Exercise in the morning or evening? When is the best time to exercise?

Movement is an important part of onehealthy and active lifestyle. While some people prefer running in the morning, others enjoy a late afternoon workout. Some even exercise just before bed. Is there a benefit to exercising at a certain time of day? Should you do exercise in the morning or evening? This is a topic that is widely discussed among athletes, training experts and researchers. While there is some evidence that late afternoon is the best time to exercise, there are plenty of benefits to working out in the morning as well. Read on and find out when training is more effective!

More effective in the morning or evening? That's what researchers say

Experts have found thatthe late afternoon or early eveningis the best time for sports. According to research, full performance and optimal fat burning occur when body temperature is at its highest. For most people, this is the timebetween 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m, although some studies extend this to 7 p.m. Within these few hours, the body's physical strength and endurance reach their peak. Athletes show better results in performance tests that also measure aerobic performance and reaction time. It's also good timing to avoid injury. In the afternoon you are more awake and focused. The muscles are also already warmed up from daily activities. In the morning, just before we wake up, our body temperature is at its lowest point. This would indicate that morning is not the best time for exercise. However, there are some benefits to having a morning routine.

Exercising in the morning has benefits

Running in the morning can help you stay motivated. Research has shown that morning exercisers are more consistent than those who exercise in the afternoon or evening. This may be because youget up earlierto run or go to the gym. As a rule, you have more influence in the morning than in the evening. A lot can happen during the day and a lot of obstacles can arise for an afternoon training session. You may have to stay at the office late, take the kids to exercise, do a quick grocery run, or whatever. You wake up in the morning and are ready to go! Additionally, early morning is also the coolest part of the day in summer. So perfect for a morning run!

Plan the time for exercise according to your lifestyle

Instead of searching for the best time to exercise according to experts, it's best to adapt your routine to your lifestyle. This way you won't see exercise as a nuisance that you have to do. Running helps morning people prepare for the day. Others use an afternoon workout as a break in the day or to relax after workto let off steam.

Likewise, your schedule may be better suited to a morning run than an evening workout. Between family obligations and work, you may only have a very narrow window of time to squeeze in a workout in the evening. Even if you don't feel like exercising during this time, it is still possible to change your circadian rhythm to suit your schedule.

Night owls can also rest easy because studies have shown that exercising before bed does not affect sleep quality. It may increase your heart rate during the first few hours of sleep, but the athletes in the study showed no difference in sleep between their training and non-training days. This contradicts previous research that claimed exercising in the morning was better for sleep. However, everyone agrees on one thing: that you need enough sleep. Athletes who suffer from sleep disorders show a significant decrease in performance.

Timing for an event

If you're training for a specific event or sport, the optimal timing should match the activity. For example, if you're training for a marathon, running in the morning can prepare your body for the event since most marathons start in the morning. In contrast, many baseball and basketball games are played in the evening, while football games can be scheduled for the afternoon. No matter what sport you play, training during these times will help your body perform better on game or race day. If that's not possible, some research suggests that morning strength training can make up for this time difference.

Adjust your own biorhythm to the desired time

A lot of the recommended timing of exercise has to do with the body's circadian rhythm. It is a daily cycle that regulates many physiological functions, including alertness, blood pressure, body temperature and metabolism. Everyone has a 24-hour rhythm, and it is possible to adjust it or “teach” your body to perform better at certain times. It's almost like setting your alarm clock for a new time. The first week or two can be difficult, and you may struggle to wake up at an earlier time. However, in about a month, your body gets used to the change, and many people find that they wake up before the alarm goes off.

You can do the same with your workout routine. Once you determine that a specific time of day works best for your schedule, your body, a specific event, and all other factors, you can begin training your body accordingly. For example, if you start jogging in the morning, your body will get used to running at that time. You will also stick to one that is always the sameGet used to morning routine. After a while, jogging will become second nature, and the routine will help you stay motivated.

Is exercise better for you in the morning or evening?

Below we've put together the pros and cons of exercising at each time of day to help you decide when would be best for you.

Exercise in the morning


  • The majority of people who exercise regularly do so early in the morning. It is easier to form the habit by exercising in the morning.
  • A 2012 study found that photos of food were less attractive after a 45-minute brisk morning walk and more activity during the rest of the day.
  • Another study from 2013 found that male cyclists had better endurance performance in the morning compared to the evening.
  • There are fewer distractions and schedule interruptions in the morning.
  • You can make time for exercise by getting up a little earlier.
  • Exercise gives you a feeling of more energy for the next few hours.
  • In summer, temperatures are cooler compared to later times of the day.
  • Air pollution levels are lowest in the morning.
  • Your body adapts to your training time. So if you're preparing to run a marathon, train in the morning.


  • The body temperature is at its lowest point of the day one to three hours before waking up. At this time you naturally have less energy and poorer blood circulation.
  • Cold, stiff muscles can be more susceptible to injury. Be sure to stay in front of a highintensive trainingWarm up well and then stretch properly.
  • If you don't enjoy your morning workout, you won't be consistent.
  • Since body temperature is higher in the late afternoon, you will likely achieve the same or better calorie burn later in the day.

Exercise at lunch and break time

If you have a sedentary job, breaking up the workday with exercise can do your body a lot of good.


  • You can make it a habit to take a walk at lunch and break time.
  • You can find a workout partner at work, school, or in your neighborhood.
  • Body temperature is higher than in the morning.
  • Exercise can helpregulate the amount of foodthat you want to eat for lunch and also avoid snacks in the afternoon.
  • A brisk walk improves blood flow to the brain, allowing you to concentrate more in the afternoon.
  • A walk or a workout helps reduce stress at the office, school or at home.


  • Due to time constraints, full training is not possible. Any activity is good, but it's best if you can walk for 30 to 60 minutes or more.
  • You may not be able to consistently disconnect from work, school, or family obligations during the day.
  • Research from 2012 shows that lung function in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is worse in the afternoon. During a light walk, a healthy person may not notice the difference. But during intense exercise or in people with lung problems, a difference of 15 to 20 percent can be noticeable.

Jogging and exercising in the afternoon

Research suggests that fitness in the afternoon (from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.) is also more effective for losing weight and building muscle.


  • For most people, body temperature peaks around 6 p.m.
  • Research shows that lung function is best between 4 and 5 p.m.
  • The muscles are warm and flexible.
  • In the afternoon you have the lowest perceived exertion of the day: If you don't feel stress, you may be able to train harder or faster in the afternoon.
  • Afternoon exercise can help regulate the amount of food you want to eat for dinner.
  • After a day at work, school or home, exercising helps reduce stress.


  • You may notice that things keep coming up that present obstacles to regular exercise.
  • The gym can be crowded at this time. This means that certain devices such as the treadmill can be occupied for a long time.

Exercise in the evening


  • The peak of body temperature has been reached.
  • The muscles are warm and flexible.
  • Perceived exertion is low. Maybe you can train more intensively.
  • If you exercise in the evening, you will be less hungry at dinner.
  • Exercise helps relieve stress after the day at work, school or at home.


  • A whole day full of new crises and distractions can be particularly difficult for oneeffective trainingprovide.
  • You need to allow one to three hours after exercise to fall asleep. If you experience sleep problems, you need to plan your workout earlier.
  • In the cold season, when it gets dark earlier, you should definitely wear reflective clothing when jogging outside.


Basically, the absolute best time to do exercise is the one that suits you best. Your optimal training time depends on your individual rhythm of life. The experts agree - it's not so much the time of day that counts, but rather the time that you can regularly plan for your training. No matter what time of day you exercise, you will still receive all the benefits of regular exercise.