Planning a kitchen – 105 functional design ideas

If you want to plan the perfect kitchen, you don't necessarily need a big budget or a lot of time, just a little bit of prior knowledge. The dream kitchen looks different for everyone - sometimes it has country house charm, sometimes it is simple and minimalist, sometimes it has a playful retro look. Regardless of the style, it should meet one important criterion – be functional and practical. The appropriate distribution of space according to your own space conditions plays a crucial role.

Planning a functional and modern kitchen – step 1 – the shape

Everyone can find out for themselves which type of kitchen suits their own four walls best. The first thing you have to do is create a sketch and then measure the free space. Only then should you plan your own kitchen.

Kitchenette – the kitchenette is suitable for smaller apartments and open living areas. The line should not be too long - more than 5 meters long is impractical, the distance between the stove-kitchen sink-refrigerator becomes too large.

Corner kitchen – it is a practical alternative to the kitchenette and is suitable for rooms with balconies or several doors. It is also very suitable for large families because several people can prepare food at the same time.

kitchen withKitchen island– this kitchen is perfect for living areas with an open plan. The kitchen island is not only practical, but also serves as a room divider.

U-shaped kitchen – the U-shaped kitchen is very functional, perfect for large families or shared apartments. In any case, if you choose the U-shape, you should have a larger space.

Step 2 – the fronts

After the kitchen shape has already been selected, the second - more creative step comes - namely the selection of the kitchen fronts and the worktop. There are numerous variants to choose from, but here too you should choose durability and functionality - ultimately, buying a new kitchen is an investment.

With fronts in a dark wood look

Modern, compact and functional kitchen in two colors