Vegan soups – 5 delicious spring recipes and other cooking tips

At the beginning of the warmer season you think about possibly going on a diet or at least eating healthier. Easily digestible meals can be easily prepared with the huge selection of vegetables in spring and summer. Vegetarian and vegan soups are not only healthy, but also require little effort and cooking time. If you're not a real vegetarian but still want to feel fit in the higher temperatures outside, we offer an overview of 5 delicious and simple soup recipes.

Make your own vegan soups – French onion soup

Surprising but a fact - the classic, worldwide popular French onion soup is vegan. Simple and ingenious, this soup is known worldwide. It doesn't require much effort or special ingredientsSoup for around 30 minutesready to eat. Here is also a vegan, even gluten-free recipe:

  • 350 grams of onions
  • 3 tbsp sesame oil or another of your preference
  • 1 tbsp rice or corn flour
  • 1 liter vegetable broth
  • 1 clove
  • 1 Lorbeerblatt
  • Salt

Roast the peeled, sliced ​​onions in the heated vegetable oil until they caramelize and turn golden brown. Then sprinkle with the flour and leave on the stove for a minute while stirring constantly. Pour the lukewarm vegetable broth over it, add the spices and simmer for about 30 minutes. Garnish with baguette made from gluten-free flour or simply with toasted rye bread.

Cream soup with broccoli

We all know vegan soups made from broccoli and they are actually really healthy. In spring and summer you can see a wide variety ofEnjoy fresh green vegetablesand really benefit from it. Leave the frozen products in the display case and get fresh ones that also have the sunshine in them. Here is a delicious and simple recipe:

  • 4 cups broccoli
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 1/2 cup diced celery
  • 1/2 finely chopped onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/2 cup soy cream or soy milk
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • season with salt and pepper

A spoonful of cream goes well with the cream soup

Roast the onion with the vegetable oil in a pot, then add the garlic and celery and leave on the stove for about 5 minutes. Pour 4 cups of water into the pot and place the potatoes inside. Boil the potatoes, but not completely, and add the broccoli, they will take about 5 minutes. Puree the cooked vegetables and also the soy cream, adding water if necessary, until a creamy consistency is achieved.

Lentil soup

Some people prefer the delicious lentil soup as a stew, then simply add less water. First, the lens should be thoroughly wiped in a colander. Professional chefs recommend changing the cooking water several times, at least once, when cooking legumes. This will reduce any digestive problems.

The lentil soup can also be served pureed

Ingredients and preparation as follows:

  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 medium chopped onion
  • 2 chopped carrots
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • e teaspoon caraway
  • 1-2 TL Thymian
  • 240 g peeled, chopped tomatoes
  • 120 G The mountain lens
  • Salt, pepper and paprika powder to taste
  • 1 tbsp chopped parsley

Miso soup with shiitake mushrooms


  • 200 g tofu without flavor enhancers
  • 70 G Misopaste
  • Schiitake mushrooms (fresh or dried and soaked)
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1/ Celery tuber
  • 1 medium onion
  • 5-10 g dried seaweed
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger
  • chopped parsley
  • 2 The Soyasauce
  • Chili on request

Soak the seaweed and shiitake mushrooms, briefly roast all the chopped vegetables in the vegetable oil and then pour about 1500 ml of water with a little salt over it and let it cook. Add the mushrooms and algae to the pot. Mix the miso paste with soy sauce and some of the hot soup and add the diced tofu and ginger to the vegetables. When making miso soup, it is very important that the vegetables remain crunchy and that they are not cooked for long, otherwise valuable enzymes are lost.

African recipe for vegan soups with peanuts

This vegan soup looks more than a stew and impresses with a special, exotic taste because it is based on peanuts. The delicious dish can be garnished with brown or wild rice.


  • 1 onion
  • 2 tsp freshly grated ginger
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 TL Curry powder
  • 1/2 the bunch of chilies
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 2 cups sliced ​​Swiss chard
  • 5 cups vegetable broth
  • 3/4 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup tomato paste or tomato puree

Briefly fry the onion, garlic and ginger in the oil and add the sweet potatoes with the chili flakes and curry powder and after 5 minutes pour the vegetable broth over them. In a bowl, mix the peanut butter with the tomato paste, dilute with vegetable broth and shake in the pot with the remaining ingredients. Let simmer for about 15 minutes. A tip: you can replace the peanut butter with homemade peanut butter. To do this, you need peanuts that you have previously soaked and pureed with vegetable oil and a little liquid, such as water or vegetable broth.

Serve vegan soups pureed and season with cream

All vegan soups and stews complain about the taste or taste relatively similar. A great idea for seasoning simple dishes or enhancing their flavor is to add some cream. Cream, but not a dairy product, but an alternative. We offer an overview of some variants.

Make your own vegan cream – from coconut milk

The coconut cream or coconut milk delights with its authentic aroma and neutral taste, which goes equally well with sweet dishes and stews. Preparing the cream is very easy - leave the can of coconut milk in the fridge for a moment so that it becomes solid enough, then open it and mix it with a mixer or by hand.

You can get soy cream ready-made in the store and its uses are as varied as regular cow cream. Cold, it can be used as a dressing for salads or to refine sauces. But she has her own taste that you have to like.

A herbal replacement for traditional cream is available on a travel basis. This is not really suitable for cooking as it is less creamy.

Make your own almond cream – from peeled almonds

A delicious alternative to cow's milk cream is this almond-based cream, which you can also prepare yourself. All you need is peeled almonds (slivered or whole). You should soak them and then puree them in the blender. The cream alternative is particularly healthy and full of minerals if raw almonds are used and not baked ones. These must be peeled after soaking as the peel contains toxic acids.