Decorating the kitchen with a herb garden – tips and DIY ideas

There are many ideas for kitchen decoration, but we really like this one, decorating your home kitchen with a herb garden. A herb garden on the windowsill, balcony or on a shelf looks cozy and is practical in the kitchen. The fresh herbs chives, basil, tarragon, sage, parsley or rosemary give the room a pleasant aroma. At the same time, the tasty herbs can be used for cooking and refining dishes. Since many herbs have different healing effects, they are also suitable for combating diseases. Cultivation is easy if plant fans take into account the location and care requirements of the individual herbs.

These recommendations provide informative advice. Herbs thrive best in boxes or pots, on the windowsill or balcony. It is important that the plants receive sufficient light and water and are sown at the right time of year.

Who theCooking with herbsIf you want to decorate, you should use clay pots for the plants. The material does not harm the earth and clay pots are available in different colors. They give the kitchen a pleasant atmosphere. The herb lover can also paint them themselves and adapt the colors to the color scheme of the kitchen or add accents.

The buckets and clay pots should be placed by the window or on a light-flooded shelf, where they do not disrupt the kitchen, but visually enhance the kitchen. Herb experts recommend planting no more than three herbs per pot. Herb fans should also make sure that there is a pot of indoor garlic under the plants. On the one hand, the evergreen leek plant is a beautiful plant with a purple flower that creates a beautiful picture, and on the other hand, aphids don't like garlic. This means the other herbs remain protected from pests.

If you are handy, you can make special wooden shelves with DIY instructions that offer space for several pots, can be positioned variably or can be clamped into the window frame. The herb ladder can be quickly screwed together from old boards. Different herbs can be placed on the individual steps. The ladder looks particularly decorative in an unused corner in the kitchen.

If you have an old wicker basket at home, you can use it for planting herbs. The basket can be easily lined with a large sheet of foil or plastic tarp, which should be waterproof and thick. Hobbyists can roughly sew the edges of the foil to the basket using a needle and thread. The basket should then be filled with garden soil and the herbs inserted. It is important to press them into the soil and pour water into the basket so that the plants can grow well. It looks particularly decorative if the basket is planted with different types of herbs and contains hanging, low and tall herbs. The herb basket looks just as beautiful on a large kitchen table as it does on a sideboard.

Many herbs are intensely colored and, like flowers, twigs and other natural materials, are very suitable for oneoriginal table decoration. They are robust and tear-resistant and can be easily wrapped. You can use them to make homemade napkin rings and embellish them with herbal flowers.

Herb wreaths are beautiful to look at and fragrant at the same time. They consist of a mixture of flowers and herbs. Rosemary, sweet clover, fennel, thyme and spar are best. They can be tied around a metal ring with floral wire without breaking. If you are making the herb wreath as a gift, you can also use a wet wreath instead of a metal wreath. This soaks up water and keeps the herbs fresh for longer.

Herb fans who have chives in their garden can tie the grasses together into a bouquet by wrapping the lower part with a string. The chive bouquets serve as table decorations, for example they can be used as a knife rest. At the same time, guests can use the herbs to season the dishes.