese that also melts well.

Delicious winter recipes: It doesn't work without cabbage

There are some vegetables that simply cannot be missed in winter. TheThe classic is cabbage, which is transformed into a wide variety of dishes as white or red cabbage. Cabbage dishes are hearty, keep you full for a long time and are also very economical. There are different ways in which the beloved cabbage can be processed in winter. A classic is certainly the cabbage rolls, which are traditionally filled with minced meat, seared and served with a hearty sauce. Potatoes or rice are traditionally served with the cabbage rolls.

But cabbage can also be turned into a delicious stew. Here the fine strips of cabbage are often braised over a longer period of time so that they are pleasantly soft. Minced meat is also often used as a second component in cabbage stew. For a pleasant sweetness, diced peppers are mixed with the cabbage strips. The whole thing is seasoned with salt and pepper. A finely chopped onion together with the meat broth brings additional starch. For a fruity note, the stew is seasoned with tomato paste, sweet paprika powder and a teaspoon of sugar.

Delicious winter recipes for guests: fondue and raclette as the perfect choice for social evenings

The short days and long nights can be stressful from time to time in winter. This makes it all the more important to spend enough time with family and friends. What better way to do this than with a delicious meal. For social evenings in winter there are two real classics that have probably been on the table in every family at one time or another. We're talking about fondue and raclette.
Fondue and raclette are often served, especially on holidays when the whole family gets together. But both variants are also very suitable for other winter evenings. There are a number of foods that can be easily prepared with raclette and fondue. In addition to meat and fish, vegetables and seafood should of course not be missing here.
Cheese fondue is even simpler, but no less delicious. A few cubes of bread are then simply dipped into the hearty, aromatic cheese. Small skewers are easy to prepare for fondue. Fresh salad and a crunchy baguette are also best served.

Also atRaclette can actually be servedwhat the individual likes. The aromatic raclette cheese is always used as the basis for the pans. The raclette pans can be filled individually. Vegetables and meat as well as fruit are suitable here. If you want something out of the ordinary, then a raclette pizza is a very good choice. The dough is easy to prepare and can be made the day before with less yeast. The dough is then placed very thinly in the pans and topped with tomato sauce as well as sausage, cheese, seafood and vegetables.

So that the entire menu can actually be prepared in raclette, sweet pans are a must at the end. Of course, basically any combination can be made here too. But there are some types of fruit that are particularly suitable for a raclette. These primarily include peaches, pears, figs and bananas. The different types of fruit form the basic ingredient and are refined differently. For example, the peach is prepared with chopped pistachio, white chocolate and coconut chips. The coconut gives the pan a hearty note. The pears, on the other hand, are served with walnuts, honey and a little Gorgonzola. The contrast between sweet and savory is particularly interesting.

Sweet treats for the dark season

In addition to many hearty dishes, sweet treats should of course not be missing in winter. Many of them can be prepared in no time at all, so to speak. Especially in winter, people often have a lot of appetite for sweets. This one doesn't come by chance. In winter, it is completely normal for the body to crave foods that have a high calorie density.
But it doesn't always have to be chocolate, even if it's the quickest way to satisfy your appetite. Cake and pastry recipes that come in very different versions are also very suitable. A batter with baking powder, for example, can be prepared quickly. It can be enriched with cocoa and nuts.

In the winter weeks toopreferably with fruit breadwhich is particularly aromatic and filling. It can be stored for a long time, so like Stollen it is often served all winter long. A classic winter dish that is delicious and very popular is the baked apple. Baked apples are a Christmas classic in and of themselves, but they still taste wonderful in the weeks of January and February. The baked apple can be prepared excellently with winter apples. After removing the core, these are filled with marzipan, hazelnuts, cranberries or raisins. Honey and cinnamon provide the necessary taste. The whole thing is often refined with a pinch of cardamom. The finished baked apples are best served with vanilla sauce. This is easy to prepare yourself using milk, egg yolk and sugar.
After the apples have been filled with filling, they are put in the oven for around 15 minutes and can cook at 170 degrees top and bottom heat. Then they can be served with the vanilla sauce.

Or how aboutBratapfel Muffins?

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