But it's not enough to just throw together vegetables and maybe one or two fruits. The right dressing is also important to give wild herb salad recipes the finishing touch and create a salad to rave about. Would you like a few recipe ideas?
Which herbs are suitable for wild herb salad
When it comes to preparing a salad from wild herbs, don't just think about the green plants. The contents of your salad bowl will look even more appetizing if you do tooadd a few flowersthat you surely have in your garden. This also includes some tree blossoms, which you can harvest more in spring.
Do you already knowhow to candied flowers?
Some trees have edible leaves, which is less well known for most. Depending on the type of tree, you can taste mild (e.g. lime) or sour (e.g. beech) and replace sorrel, which is also very popular in salads. The following recipes for wild herb salad provide a few examples of edible wild plants.
Only use herbs that you really know to avoid poisoning! This is especially true when children eat with you.
Edible herbs, tree leaves and flowers for a colorful salad mix
A large number of wild herbs can be found in this salad recipe. Of course, you can vary, omit, replace or add as you please.
- beech leaves (Fagus sylvatica)
- Dalmatian bellflower (Campanula portenschlagiana) – just the flowers
- lamb's lettuce (Valerianella)
- goose thistle (Sonchus)
- Common rain cabbage (A common lapsana)
- Hornkraut (Cerastia)
- Garlic rocket (Allaria officinalis)
- Linden leaves (Tilia)
- Dandelion (Taraxacumofficinale)
- Cherry blossoms
- Sauerklee (Oxalis)
- Wiesenkerbel (Anthriscussylvestris)
- Wild fennel (Feniculum vulgare var. vulgar)
- Wild Mallow (Malva sylvestris)
- lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
Recipe for wild herb salad with primroses and violets
If a few flowers are included, the bright colors make the salad look even more appetizing.
- wild garlic; Leaves and flowers
- Hairy foamweed (cardamine shaggy); Leaves and flowers
- Garlic rocket (Allaria officinalis); Leaves and flowers
- dandelion leaves (Taraxacum officinale)
- First
- Ulmensamen
- violet
- meadowfoam (Cardamine pratensis); leaves and flowers; can be replaced with watercress
Green mix with birch syrup
The green herb mix in this salad is wonderfully complemented by edible flowers.
- Birken syrup as Dressing
- Strawberry blossoms
- Fetthenne
- daisy (Perpetual wars)
- Goldmelisse (Monarda didyma)
- Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
- Violet; Leaves and flowers
Flowery gourd and dandelion salad
Giersch, just like nasturtium, is now relatively well known for being edible and very healthy. For example, combine it like this:
- Brunnenkresse (Nasturtium officinale)
- greed (Aegopodium podagraria); only above-ground plant parts, roots are slightly poisonous
- daisy (Perpetual wars)
- Japanese ornamental quince (Chaenomeles japonica); flowers
- Cherry blossoms
- Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale); Leaves and flowers
- First
- sorrel (Rumex sorrel)
- Silberblatt (Lunaria annua)
- pigeon nettle (Lamium)
- Weißdorn (Crataegus)
Recipe for wild herb salad with goat cheese and blackberry balsamic vinegar
This recipe idea is also or specialfor early wintersuitable. With wild herbs you can enjoy delicious and, above all, fresh salads almost all year round.
- field mustard (Mustard plant)
- Hairy foamweed (cardamine shaggy)
- Borretsch (Borago officinalis. L.); flowers
- Nasturtium (A larger trophy); Leaves and flowers
- Garlic rocket (Allaria officinalis)
- sorrel (Rumex sorrel)
- marigold (Calendula officinalis)
- Vogelmiere (Stellaria media)
- Vineyard leek (Allium vineale)
- White deadnettle (Lamium album)
- Sweet peas
- any seeds
- Goat cheese (feta is also suitable)
- Blackberry balsamic
Any other ingredients such as boiled eggs, chicken, bacon, cheese or fruit and vegetables can of course be added to any wild cabbage salad if you would like it to be more filling and even more versatile.
Prepare a delicious dressing for the wild herb salad!
Some of the recipes above have already mentioned ideas for a vinaigrette for wild herb salad. But we still have a few delicious variants that you can use to create an aromatic marinade to refine.
Mustard, balsamic vinegar and blossom honey
In principle, you can refine all wild herb salad recipes with this dressing. The sweetness of honey means it goes particularly well with spicy herb combinations to balance the flavors.
For 4 servings:
- 1 tbsp grainy mustard
- 75 ml vegetable broth
- 1 tbsp flower honey
- 5 THE Balsamic
- 6 tbsp olive oil
- Pepper and salt to taste
Prepare the broth and stir in the mustard. Add honey and balsamic vinegar and once the ingredients are well mixed, season with pepper and salt to your taste. While stirring, add the oil and season with additional spices if necessary.
Dressing with walnut oil, raspberry vinegar and jam
Raspberry vinegar has long been popular for green salads due to its subtly sweet aroma, and wild herb salad is no exception.
For 4 servings:
- 3 tbsp raspberry vinegar
- 1 teaspoon raspberry jam
- 1 TL Dijonsenf
- 6 tbsp walnut oil
- Pepper, salt (fleur de sel is also suitable)
Mix the vinegar with a little salt until it has dissolved. Add mustard and jam and stir again. Season with pepper. Now stir in the oil. Use a whisk and beat a little more vigorously so that everything can mix well. If necessary, season the marinade for the wild herb salad with additional salt and pepper.
Vinaigrette with honey, mustard and apple cider vinegar
How about refining a wild herb salad with honey mustard dressing?
For 4 servings:
- 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 6 EL Distilled
- 1 EL Honig
- herbal salt
- freshly ground pepper
- 1 tsp mustard
You can adjust the quantities to suit your taste
Simply mix all the ingredients in a glass or bowl and drizzle over the finished salad before serving. Taste with the spices beforehand.
A few more dressing ideascan be found here.
Cover photo: DUSAN ZIDAR/ Shutterstock