At Deavita we attach great importance to the quality of our content. Our writers create original, accurate and engaging content that is free of ethical concerns or conflicts.
Our Content Integrity Promise
We are committed to the quality and trustworthiness of our content and editorial processes. Our team of writers and experts continually research and review our content to ensure it is current, accurate and puts our readers' needs first.
At Deavita we strive to deliver the highest quality content produced by people for people. Each article has an byline that includes the name, a brief description, and a link to more information about each person who contributed to that post. The date indicates when the article was last updated with new information. It is against our policy to post automatically generated content created using AI (Artificial Intelligence) writing programs such as ChatGPT.
Photos and videos are not edited in any way that could make them false or misleading.
We correct factual errors in a transparent manner and strive to meet readers' requests.
Our editorial content is not influenced by our advertisers. We maintain a strict separation between advertising and editorial content and make a clear distinction between editorial and advertising content.
Accuracy and corrections
Our editorial team strives to produce high-quality, factual content. If there is an error in an article, we will correct it as quickly as possible.
News articles often relate to a specific event, so they are not routinely updated. Our content is regularly reviewed to ensure that the information is accurate, complete, relevant and up-to-date. Each article is date stamped indicating when it was last updated.
Source reference
Our writers and editors adhere to strict article sourcing standards. We rely on current and reputable primary sources, such as: B. Expert interviews, government organizations and professional and academic institutions. All data, facts and claims are supported by at least one reputable source.
We strongly advise against using anonymous or unnamed sources as this can undermine transparency and reader trust. In the rare cases where an unnamed source is used, we will disclose to readers the reason for anonymity and provide necessary context.
Deavita is committed to independent, impartial and fair reporting. Our editorial content is not influenced by our advertisers. All employees and contributors are committed to a high standard of honesty and transparency.
We maintain a strict separation between advertising and editorial content. Our “Sponsored Content” is marked with the tag “SPONSORED” to indicate that such content is provided by or on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor.
Our goal at Deavita is to provide original, useful and unbiased content. We expect all contributors online to comply with all applicable laws, standards and recognized journalistic practices:
- Careful research and fact checking
- Creating content targeted to information needs
- Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest
- Use of clear, precise and readable language
- Consideration of different perspectives and viewpoints
- Behave respectfully and ethically when interviewing and interacting with sources
At Deavita, we are committed to providing our readers with the highest quality content and ensuring that our editorial processes are transparent and impartial.
If you have any suggestions or comments about an article, you can contact us by email. We will take note of the relevant comments and adapt our content if necessary.