How to cut and peel a pomelo

If you want to cut and enjoy the nutrient-rich, exotic fruit pomelo, there are a few methods that can make the cutting process easier. It can sometimes be a challenge to remove the tough skin of the citrus fruit all at once. Although it closely resembles a grapefruit, the pomelo is a cross between pomelo and grapefruit that is larger and sweeter. Their outer skin is light green, with a thick fibrous shell that can make cutting difficult. Below you will find some useful information about the citrus fruit that can help you prepare it quickly and without much effort.

Enjoy healthy pulp and cut a pomelo

You can find pomelos at most Asian markets and sometimes regular supermarkets and grocery chains, depending on where you live. These fruits are sweeter and milder than grapefruit and are often juicier. Pomelo not only tastes good, but is also full of healthy benefits. Like all citrus fruits, it is rich in vitamin C, which is good for ithelps strengthen the immune systemand ward off diseases. In addition, pomelos are rich in antioxidants, support digestion, lower cholesterol levels and help with inflammation with their antibacterial properties. You simply can't go wrong by adding more of it to your diet!

The pomelo is considered the king of citrus fruits due to its sheer size. Some varieties are the size of a small basketball, while others look like a giant grapefruit. Varieties also vary in color, from dark green on the outside to a coral color and sometimes even yellow. Depending on the hybrid, the skin can be very thick, up to 5 cm, or thinner. Some protrude at the top where the trunk meets the tree, while others are completely round. The color of the pulp ranges from white to pink.

Why pomelos can be difficult to cut

When it comes to preparing it for consumption, you'll have better luck if you cut the pomelo instead of peeling the fruit like you would an orange. Pomelos are the largest citrus fruits and can weigh up to 4.5 kg. They have thick skin and a thick, white pith surrounding this edible pulp. The flesh itself is segmented and varies in color from pink to pale orange. Some pomelo varieties are seedless, while others have a few seeds. Additionally, pomelos are often difficult to cut due to their size and thickness. The peel is also quite tough, making it difficult to peel without a sharp knife. When cutting a fruit, caution should be exercised as juice may squirt out when cutting.

Here are some tips you can follow before cutting a pomelo:

  • Pick or buy a ripe fruit. Ripe pomelos are yellow or orange in color and feel heavy for their size. Avoid fruits with green or brown spots.
  • Wash the citrus fruits thoroughly with soap and water as they may be waxed with chemicals.
  • Cut off one end of the fruit with a sharp knife. This creates a flat surface to work on.
  • Place the fruit upright on the cutting board and cut the sides of the fruit to remove the peel. Make sure to remove all of the white skin too.
  • Divide the pomelo in half by cutting it crosswise and then form wedges or segments out of it. Serve immediately or store the pulp in an airtight container in the refrigerator for later consumption.

This is how you cut a pomelo

As described above, the first step is to cut off the top part with a sharp knife. The easiest way to remove the outer skin is to cut it from the top all the way down with a sharp knife. Cut the rind into four quarters and then into half quarter pieces to make peeling easier. You can then use your fingers to peel off the fruit peel piece by piece.

The pith, or membrane-like white part, can also be thick, so use either a knife or your fingers to peel off large pieces. Then break the fruit in half if it is not already partially open. Eat only the fleshy part and enjoy the full fresh taste of this exotic fruit. You can snack on these on their own or use them in salads if you like. Here is a simple guide to cutting pomelos.

  • First, place the whole fruit face down on a cutting board and get a sturdy, sharp knife for cutting.
  • Cut the sides, following the curve of the fruit.
  • Use a smaller, sharp knife to cut the fruit peel into small sections so that you can easily peel it off with your fingers.
  • Peel off the cut pieces until all of the peel is gone.
  • Once you've cut off the skin, you should be able to see the individual segments of the grapefruit.
  • Then score the pomelo flesh about a centimeter apart. Be careful not to cut through the pulp.
  • For each notch, make a deep cut into the fruit, then twist to make another vertical cut, creating a small square of flesh. Do this all around the fruit until it is completely scored.
  • Remove any pith still attached to the fruit and cut the fruit again.
  • You can now separate the fruit pieces to add to the salad or enjoy as is.
  • In Thailand, fresh grapefruit is often eaten sprinkled with just a little salt and chili.

Cut the pomelo with a lightning-fast trick

In the video above on YouTube you can discover another easy and super quick method for cutting pomelos and try it yourself at home. Just be careful of your fingers when using a sharp knife.