How can annoying back hair be removed? Types of permanent hair removal and care tips

When it comes to personal care, many men and women ask themselves how best to remove their back hair. Here you can find out more about it so you can avoid any mistakes and make the best possible decision for yourself!

There are many people who struggle with excessive body hair, with many men wanting to remove their natural “sweater” or back hair. This can be a good idea for men for aesthetic reasons as well as for increased comfort and self-confidence. However, when it comes to back hair removal, there are a few factors to consider. For example, shaving provides instant results, but if you want permanent back hair removal, you'll need a little more. Below you will find some useful information about the possible methods and hair removal products that can help you with this matter.

What should you consider before removing your back hair?

Think about it for the first time,to go to the beauty salonto get rid of your back hair? There are probably a few things on your mind. A large number of men are affected by this, although everyone would wonder if the procedure is painful. It is also important which removal method you choose and whether you can permanently remove your back hair. To keep your back hairless for more than a day, you should, for example, wax your back hair or consider laser hair removal.

Furthermore, it is a cosmetic problem that many men are ridiculed for on the beach or in the swimming pool. Years ago there was no permanent solution to this, but these days that is no longer the case. You can remove annoying and unwanted back hair in various ways. For women, this is more of a phenomenon, although some of them also have to struggle with it. However, during the process of epilation, hair can be removed both externally and under the skin. But what causes excessive back hair in most males?

Why does excessive back hair occur?

Having body hair in different places is common in both men and women. However, when it comes to excessive hair growth, scientists believe that some people have inherited it from their ancestors. This was a natural way to keep warm during long periods of cold. Now this is no longer the case these days with almost everyone aiming for smooth skin and wanting to remove their back hair. This also applies to women with hairy backs, although this does not necessarily mean that it is a disorder. In addition, some females also have higher levels of testosterone in their blood, which does not affect their fertility in any way. However, those with high levels of male hormones suffer from excessive hair growth.

There are also other influencing factors that could cause excessive hair growth. One of these would be, for example, taking certain medications that impair the function of the central nervous system, blood thinners or chemotherapy. All of these can act as a catalyst for the growth of unwanted hair on the back. There is also a disease called hypertrichosis that affects the male half of the population. This is characterized by excessive hair growth in areas that are not normally prone to it. Such a disease can be either inherited or congenital and logically not only affects the back.

What methods are there for permanent back hair removal?

A large number of men have no problem with vegetation in the back area and therefore do not particularly suffer from complexes. However, there are some for whom excessive back hair can have a negative impact not only psychologically but also physically. The most cost-effective option would be to use razors specifically designed for that part of the body. These have a wide blade and a long handle.

However, the disadvantage of this method of hair removal is its short duration. In addition, itching can occur after shaving, while the hair becomes coarser and thicker. But many men still choose to do it and even have strange haircuts on their backs. Fortunately, there are other options available to you, although these may have certain advantages and disadvantages for certain people. Here is an overview of the most common methods and hair removal products with their special features.

How to use waxing and remove back hair?

Waxing is the next cheapest option, although the effect of the procedure can last for a few weeks. If you use this method, you can enjoy smooth skin on your back for at least two weeks. However, since most men are not used to it, the procedure can be quite painful. Nowadays, for example, there is also soy wax that does not stick to the skin after application, but only to the hair. Another recommended alternative is to use wax strips or a product that is applied to the fabric. This can make the procedure easier and save you some pain.

The procedure involves applying hot wax to the skin and then placing a strip of cloth or other material over it. Hair removal is carried out by pulling vigorously and plucking off the hair that is attached to it. As already written, it takes about two weeks before you see new hair and four weeks before you can undergo further hair removal with wax. With regular procedures, hair usually becomes less after a while. The more back hair you epilate, the weaker the hair becomes and waxing becomes less and less unpleasant. Save yourself from additional inconvenience by going to the beauty salon where they work with male clients. Otherwise, if used correctly, the pain is bearable. There are also local anesthetics in the form of creams if you are too sensitive to them.

Care tips after wax treatment

Care after waxing is just as important. Afterwards you should always wear a clean T-shirt, preferably made of cotton. Different clothing could cause skin irritation and even inflammation. It's also important not to exert yourself or do anything during the day that could cause hot flashes. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid saunas, gym visits, or hot showers for 24 hours after wax treatment. In about a week you can also use peeling, special cosmetic products for the back are available in drugstores.

Can hair removal creams remove back hair?

There are also specially developed substances with chemicals that break down the hair protein. However, superficial hair removal can be done without getting rid of the hair follicles. In this way you remove the hair, which can then be easily removed with a spatula. In this case too, the lasting aspect is the short duration, because after a week the back is covered with hair again. However, this is an affordable option and the procedure is also painless and is therefore preferred by many people.

The effect after applying the depilatory cream lasts for several weeks, after which the procedure must be repeated again. The main disadvantage is the irritation that can occur on the skin due to chemical ingredients. For this reason, dermatologists recommend trying the cream on a small area of ​​skin first to see how it reacts. Even if you can't tolerate a product, you don't have to give up this method completely. There are different active ingredients for this and you can try different brands.

