Which short hairstyle suits me? The best men's hairstyles for every face shape

How do you choose the right haircut when you ask yourself “Which short hairstyle suits me?” Here are some factors to consider!

Styling your hair to match your facial structure can be difficult, which is why people often ask the hairdresser, which short hairstyle is right for me? In order to prevent any mistakes, men should not only follow trends, but also take their face shape into account when choosing the appropriate hair style. In addition, a particular haircut can look different for many men depending on their hair type and whether the face is oval, triangular, square, oblong, round, diamond-shaped or heart-shaped. Just like when choosing clothing or jewelry, there is no one-size-fits-all style when it comes to men's hairstyles. Below you can read about the different types to find out which one suits your facial features and hair.

What should I pay attention to and which short hairstyle suits me as a man?

To answer these questions, it is important to choose a haircut based on certain personal characteristics. First and foremost, you should know what type of face shape you have before you go under the hairdressing scissors. The appropriate facial hair can also make a big difference. Although most of them areMen's hairstyles for a short hair lengthEach style has its own characteristics. Therefore, choosing can be a challenge for anyone wondering which short hairstyle suits me. This is not only due to personal taste, but also because hair is one of the most noticeable features of one's general appearance.

In addition, every style-conscious man knows that a suitable haircut can improve his appearance and highlight his facial features. Both the color of the hair and its shape can give the face a specific definition.Correctly selected men's hairstylesThey also provide a feeling of security and can make the person in question more self-confident. But everyone wants to know which short hairstyle suits me and how can I actually determine my own face shape? This isn't as complicated as it sounds, and you can find some guidance below.

What kind of terms are used for short haircuts?

Before you ask which short hairstyle suits me depending on your hair structure and face shape, you can also learn the technical language. This will help you ask the hairdresser for specific details of a hair style. By familiarizing yourself with the terms, you can also better understand what kind of haircut you want. Here are some of the most commonly used techniques when it comes to hairstyles.

  • Undercut– The popular and already established style is about a short hairstyle with a shaved back and sides of the head, which can vary. Although the hair on the top of the head can be of different lengths, the haircut maintains approximately the same structure. The side hair and the hair on the back always remain much shorter than the hair on the top.
  • Disconnected Undercut– The difference to the traditional undercut in this case relates to the lack of a transition. The two parts of the hair are cut independently of each other, and the hair style is characterized by short bottoms and longer tops without a fade.
  • Fade and taper fade– In this style, hair artists use a clipper technique where they grade the hair at the bottom of the head from very short to longer. This creates a smooth transition for different hair lengths that looks more stylish. As for taper fade, this is a combination of hair clippers and hairdressing scissors that hairdressers use to achieve the same effect on the top of the head.
  • Buzz Cut– As the name suggests, this is a very short length of hair on the entire head. Depending on the style or trend, this can usually be shaped differently using hair clippers. Lines or any patterns can be added in different places as eye-catching details.

There are, of course, numerous other variations of the terms described above that are common to certain haircuts. Experienced men's hairdressers know this well and can also help you with your selection.

How to decide which short hairstyle suits me based on face or head shape?

If you choose a short haircut depending on your face shape, you should of course like the style first and foremost. Fortunately, there are now versatile variants that suit various facial structures for precisely this reason. Most of them can also be adjusted to the shape of your head and worn in such a way that they do not visually affect your facial features. For example, with longer faces, the hairstyle should sit close to the head. Hairstyles with longer quiffs should be avoided in such cases, as a pompadour on the top of the head makes the face appear even longer.

On the other hand, if you have a circular face and want to know which short hairstyle suits me, a little more height at the top would balance the proportions. Modernly styled quiffs, the sides of which are kept short and close to the head, look very cool with such face and head shapes. On the other hand, you should, for example, have oneBuzz Cutavoid looking like a golf ball. The most common option would be an egg-round face, although not everyone is blessed with this. In this case, most short haircuts for men would work. If you want to get a more detailed picture of it, you can find more useful information about the haircuts to match it below.

How can you determine the shape of a face?

To help you determine your face shape more accurately, there are a few steps you can take and write down each measurement as you go.

  • Start with your forehead first, measuring the distance from the tip of the arch of one eyebrow to the arch of the other.
  • Then you can take a measurement across the cheekbones, starting and ending at the narrowest point below the outer curve of each eye.
  • Next, measure your jaw from the top of your chin to below your ear, stopping right where the curve of the jaw points up. Multiply the current measurement by two and you will get the actual dimensions of your jaw.
  • First, you can also find out your face length by measuring the length from the middle of your hairline to the tip of your chin.

Compare your own face shape with typical profiles

Once you've written down all the measurements, you can see which one is the largest. Then you can compare the results with the following facial structures to determine your own face shape.

