When it comes to fitness for men and women, training with your own body weight can prove to be very effective. In addition, certain exercises are suitable for everyday life and offer the opportunity to stay in optimal form and healthy. By carrying out regular workouts, make sure that you do not lose your strength, mobility and aerobic fitness. Although this is usually done for faster muscle building in the gym, essential strength training can also be carried out at home or outdoors. In this way, you can not only save time and money, but also learn more about your own body. The following examples and tips can be a good start, even if you are beginners.
Why is regular fitness important for men?
If you incorporate strength training into your training program through specific practice units, this can quickly have a positive effect on your general condition. It is already known that regular physical activity is a decisive role in theMaintaining health in addition to nutritionplays. In adults, for example, at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercises with moderate intensity or 75-minute workouts with high intensity are recommended every week. In doing so, moderate training includes activities such as walking, hiking, water aerobics and even dancing.
In addition, with suitable fitness for men on two or more days of the week, you can also train your muscle strength byaim as many muscle groups as possible. The term muscle building does not only refer to bodybuilders and can actually become an important part of healthy aging. After 30 years of age, most people lose up to 3 % to 5 % of their muscle mass per decade. This can be observed primarily in degenerative conditions such as sarcopenia associated with the aging process. As a result, men can lose up to 30 % of their muscle mass over the course of their lives. So if you want to do something about it, you will find some essential exercises below that contribute to physical fitness for men.
Before you start with the independent fitness for men
If you train every day with your own body weight, it is advisable to do fewer sentences, even only one or two. You should proceed progressively by gradually increasing the intensity. In this way, your progress becomes faster over time and you will be able to make several repetitions. It is also not possible to gain weight every day, which is why you best stick to this concept. So you will also shorten your rest periods between the individual exercises, as well as new and more challenging variations. As a result, they strain several muscles and build them up faster.
It can also be advantageous to follow a daily approach to maintaining fitness for men. This makes every training session far more manageable and takes less time. More specifically, your daily training sessions can help you possiblyto change sitting lifestyleto get in shape faster. Even if you are already training, you can intensify your everyday activities and enable better planning for your training. Here are 5 exercises where you can carry out one or two sets with five to 25 repetitions on five or more days of the week.
Make pushers every day
As one of the most effective exercises with body weight, pushups offer an easy way to build up the immense power in the chest, shoulders and triceps. The implementation of such fitness for men who do not yet do a special breast training can be very useful. Try to make pushups every day to stay fit in the upper body.
- You can first start in a plank with your arms under your shoulders.
- Then lower your breast onto the floor as you support your body core throughout the movement.
- First press through your hands when the front of your body is about 2.5 cm above the floor to return to the starting position.
- In order to create variety, you can also move your hands closer together and make your triceps more effort.
Kniebugen as an important part of the fitness for men
You can also start your day with squats after getting out of bed. These can help as regular activity to improve mobility and strength in their leg muscles. So you can build more strength in your fitness training early. However, as soon as you can easily carry out 25 or more squats with your own body weight, you should make muscular endurance priority.
- In the case of squats, first start to set your feet apart as a shoulder width.
- You can then sit back and sit down while you drive your knees to the sides. At the same time, however, you should keep an upright upper body.
- Then you can press your two feet to return to the starting position.
- It is best to try to find your own rhythm with each sentence carried out.
Optimize the daily training session with lash steps
This is another effective all -off exercise with which everyday fitness can be improved and rounded off for men. In addition, you can carry out the side lounge steps with alternating intensity and movements. If you can train outdoors, you should also consider going outdated output steps as even more effective variant.
- Start with it by first taking a wide and deep step forward with one foot.
- You can then lower your back knee towards the ground while entering the lower position of the lounge steps.
- Continue with your front foot and bring your back foot forward to step into the next litter.
More intensive fitness for men with bar supports as a weight exercise
If you want to build up your upper body's muscles, BARRERBEITE offer the great way to increase your shoulder strength and mobility. This type of exercise can even be carried out effectively on a couch, chair or a bank. However, the use of bars or rings is preferable if you can find them near you.
- If you use a chair or sofa for it, you should start keeping your fingers outwards.
- At bars or on rings, you should lower your chest towards the ground while you bow to your elbows and shoulders.
- Finally, return to the starting position by pressing your two hands upwards.
Strengthen the arms and shoulders with daily pull -ups
At the fitness for men, pull -ups are consideredExercise for every daythat you can carry out with a bar on the door at home or outdoors. As a result, they will surely be able to get in shape quickly. In addition, this is an essential exercise for the upper body that aims at the muscle groups in chest, arms and shoulders. So build up quickly through pull -ups, whereby you can carry them out moderately and with different handles at the beginning to vary the targeted muscles and stimuli. This enables more variety without changes to the equipment.
- You can first start hanging on a pull -up bar with a tense belly, in a neutral position or with a handle.
- Try to stretch your arms completely.
- First of all, you should pull yourself up until your chest reaches the pull -up rod.
- Finally, you can slowly lower yourself back into the starting position.