Estimate portion sizes: Determine the right amount using hand measurements

Do you want to lose a few pounds or simply eat healthily and avoid stomach problems? It's all a question of the right portion size. Many people tend to eat the entire plate, even if they are already full. The result – excess weight – cannot be permanently eliminated with any diet. In this case, there is only one way to achieve your dream figure: only those who can estimate typical portion sizes can maintain their optimal weight in the long term. And even if you have invited friends over for dinner, it is very practical as a host to be able to control portions during the preparation phase. This means there aren't many leftovers and the guests are still full. We'll show you instructions on how to use the hand measure as a guide for different food portions.

Estimate portion sizes: the amount that fills us up and the amount we actually need

Most recipes specify servings. There is a big difference between the recommended amount, which is called a portion, and the exact amount that we actually eat per meal. With the term portion size and the picture instructions with hand measurements, the nutrition experts are actually trying to illustrate the recommended amount. Example: Most adults should consume between 400 and 500 grams per main meal. We'll show you what this meal is made of. NB: By cup we mean teacup. All foods except leafy vegetables are measured cooked. The portions are for an adult with onedaily calorie intakeof 2000 kcal. If you are currently following a diet plan, you can discuss your daily calorie needs with a nutritionist or your doctor.

Determine portion sizes for leafy vegetables

For a serving of leafy vegetables such as endive, lettuce, lamb's lettuce, rocket, asparagus, spinach, chard and dandelion, you can estimate 2-3 cups or approx. 250 grams. They correspond to the amount that an adult can hold with both hands.

Pasta, spaghetti, rice

Pasta, rice, beans and spaghetti are usually served as side dishes. Calculate around 220 calories per cup of cooked side dish. They correspond to a handful. The amount that fits in the slightly cupped hand of an adult should be served for garnish per person. Children are charged half price.

Portions of fish and meat are appreciated

A normal portion of meat or fish per meal is 200 grams and equals 250 Kcal. This is how to correctly estimate the quantity by hand: stretch your hand and cut the meat into finger-thick pieces that fit in your hand. Serve 1 piece of meat per adult.

Determine portion size: Vegetables with lots of carbohydrates

Vegetables that contain a lot of carbohydrates (e.g. potatoes, corn, peas, pumpkin, zucchini, etc.) should be served sparingly. 1 cup, i.e. 180 kcal or a handful, is sufficient for an adult.

Finger-thick cheese cold cuts

Regardless of whether it is soft or hard, you should preferably cut cheese into finger-thick slices. A slice of cheese has an average weight of 45 grams, with cream cheese it is around 40 grams and with soft cheese a slice as thick as a finger weighs up to 60 grams. Accordingly, the calories can vary greatly, with a maximum of around 165 kcal.

Low carb vegetables

Low carb vegetablessuch as broccoli, cucumbers, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and onions are often served with cheese as an appetizer. One cup has around 40 calories, and a handful is the ideal amount. You can also serve low-carb vegetables as small snacks between main meals. They are also ideal for in between in the office.

Compare a cup of milk with your fist

Depending on whether you buy whole milk or low-fat milk, the calories for one cup can vary between 90 and 145. In this case, use your own clenched fist as a guide.

Determine portions by hand: nuts and muesli

Muesli and nuts are usually eaten together with yogurt. In this case, the palm of the hand indicates: The amount corresponds to 1/4 tea cup and has 130 calories. Many cereal boxes specify a larger minimum amount per serving, so it's better not to stick to it so strictly.

Estimate portion size: Fresh fruit

When it comes to fruit, you can use your clenched fist as a guide. Typically this serving is 100 calories. A medium-sized apple or a banana is just the right amount and typically weighs around 200 grams. Nutrition experts recommend eating fruit 2-3 times a day and always serving fresh seasonal fruit first and only then reaching for dried fruit.

Measure dried fruits by hand

1/4 tea cup of dried fruit weighs around 40 grams and contains around 130 calories. Exactly the same amount fits in the palm of an adult's hand. Cakes are usually decorated with dried fruits. They are also eaten as a snack along with oatmeal and yogurt. Our tip: Dried fruits themselves are very healthy, but unfortunately they contain almost twice as many calories as fresh fruits. So whenever you can, eat fresh fruit.

If you are preparing food for family and friends yourself, you can use the quantities given above as a guide. However, if it is about purchased food such as muesli or chips, then you have to pay extra attention to the portion information provided by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, these are not always marked clearly and easily recognizable. Especially if you are on a diet, you should choose products where the labeling refers to 100 grams.