Planking for beginners-advantages of the own weight exercise + plank tips for the right forearm support

Planking for beginners of all ages is suitable as one of the most effective isometric exercises and can be carried out comfortably at home. So you train your trunk muscles with your own weight, whereby you can aim at different muscle groups through different variations of the exercise. However, it can initially be challenging for newcomers to carry out this type of training without errors in order to achieve the desired results. If you are also part of this, the following tips and examples can help you to optimize the training process.

Why can planking be an advantageous fitness exercise for beginners?

The key to the efficiency of such a training exercise and holding a stable plank is the gradual execution. If this is your first time, it could be very difficult to stay in the corresponding position for more than 10 seconds. However, the biggest advantage of this type of training is that it makes many easier over time due to repetitions. As a result, they become the plank position for the maximum possible timea push -up similaris easy to maintain to achieve the best results.

In addition, there are many opportunities for beginners' planking, it is advisable to start with a high position. This requires less effort and encourages the muscles to slowly get used to it. As already written above, you can do with such aWorkout back, Strengthen shoulders and belly. In contrast to cardio training, such exercises are suitable for anyone who wants to be physically fit. Children can also start with it and effectively continue the exercise into old age in order to increase their entire physical strength over time. Here are some of the best variants of this exercise for inexperienced, as well as possible errors that you should avoid.

Basic variations of the forearm support

Even with this type of exercise, it is sometimes the caseMethods for building muscleThe simplest are. This is particularly the case with beginners, since planking helps to build strength and thus trust your own body more. Although fuselage bends is not an easy exercise, it can be carried out without any problems with the correct procedure. In addition, there are some variants, such as the forearm, where you stand flat like a table top on all fours with your upper body. This allows you to tense your abdominal muscles to keep your spine straight.

  • Put your forearms flat on the floor and straighten your legs straight out so that only your toes and forearms touch the ground.
  • Then stay in this position, although you should not forget to breathe.

The lateral variation of the exercise with the pristine is also suitable as a planking for beginners. In this case, you have to turn the standard position onto one side while keeping an elbow and a forearm on the floor.

  • Place your other hand on your hip and stack your feet on top of each other as you show her in the direction you look.
  • Then lift your hip to keep your body in a straight line.

If you master these basic variants, you can add a few other quick movements to make the training process even more effective. In addition, you can initially try out at home or in the gym to carry out one of these four exercises for 30 seconds. However, it is also important to rest after these 30 seconds before making a repetition.

How does planking affect general health for beginners?

In view of the type of training, it is advisable for newbies to carry out the planking exercise for at least 30 days at the beginning. This entails a certain number of health advantages, such as improving the general attitude thanks to the fuselage strength. In addition, you can also increase the flexibility and endurance of your body while youLose belly fat. From a medical point of view, planking for beginners helps to get rid of back pain with sport, whereby coordination and metabolism also improve.

As far as muscle groups are concerned, planking is considered a full body training that can have a positive effect on several muscles. So you can not only train your fuselage muscles, but also shoulders, upper backs, arms, buttocks and back thigh muscles. In addition, such exercises also help to build functional movement patterns over time. This also includes simple, everyday activities such as walking, shopping and climbing stairs, which can feel more comfortable and easier to do. To achieve all of this, you can try out the following training methods to benefit from the numerous advantages of this exercise.

Start with a high forearm support

A high plank is about starting with a push -up position. Your palms and toes have to stand firmly on the floor as you keep your back and fuselage straight. Perform this type of planking for beginners by starting on all fours. However, instead of putting your forearms on the floor, you can put your palms apart and stretch your arms completely.

  • Then lift your knees and press your feet back while you straighten your legs. This looks like the top of a standard lying support.
  • Keep your fuselage, your legs and your gluts muscles tense while you are careful not to bend your back.
  • Concentrate your gaze on the floor a few centimeters in front of your hands to keep your neck in a neutral position.

With more intensive variants of planking for beginners continue

The main idea of ​​this full body exercise is to add time and intensity when your fuselage muscles become stronger. So as soon as you are able to keep the basic variants with a impeccable shape for a whole minute, it is advisable to optimize the training process to increase the intensity. In this regard, there are a variety of options, although many of them are also ideal for beginners. So if you have learned how to make a simple plank, you can now continue with the more intensive training methodology.

  • Execute planking with forearms - let yourself fall from the base schedule to your elbows. Then align your elbows under your shoulders. You can cross your fingers or form the number of eleven with their forearms. Hold your hips and legs like the basic variant.
  • Move back and forth - you can add more intensity from a position with a forearm support by rocking forward and back from your feet. Press your body gently in an area of ​​about 3 cm to increase the challenge.
  • Planking for beginnersCombine with mountaineering exercise- Guide a normal plank with stacked shoulders over your wrists and pull one knee inside and then the other knee to your chest. Do this at a slow or quick pace. If you move quickly, also increase your heart rate.

Perform the side plank and reverse planking for beginners

This can be two amazingly advantageous variants for weird abdominal muscles and for those in the intercostal area. Make a side plank by rotating on the side, stretching an arm and balancing on one foot. It's not as easy as it sounds, and requires a lot of balance and flexibility to do it.

  • First switch from a base position or from a forearmplank to a page position.
  • Then come through your left hand or left forearm and open your body to the right side of the room.
  • Get your hips to train your sloping abdominal muscles.
  • As soon as your entire body points to the right, you can lift your right arm to the blanket for more stability and/or lower your lower knee.
  • After three breaths, change sides to keep things evenly.

The so-called reversal plank is ideal for gluten muscles, knee tendons, the entire core and the back of the body. This happens by pointing to the ceiling lying on the back. Then the upper body is pushed under the body with the arms. The body has to form a straight line and you have to hold this position.