How does laser hair removal for the back work?

One of the most modern and popular methods for permanent back hair removal is using lasers. This is an advanced and effective technology that can stop hair growth for up to a year. In addition, the procedure is painless as the back is treated with a local anesthetic before the procedure. There are also cooling nozzles that are specifically designed for lasers. The real disadvantage of this option is the price, but it will be worth it because of the duration. The results are more than satisfactory, although some patience is required if you want to remove your back hair in this way.

During the laser procedure, the hair is burned by heating the dark pigments it contains and the cells surrounding them. An equally important factor to consider is that this method only works on dark hair, not blonde hair. However, there are newer technologies that are suitable for all hair colors. The beautician or therapist directs the laser beam onto the hair follicles and the hair pigment absorbs the light to prevent the formation of new hair. Although the duration depends on the hair type, it can permanently remove back hair.

What else should you take into account when laser hair removal?

It is advisable to leave a gap of one month to 6 weeks between each session. Although the hair grows during this period, it decreases significantly. It is also very important that the therapist shaves your back before each treatment. As far as the exact duration of the effect is concerned, it also depends on how dense the hair on the back is and how stubborn the individual hairs are. Typically, 6 to 8 procedures are required for permanent hair removal. Since the waist and shoulders are also part of the back, the cost could be a little higher. But you get more comfort and can save not only money but also valuable time in the long run.

Laser hair removal is not normally carried out in the warmer months, but this is more likely to be the case with outdated technologies. This limit does not apply to new devices and you can make an appointment at any time. However, it is important to keep to the appointments, as the procedures are planned according to the growth phase of the hair. The aim of the entire procedure is to treat the back hair at the active moment in order to achieve the greatest possible effect. So if you are planning this for the summer, it would make sense to start laser hair removal a few months in advance, with a single session usually lasting around 30 minutes.

How to remove back hair using electrolysis or photoepilation?

The difference between laser hair removal and photoepilators actually lies in the light spectrum. This is the optimized version that would be suitable for lighter or red back hair. However, in this case the maximum effect can only be achieved when hair growth is active. At this stage there are around 15-20% of them on the body. Hair that is dormant during the procedure should be treated at the next session in one to two months when it begins to grow again. Therefore, even with photoepilation, several sessions are usually required. Of course, the procedure is also more expensive, because in many cases hair growth can be stopped permanently. Other benefits of this method include its rejuvenating effect on the skin, as well as the possible removal of age spots or freckles. However, it is not recommended if you have sensitive skin or have lighter hair.

When it comes to electrolysis, each hair is treated individually. The procedure is based on the principle of electrically induced death of the cell layer that forms new hair. This happens either from overheating, electricity, or both. However, this variant is not suitable for back hair that is too thick and growing, but is ideal for individual but unruly hairs. You also have to have hair of a certain length and have a lot of patience. Electrolysis can remove gray and very blonde hair as well as individual hairs in the ears and nose. However, the method is not possible in inflammatory skin diseases and the presence of metal implants. Additionally, electrolysis is painful, which again requires a local anesthetic and an actually experienced therapist.

What alternative and natural methods or home remedies could remove back hair?

You can also use some alternative hair removal products, although natural products will not have an immediate effect.

  • For example, you can use 40 gNettle seedspulverize and mix with 100 ml vegetable oil. You should then store the mixture in a dark place for at least 2 months. You can then strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth and treat the hairy problem area with it every day. This can get you rid of unwanted body hair for perhaps a month.
  • Another natural remedy is theHorse chestnut, where you have to peel a cup of it and pour 600 ml of boiling water over it. This mixture should then be boiled, stirring constantly, until the water has completely evaporated. This results in a dark and thick paste and you can rub it into the hair-covered area of ​​your body every day. This destroys the hair structure and inhibits hair growth.
  • Two home remedies that you can also combine are:ammonia and castor oil. Mix 5 ml of each and add 30 ml of medical alcohol and 2 ml of iodine solution. Then stir the mixture well until it becomes homogeneous. Use cotton swabs to apply and repeat the process once daily.
  • Another home remedy isHydrogen peroxide, which is often used to lighten hair. For hair removal, combine 5 g each of hydrogen peroxide 6% and liquid soap with 5 drops of ammonia. However, only treat the problem area once a week and leave the solution to work for 15 minutes before rinsing well with water.
  • There is another option called “Sugaring“. This involves the use of a sugar mass heated to body temperature, which is similar to waxing. The difference lies in the application technique, where you can apply sugar to prevent hair growth and thus remove your back hair. The result is approximately the same as with wax treatment.

Final thoughts

The home methods described last can not only remove back hair permanently, but also make it thinner and less visible due to discoloration. Of course, excessive hair growth on the back is difficult to stop because hair itself is strong and tough. All of this will require a lot of time and patience to achieve lasting results. Of course, the other procedures also work better for men because the darker the hair, the easier it is to remove. Except for ELOS technology and neodymium lasers, which can also be used to remove blonde back hair. Hopefully this guide could help you make the right decision for yourself.