  • At asquareAll dimensions of the face shape are similar, with the facial structure being characterized by a jaw that is more square than rounded.
  • Egg-shaped orovaleFace shapes are characterized by the length of the face being greater than the width of the cheekbones. The dimensions of the forehead are also larger than those of the jaw, which is more rounded than pointed.
  • If you have onerectangularface shape, then the measured length of your face would be the longest. On the other hand, the measurements of your forehead, cheekbones and chin would be similar.
  • Atround, respectivelycircular facesThe dimensions of the cheekbones and the length of the face are similar. However, these are larger than the dimensions of the forehead and chin, with the jaw slightly curved.
  • Diediamond-shapedFaces have the greatest length, followed by the measurements of the cheekbones, forehead and the smallest part of the jaw in descending order. The chin usually has a pointed shape, while the face is diamond-shaped.
  • There are still thoseheart-shapedFaces where the chin is also pointed, while the dimensions of the forehead are larger than those of the cheekbones and jawline.
  • Last but not least, we also talk aboutmore triangularFace shape in which the cheekbones are narrower than the jaw but larger than the forehead.

Which short hairstyle suits me depending on my face shape?

So which hair styles should I choose from and which short hairstyle suits me and my face shape? Many men have to deal with this when making their decision, because a haircut, like any stylish clothing that fits the body, should be adapted to the contours of the respective face. Now you already know the factors and the options for determining the shape of your face and you can look at a few more examples. Just let yourself be inspired by it and then choose the best possible option.

Choose suitable short haircuts for square face shapes

For angular and square face shapes, men's hairstyles that soften such facial features are more recommended. You have the opportunity to choose from numerous styles. However, due to the pronounced jaw in this case, it would make sense to opt for variants such asUndercut, quiff and side partingto decide. The strands around the hairline are softer at the ends. This would make such a short hairstyle look cool and highlight certain facial features. All of this depends on whether your hair and face shape match the look you choose. However, if you have a square face, avoid styling your hair in the middle and wearing an excessive pompadour.

Which short hairstyle suits me if I have an egg-shaped face?

As already written above, an oval face is considered optimal, and this is also the case for women. With a few exceptions, a face shape like this would generally suit any short hairstyle because the proportions are well balanced. The most common options include haircuts with a longer lengthHair quiff or pomadour, as well as with a side partingIn addition to the fact that any type of sunglasses is suitable for such a face, their owners also have the freedom to experiment with their hairstyle. The only thing you should avoid is long bangs as they add extra roundness. The oval face shape allows maximum flexibility, as the hair can be styled not only long or short, but also cascading or falling over the face.

Consider men's hairstyles suitable for elongated faces

Similar to egg-shaped faces, a face shape looks like an elongated version. You should also take this difference into account if you ask yourself which short hairstyle suits me. It's best to keep the hair on the sides of your head a little longer to maintain a normal hair length on the top of your head. Don't shave the sides as this will also visually lengthen your face. The best option in this case would be to aim for approximately the same length of hair everywhere and keep the proportions of the face correctly. Suitable options for this are:Mohawk and crew cut.

What kind of haircuts would suit a round face shape?

If you have a round face shape, it is advisable to create a little more height with your short haircut. Therefore, in this case, a suitable men's hairstyle that matches the shape of the face depends on which parts of the face you want to conceal well and which you want to highlight. In addition, angular shapes or distinctive lines are not observed on round faces, which is why hair styles likeFrench crop and side partingwould fit with it. However, you should also choose a hairstyle that is compatible with your height so that it does not affect your overall appearance. This can make your face appear less round, although you should avoid bangs as these only further emphasize the round face shape.

Have a diamond-shaped face and which short hairstyle suits me in this case?

If we are talking about diamond-shaped faces, you should choose a haircut that emphasizes the forehead and chin. Men with a diamond-shaped face usually have wide cheekbones, while their forehead and chin are relatively narrow. For this reason, a quiff left slightly longer would enhance the look and provide additional volume at the top. Casual hair styles with messy strands likeCrew haircuts or side partingsare also suitable for this. Hairstyles with combed-up bangs and layers on top are also recommended so that they can give the hair more structure and volume. It would be advisable not to wear your hair straight back and also not to wear sharp bevels over your ears as this would make them look ragged.

Adjust the haircut to a heart-shaped face

Since such a face shape is similar to the diamond-shaped faces, short hairstyles with a combed-back quiff would be suitable for this. The forehead is often wider, which also gives you a neat lookDisconnected undercut, bangs or side partingcan receive. However, also take the pointed chin into account and opt for structured highlights or dimensional quiffs. Accordingly, the shorter versions allow you to highlight the upper part of your face. To bring all of this into harmony with your heart-shaped face, you can use one when you get the chanceGrow a beard. However, a slightly stubbly stubble rather than a full beard would be able to maintain the proportions between the upper and lower halves of the face.

Which short hairstyle suits me if I have a triangular face shape?

For such face shapes, complementary haircuts that allow you to highlight the cheekbones are recommended. A triangular face is the opposite of heart-shaped faces and is characterized by slightly wider jaw areas and a narrow forehead. Although longer men's hairstyles with fringes are suitable for this, you can tooUndercut with man bun, side parting or pompadourchoose. Just try to opt for a hairstyle with layers so that you can add more volume to the top of your head.

Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that this guide is a guide, but it corresponds to the basic principles of modern men's hairstyles. The decision is of course yours and you can of course get advice from your hairdresser. In addition, the barbershop can also have your face shape determined in order to choose the best possible type of haircut.